Part 1 * This event is open to anyone with 5-38 agility and has reached level 2 in sweat gathering. *What is Cosmic Challenge?" It is a multi-part event that will take place all over space. Participants will travel and hunt specific targets as a group. The goal is to have a new part at least once a month with different planets involved in each part. *How to Participate* To start this event participants must post a screenshot that clearly shows their agility , sweat gathering level , a stack of 500 Vibrant Sweat and 20 natural stones or fruit in their inventory. Participants must also provide a screenshot of their loot window or inventory containing one of the following items. - Carabok Leg Fur - Halix Tail - Nusul Ear - Oro Skull The first 20 participants to meet all the requirements listed above will be accepted. *note* Please use the "Professions" window to view your sweat gatherer level and make sure your "Disable Loot Windows" is unchecked in the HUD options In Part 1 participants will turn in their 500 Vibrant Sweat , 20 stones/fruit and animal part for a basic weapon, ammunition , an armor piece and a Round Trip flight. In part 1 we will be traveling from Arkadia to Rocktropia and then back to Arkadia. *When does this Event Start and End ?* Entries will be accepted starting now and will no longer be accepted after Feb. 27th. 20:00 MA Time. The event starts and transport will be arranged starting at 22:30 MA time on Feb 27th at Resolute Firebase. The ship leaves at 23:00 so don't be late. The return flight will be on Sunday March 1st. at 23:00 MA time. *Special Thanks* I would like to thank some members of the community who helped to make this event possible so far. *Mike Freyr Perry *Kara RavenJade SummerWind *Snape *Accepted Entries List* Lt Amilie Angelkiss Kiddoo Lovefall Kiddoo Melvin Melvidan Sheridan Epic Sef Legend
32 Agility limit. Not sure who meets the requirements and is willing to go. I have more than that and I'm not so skilled. If this opens up a bit let me know.
Just a thought, someone with 32 agi or less lvl 2 SG will never meet the requirements for oro skull, halix tail or even nusul ear, unless bought. Mostly are either concentrated on sweat circles where on windy isles sometimes people might get swunt team, either way if a new player is on sweat circle, is because he/she doesn't have ped to buy ammo otherwise would be hunting. On celeste outpost since I returned there, are some trolls that keep disturbing natural flow of circles so people give up easyly, so what's left is sweat any mob anyone can get some hits and bring to tower, I've seen this happen a lot with caraboks and gallards.
Perhaps you have a point. I don't see what what opening this up a bit could hurt at this point. I will raise the maximum agility level to 38.
This is the Entry for Lt Amilie Angelkiss. They were having a lot of trouble posting their screen shot I've done it for them.
Free bump for a great event; come on guys, signup; it looks like it will be a lot of fun on that trip... don't leave us alone.
Well I meet the requirements (almost too good with my Agility 38) but this is way too late for me. So I wish everyone a safe trip and enjoy yourselves!
The Entries have been extended to 22:00 and sweat gathering level requirement has been reduced to level 1. These late entries will receive a slightly lesser equipment package.