Medusa Armaments

Discussion in 'Shops' started by ron.jester, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. ron.jester

    ron.jester Member

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    The shop is small in size and started out with 40 item points, which has recently been expanded to 60 item points in the main area, and the display area got upgraded to 20 points. This doubled the inventory space and made Medusa Bazaar 1:5 one of the first two Medusa Bazaar shops to be upgraded and to receive points in the otherwise empty display areas.

    The image shown above is the newly created signage at the front of the shop.
    • Gratz! Gratz! x 1
  2. ron.jester

    ron.jester Member

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    I restock the shop daily with a diverse selection of weaponry... melee, ranged, mindforce... quite a selection available for the inventory space, so see what's currently available!

    I try to specialize in acquiring Mentor Edition, SGA Edition, "Relic" Trade Terminal weapons, and tiered weaponry. I generally focus on unlimited weapons however limited weaponry is also available.

    In the front of the shop there is a clearance table marked "SALE ITEMS" that is currently displaying a selection of Solomate Kangoo's at the prices listed below.

    Weapons in stock right now...

    Jester D1 TT+1
    Jester D2 TT+2
    Solomate Kangoo TT+6
    L/Murdand Groover TT+7
    Mar-Lighter Davidov TT+9
    Solomate Opalo TT+20
    Ozpyn Chon S1X1 TT+20
    S.I. HK110 TT+30

    ... and many more!

    These items will have various TT values and may or may not be limited in quantity.

    I'm seriously considering selling weapons by consignment, high value weapons that will take up the few slots I have in the front of the shop. Message me in game or on this forum if your looking for such an opportunity.

    I'll be running a sweepstakes soon for my customers, more details will be announced when I've got them written up.

    I'm now selling pet deeds trained by avatar Syr Avalon Rychmon on a consignment basis. Please refer to his thread here.

    Pet Name Tags are now available on the Shopkeeper for 6 peds each!

    Check back with this thread daily!
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2015
  3. ron.jester

    ron.jester Member

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  4. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Good luck with your shop.