Stage 6 evade: Hadraada vs Kadra

Discussion in 'Skills' started by Lizzy, Feb 24, 2015.

  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    So, Hadraada and Kadra stage 6 both give evade.

    Hadraada gives 6,13ped evade skills
    Kadra 24,03ped.

    Now, I'm thinking (can't test yet, not finished stages 5 on either) that it is cheaper to farm Hadraada stage 6 for evade skills than Kadra.

    Hadraada young have 190hp and Kadra young got 1100hp. Kadra got about 5,8x more hp for youngs than Hadraada. So theoretically you could do the Hadraada stage 6 5,8 more times than the Kadra one for the same amount of ped.

    So it's more beneficial to run the Hadraada stage 6 than the Kadra stage 6. Not counting in the possible loot.

    I was wondering how many other people see it the same way, or think I lost it.
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  2. littleswampymonster

    littleswampymonster Active Member

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    makese perfect sense, thank you for the insight, also hadrada does not have 5% tax
  3. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Well you are right if you use a linear approach to skill gains but there is more to it than that. If you assume that loot is proportional on a cost to kill basis (ignoring littleswampy's excellent point about taxes) you still have to factor in declining skill gains as you progress. Depending on how much evade you have 6.13ped evade slills may not be anywhere near as useful to you as a 24.03 ped gain and I don't just mean because 24.03 is better than 6.13.

    Put simply, the more skilled you are the harder it is to gain skill points so each point is more valuable. I'm sure someone can explain this better than I have.
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    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  4. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not sure I agree with fredzepps reasoning in relation to the value of skill gains. For simplicity of discussion I will use hypothetical mission A with a skill gain reward of 5TT and mission B with a skill gain reward 15TT. the points amount of skill you gain from a 5TT chip will vary depending on your starting skill level. But for a given starting skill pt value, if you use 3 5TT chips you will end up at the same final skill pt value as if you had used 1 15TT chip.

    In the context of missions A and B, the issue is how much does it cost to do Mission A 3 times vs Mission B once?

    Looking at the hadrada vs kadra, based on hitpoints it is clearly going to cost less to get the skills by doing more hadraada missions. I think defensive costs will probably favour the hadraada mission also.

    There are a few other factors that may affect the evaluation though.

    We would expect TT return for Hadraada to be slightly better in the long term owing to the taxation on Kadra. But what about loot MU? Is there any difference in the expected MU of the loot from the two mobs?

    You also need to take into account the ongoing rewards system for kadra globals. If you can meet the criteria for rewards from that system that will increase the benefits of doing the Kadra mission at no extra cost.

    So I am not sure what the final answer is as I don't have all the required info.
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  5. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    1) It's better to check mission points gains from least maturity in both cases (maybe smallest Kadra will give more points than smallest Hadraada) and how much points required to finish Stage 6. In other word are you absolutely sure difference will be 5.8?
    2) From time consuming POV — killing bigger mobs faster than smaller ones (you shoot more and run around less), but that's depends on DPS and how much healing required.
    3) From economy POV — not only taxing and loot. You can kill small Hadraada naked even with First Gen Electric Attack Chip IV almost without healing after each kill. Not sure if you can do same with Kadra (of course depends on your DPS and range).

    @fredzepp — 4 chips with TT 6 PED each will give you absolutely same amount of skills as 1 chip with TT 24 PED. Don't confuse chip TT value with your skill points. :)
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  6. slither

    slither Active Member

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    You're assuming both mobs give the same number of points, my guess is that they don't.
  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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  8. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    True, they got a bounty on their heads. But it's about 'farming' the stage 6 of each mob for the evade rewards, and the theory it might be better to farm hadraada stage 6 rather than the Kadra one.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  9. TechKen

    TechKen Active Member

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    Well, just my little thought on it, since I can barely kill a friggin Kadra young and live through it, I'd go for the hadraada myself. Those I CAN slaughter with little trouble, till I start hitting the bigger ones. Last couple times I went after a Kadra (big mistake), they stomped me into the ground a few times and I had to go back and kill the bastich after I revived and healed. lol

    BUT... here's a little point to add... if you're farming the hadraada, you will get MORE evade than if you go for the kadra, cause you will be killing MORE mobs, and getting a little bit of extra evade every now and then so you can't compare JUST the reward from finishing the stage 6, the curve isn't smooth and is different for every individual.
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  10. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    Only if Hadraada will be able to reach you, before you'll kill it. ;) And that's not common with small ones. Unless you want to be swarmed by them. Of course that not the case if you use melee or very low DPS weapon.
  11. TechKen

    TechKen Active Member

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    True enough... I'm a pistol person myself, and working on my melee. So it would be the case for someone like me.
  12. LokoMotive

    LokoMotive Member

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    I think u should realy ask urself what u want to achive... one hadrada stage 6 mission takes about 1 week of grind on hadrada.
    So if u want to get 24ped evade u need to grind hadrada for 1 month.
    So here u realy need to decide what u want to achive... achiving L55Evader grinding hadrada will be lifetime work.
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  13. San

    San Well-Known Member

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    I learned that for best eco, you should hunt within your defensive profession rating, not attack profession. While too tempting to pass, it just drives your decay and healing cost up. Having some fun, but for the long grind I'll stick with Hadraada until unlocking avoidance (L25 Evader, 8 levels to go). After that it will become more eco to hunt Kadra, because they should hit less when my evader level is above their danger level rating. At least this is the theory I've been hearing. Anything that helps with combat reflexes and agility is beneficial, too. Taxes are an issue, but the reward program on Sanctuary Cove looks attractive if it's there to stay.
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    Last edited: Jul 18, 2015
  14. jjmatrix

    jjmatrix Member

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    I am not so sure about that one:
    1. Skill gain gets lower and lower as you "grow"; also, the more you hunt the same mob, the less skill points you get.
    2. There is a treshold for each mob in terms of Mob level vs Player Level; this is in place so that a higher level hunter is somewhat forced to move up on the mob ladder. Otherwise we all can hunt Puny Carabok by the tens of thousends and skill up that way.