Looking for a SOC to call home

Discussion in 'SocTalk' started by The Fu, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. The Fu

    The Fu New User

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    Right now I'm hangin out on MS Kronan working on repair skills so of course I have some time on my hands! I started out on Cyrene and finished my mentorship entirely planetside. Call it a personal challenge or call it a waste of time, I had fun doing it. After that I cruised over to Caly and got to know the lay of the land over there and lately I've been spending a lot of time on Arkadia. This space stuff is fascinating and learning some piloting skills seems pretty cool. Basically I like to experience it all but I'm in no hurry and I'm enjoying the journey. I depo when I can but prefer the challenge of skilling without depositing (current repair skilling not included!)

    IRL, I play in US, mountain time zone and would like a soc that is active, experienced, helpful (with the knowledge and advice) and maybe just maybe utilizes some method of voice chat. I appreciate any responses and look forward to this part of my journey too!
    • Welcome! Welcome! x 3
  2. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Benevolence is always accepting good players. We dont care what level you are, just as long as you respect others. We have an active teamspeak server. Most times of day there are 3-5 players online, up to 10-15 at peak times. We have players of all levels, and abilities. If you have any question about the game, we can help you out. I see you on the MS a lot, send me a pm sometime.

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey
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  3. Craggan

    Craggan Member

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    Another option for you could be Don't Feed the Animals. We are a semi small soc with about 15 active players from the US and Europe but most of us are insomniacs and play at odd hours. Our main core players are on usually in the evenings US time (I'm EST but we have several players that are central and PST as well). Feel free to look us up in the soc terminal and if you have questions we can talk in game or even get onto TS if you prefer.
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  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    NBK Army (0 to 50k total skills) or NBK Rangers (50k - 150k) are also good socs (I'm biased ofc)
    Our numbers of active players are high enough that the soc has folk in all time zones.
    Feel free to chat to me in game or other members of the soc you may have met on Kronan. Sound them out about their experiences of the soc.
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