Lootable pvp zone

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Morgoth, Feb 10, 2015.

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  1. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    I like the lootable pvp zone in ark, I was wondering if we could potentially add some fun things to bring in more players.

    Like maybe more fruit and stones drop, and in bigger amounts so that newer pvp'ers don't necessarily have to kill people to be able to make something out of the zone right away.

    Anyway love the design, love the 200m nearby compared to say 400m. Looks like a potential for loads of fun, just need some more people playing in it :)
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  2. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Lootable pvp though - would mean that if you collected fruit and stones dung that if you then got shot there looted ;) but yes its a nice idea to collect some free items.

    I think sometimes as well the anti toxic shock puts people off - also pvper's normally change there settings before going to pvp / space to give them an added advantage remove from friends list soc / frends and only have nearby set - gives you a little warning of what might be lurking around the corner.

    I am pretty sure there are going to be some changes to the lootable pvp - the area already has recent snow effects added and its really pretty to walk around - yes i am that stoopid that i go in with full graphics to admire the scenery there are also parts I have seen and cant wait to see again ;) thats all I am going to say now as pretty sure in the next vu or the one after these might be comming in to the area. ( there was something that happened between vu's shal we say ) but so hope this comes back ! ! ! ! ! .

    Also with the Gold Rush Events the DEV team have had more time - it was march last year we got the underground and there are more of them now and so really excited for the next version update ;)

    Even better though is when I have been looted with some mining went to another area and mined and hoffed ;) so pvp and pkers arnt all bad they brought me luck on that occasion.

    Maybe some further events setup on the IFN training grounds might get more people active in to pvp as well or organising a scenic trip around with a ceasfire set initially.

    Settings that help you in space / pvp - set incognito - remove online status - friends list nearby only.

  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Damn, this kind of post pisses me off.

    If pkers really do want fun and action then they can create events amongst themselves and have fun fighting people with skills. Instead they make posts like this in hope of drawing in soft targets with no skills so they can get cheap and easy loots from them.

    99% of pkers are pussies who don't want a fair fight but just want to pray on those with less skills.
  4. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I dont see much in the way of convincing or deception... Morgoth has made perfectly reasonable suggestions, lootable pvp with a incentive to enter has been needed for awhile, trying to get out alive with a valuable rare resource that spawns there could be that incentive.
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  5. Saoirse

    Saoirse Member

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    back in the day the thing that kept me going into pvp 4 on Caly was Attackers.... They used to drop Teleport chip II but back then it was a rareish drop, rare enough to hold the MU of +200 but not too rare that you did not stand a really good chance to loot one.

    UL no lootable items with a controlled MU will bring people into PVP! I used to do 50-100 ped ammo runs on them and if I got a TP chip i never cared about being killed by a PKer as I had more than my run in profit from the chip. The mob needs a good agro so not to have PKer running around with no decay looking for hunters, spawn area needs to be large and rugged too so they dont just round the edge picking off hunters, the hunters need a chance to hide, run, TP out or fight!
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  6. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    lol ya I'd make bank on looting them newbies for fruits and stones :p

    Honestly I dont think anyone would be dumb enough to come in and do that. Now let me explain how this could help a noob rather then hurt them

    1k fruits/stones goes for 2-5ped. Toxic shot to get in is 5ped, and you will want a tp chip too, with a little ME.

    So if they set it toware fruit and stone drops were frequent, and about 150-200 bundles it would make walking threw worth the risk of losing 5ped of toxic shot.

    It's not as crazy as you think bro, use your friendlist/nearby to watch, if you see a name pop up hit your hotkey to tp out asap.

    As for a personal note I dont pvp on planets much, mostly in space, and not as a pirate but souly against them. Try not to hate me to much, I am a little nice ;)
  7. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    Hey I'm all for it leave pvp as pleasent as pvp players like, and leave space non pvp for all others, so while pvp players will give their money for MA, I'll make good business without the annoyance of being robbed in space neither paying transport fees and tp fees to keep my loot safe
  8. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Yes you make it sound so simple the only issue here is that is if it's not all the big of deal and is just for the fun, then I ask why not ask more people to just play pvp in a non \-lootable area?
  9. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Actually I think this all misses an important point, pvp on planet (lootable and non-lootable) would all benefit from being able to make better use of the cover provided by vegetation, ruins rocks etc. Then folk could actively hunt each other and set ambushes, as opposed to stand up high with big rifle or area effect weapon and just snipe.
    Arkadia snow area pvp and Toulan pvp both have great terrain features that could be used for the equivalent of Guerrilla warfare. Possibly with the area being declared closed for events from time to time so innocent miners etc warned to leave.
    Could be fun to have team wargames now and again, for glory and not ped
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  10. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    fruit and dung - nah. rocktropia has kegs. hub has lime green tokens. add lime green drops to lootable zone as well as the hub. also add em to arenas in hub besides the proving ground. better yet - make it lemon lime green tokens in lootable and arenas other than pg, and add npc to exchange 100 lime green for one lemon lime... and add items to buy for lemon lime:) ;)
  11. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    Were talking about improvements to lootable pvp zone, not discussing how to improve the non-lootable pvp zone. Lootable pvp vs non-lootable is just like black jack vs the slots. I enjoy when I am gambling against other players too, and not just the house... and lootable pvp isn't somewhere most accidentally wander into with there whole inventory :p

    But if you perfer non-lootable go check out ark oil rig, it's a nice zone for hunting and a little pvp fun too.
  12. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Well you did state that who would be dumb enough to go into lootable pvp with loot. So more or less you make it as if most would be in lootable or non lootable with the same value of items. So I ask again then what is wrong with non-lootable pvp? The simple answer is the hopes that you can score it big by taking the loot from other. This thread isn't about how to make it more fun but to try and get more to go to lootable pvp so you can simply try and make more off others. If I'm wrong then I ask again in a RCE based game what is wrong with having them put more development into a fun non-lootable pvp area?

    At the end you can justify it all you want. Funny thing is really is if we were to ask this question in a prison we get the exact same answers.
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  13. Morgoth

    Morgoth Member

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    non-lootable pvp is a ped drain on the PP with little to no influx of ped.

    Lootable pvp dropping more stones, fruits and maybe even some random oil drops would encourage new players to risk a "5 ped toxic shot" because buying that most would know to storage before entering lootable pvp.

    lol thinking about it, lots of weapons used in pvp cost 1ped to 8ped per shot, how many ubers out there want to farm newbies for fruits and stones for that kind of ammo expenditure?

    However moving it to lootable pvp involves a medium risk if they are wise about getting a tp chip and watching nearby on FL. At the same time wont run the PP bust giving away a bunch of free crap without people doing some spending/fighting to fund it.

    so ya... adding more freebies to non-lootable pvp is just greedy and not being fair to the pp.

    Meh forget this thread, can a mod close it pls, I made this for people who enjoy lootable pvp and it's been highjacked by sideline critics.
  14. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Thread closed as per request of OP
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