Smuggler Christmas Instances Smuggler Ned Mk1 - 3 - IDEA

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by SallyBridges, Jul 28, 2014.

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  1. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I know that there is a smuggler cave around ;) now I think it would be REALLY cool to put the smuggler cave to a good use, I think that that use should come as an Arkadia Smuggler Christmas Instance Session.

    Rip out the apartment from the cave and Replace with some NPC's.

    Solo & Team Instances Levels 1 - 3

    Instance Level 1 - Players Below LVL 25 in any profession

    Instance Level 2 - Players Above 25 and Below LVL 50 in any profession

    Instance Level 3 - Players Above 50

    In the Instances have Smuggler Mobs - have them spawned around a area. and instance session to last 1 hour. but then 45 mins in to the instance have a Smuggler Ned MK1 / MK2 / MK3 thats a massive Smuggler in the instance Larger than Life and have him shooting and be able to Kill him back.

    Then have Items unique to the Smuggler Ned Mk's maps / clothes / posters / items & teams to be able to form and join to get different instance levels.

    Have it that over an X week period you get X amount of free instance keys and then if you complete 20 Instances then you get entered in to a prize draw with some nice prizes for the dedication of killing NED ;) and killing more NED ;)
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  2. Kull

    Kull Member

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    I second this and would love to see such, one that would reward the participants in some fashion not necessarily UL stuff but with A1 Neruobiotic pills and such buff that are rare in a sense of not easy to obtain, maybe even special cloths such as the world at war jackets or something unique that could be equipped over over armor / cloths. A really well designed and unique UL black and red smuggler armor set Looks really bad @, with boar ish protection or kind of like liakon protection. I believe this would be enough to attract many hunters big and small.
  3. Lovefall

    Lovefall Deactivated User

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    I know I'm deliberately breaking the rules by necroing this post, but I just couldn't resist it. Sorry, Snape! *oops*

    Really, Sally, really? How the beep did you get from this to the current crush you have on the poor guy? :)) Really curious to find out the whole story. :))

    Also really curious what kind of hunt he feared most - that one, when you was hunting him for his live, or this one, when you're hunting him for... well... whatever you're chasing him for. :))
  4. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    its a Love, HATE, Love to KILL relationship..... :meh:
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  5. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Ban people who necro threads and ban people who reply to the necro. Oh wait a minute...:biggrin2:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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