Can you help we with a schoolassignment?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Lizzy, Dec 16, 2014.

So, would you help me?


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  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Hey everyone,

    As many of you know I don't play the game a lot any more, instead I spend a lot of time going to school. Now I got a schoolassignment where I have to do a market research on an idea I have created. This thing is just an idea, and it is not ment to become reality (however, It would be nice, so if anyone have any ideas to help me with it - it will be welcomed.)

    Without further delays, I will explain the idea below and I got 5 questions I need awnsered by at least 10 people. This assignment is not due until 4 weeks from now, so take your time.

    The Idea:
    The idea is to create a social networking website like LinkedIn and/or Facebook. Instead, this website is aimed at people who create (parts of) video games to make connections with each other. May it be writers, programmers, visual designers, you name it. When all these creators come together it would be easier for a company to find some one with the right skills, and freelancers -beginners or veterans- will be able to find work easier.

    The questions:
    1- What would you do if you come across a website like this?
    2- Do you think there is a need for a website like this? (Please elaborate)
    3- Say you have experience in creating (parts of) video games, would this be something you would like to use, and why?
    4- Could you think of a negative side to a website like this?
    5- Would you pay for it, and why?
  2. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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  3. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    The Idea Seams Good Enough you might in your resurch want to look at croud sourcing / Funding sites as sometimes if some one has a great idea and there is buy in for this then funding can get raised for it. Also I think from memory its This used to be trade only and they normaly have a trade only event.

    Also as Arkadia / Entropia is based on Cryengine game engine ( yes there are plenty of other ones ) but they have there own developer forums and the admin kit is also free to download use - or minimal licensing costs just using this one as an example and for further background

    The questions:
    1- What would you do if you come across a website like this?

    The Site would be going in to a more niche market and there are often a fair amount of websites that are already available and so you would need to be offering something unique - also you might to get some of the top games developers on board. Some of the issues would be that Contractually and often under terms and conditions of employment existing employees cant talk about what they are working on or what might be comming out in the future.

    2- Do you think there is a need for a website like this? (Please elaborate)

    I think there is a need for this sort of website and if it could pool several of the existing development sites together then this could be great but also there are a lot of companies that dont just produce games for pc they now do xbox1 playstation etc etc these are also reliant on hardware providers and again secrets from within ( they do have there own development consoles and test consoles not available to consumers ) and so you would also need to think very carefully about accessing this site and site security.

    3- Say you have experience in creating (parts of) video games, would this be something you would like to use, and why?

    When you are programming or 3d modelling then it is usefull to look at others techniques and to learn for your self this isnt my main proffession in any way shape or form but I have done 3d modelling in 3d studio max back in 96 and can go back further to actually using basic and q basic to program lines of code on to a zx spectrum ( yes we dindt have the internet then either )

    I like to be able to look at other models and techniques and the team behind arkadia know what they are doing - this isnt an easy task and they make everything look so good.

    A lot of people also £D MODDING ( 3d Mod Challenges ) now this is where you can see some of the top people create spinning 3d models with basic music all within a 7k file size or pre determined file size and is an open event you used to get some real crazy ones one of the most famouse was probably 99/00 and the dancing baby.

    4- Could you think of a negative side to a website like this?

    This website would need to be VERY secure also there might be risk to companies that there Intelectial Porporty / Ideas get released on to this site. Site would also need to be very hacker proof as people would want to gain access to what behind closed doors is there a vetting process for this.

    How would the site control / remove access when some one left say Microsoft to Join Apple with known knowledge.

    5- Would you pay for it, and why?

    What you might find as a revenue stream for this site to keep it running would be to have a recruitment agancy type involvment where candidates / projects can get worked on bidded on and the site takes % payment on this.

    Hope this helps ;) and good luck geting t it done so you can get back in game as well ;) ;)
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  4. Bear

    Bear Member

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    1. People can enlist skills and upload or refere to work they have done. GFX, Programming, ect.... and the level of skill (self assingned with help by Q&A system)
    2. Your customers define what kind of skills they need. They get a list of people available and can check their suff.
    3. Your customer pays if he wants the contacts (don´t make the enlisting people pay)

    So, yeah - it could work IF you get a good initial set of freelancers AND you have a good system to evalute skills AND you manage to cover (not show) any contact information before your customer pays.

    Let me refere you to the EQF system (European Qualifications Framework).
    It might be of good help if you design the DIY skill level system.
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  5. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    I am not a programmer, so I have little experience in this area, but it does seem like a locjked down version of Linked in, only for programmers. I do not see a market for it I am afraid. Linked in is effectively an online CV, there are plenty of other CV stores (such as CV libraray etc) where you can upload CV's, references etc, and which recruiters use. I am a freelancer who is regularly contacted via these means, so the model does work, but I dont think you are offering anything new and enetering into a market which is already pretty well served.

    Sorry, but thats my opinion.
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  6. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Great responses so far. Thank you guys :)

    As for the idea, I have googled some myself when at school working on the project - but nothing specific like this idea came up. (although, the f*ckers at school make us use bing *rolls eyes*)

    But the whole market research thing is to find out if something like this would be possible in real life - and I can only 'program' interfaces and know the very basics of HTML coding, this is not something I would just do myself. I just like the idea and look at possibility's.

    Never stop dreaming :)
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  7. Ryloth

    Ryloth Member

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    Always glad to help, although I am pretty skeptical of the idea. I love the exercise though and think it will give good experience; if you stick with toying with new ideas long enough one idea is bound to land and take root. :)

    1- What would you do if you come across a website like this?
    I don't know if I ever would, I am not involved in the game building process, professionally or on an amateur level. That is an exceptionally small niche in my mind, people that are in this field and are looking to get into more work/different work/side jobs/different projects. If I role play the mind of someone in the field I'm sure people would be willing to investigate it. Beginning questions, which would affect whether I stayed around, would be if it was free to join, how many other users are on the site, what is some feedback about a realistic turnaround time (I say I am a graphic designer and I get a few leads a week), etc.

    2- Do you think there is a need for a website like this? (Please elaborate)
    I have used LinkedIn professionally but not very much. I am in a great position within my profession, and really just use it to keep track of a few friends in my industry. Others I know in my field use LinkedIn professionally in the context you are spelling out, to network to find more or better work. As Sally put it, I think you would have to make your niche stand out from LinkedIn to make it appeal to your target customers.

    3- Say you have experience in creating (parts of) video games, would this be something you would like to use, and why?
    I have no experience in video game creation. I do have some experience with LinkedIn and see the value of LinkedIn for people looking for work or for employers.

    4- Could you think of a negative side to a website like this?
    Yes, if I was a freelance graphic designer that was already on other social sites, what would draw me here? The angle that comes to mind first is that a graphic designer on LinkedIn could network with many industries; you are focusing on a smaller niche, video games. Honestly, I don't see why you would do this, unless your goal is an accomplishment in the gaming industry, not just making a financially successful networking site. What is your goal for the site? To make money, find work for yourself and/or friends, be the creative mind that creates a new generation of super game? By making it only for the video game industry I think you limit yourself. By broadening it I think you are competing even more with LinkedIn, and I haven’t heard of a mechanic that makes your brand stand out. One struggle I see on LinkedIn is each employer knows where you came from, or where you went when you left them, by seeing your CV. If you came up with a clever solution to that problem that may be a standalone reason to use your product on a large scale.

    5- Would you pay for it, and why?
    I keep referring to LinkedIn as my frame of reference and I have not paid any fees to make my name and skillset known on LinkedIn, or to network, and would expect the same elsewhere, at least for that limited service. In my wife’s profession I have paid persons before for referring a client that is a repeat customer. I strongly suspect that to a freelancer in any profession such a fee is not unwarranted. I don’t know how I would integrate that into such a system. I think Sally addressed it well but don’t know if you want to go the angle of actually having people bid on projects, or just connect names. If the site had a good pool of candidates I’m sure an employer would be willing to pay a small finder’s fee.
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  8. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    The questions:
    1- What would you do if you come across a website like this? I would point it out to several people I know in the industry. If I worked in the industry myself, i would sign up straight away.
    2- Do you think there is a need for a website like this? (Please elaborate) Yes. With the global rise in digital entertainment and specifically adult video gaming there is more and more demand for talented and innovative people in the industry. In the past, it has been more of the "who you know" scenario but a website like this would enable companies to look far and wide for new and untapped talent.
    3- Say you have experience in creating (parts of) video games, would this be something you would like to use, and why? Certainly, it would allow me to cast a global wide net looking for job opportunities.
    4- Could you think of a negative side to a website like this? No not really. Every person and company that is serious about their marketing these days HAS to be on the online bandwagon...its a simple must in this day and age.
    5- Would you pay for it, and why? Yes a nominal fee would be acceptable, though I despise the pay to promote model that Facebook uses and the pay for premium account nonsense that just unlocks some additional perks or functions.
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  9. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Bumpity-bump! 4/10 done so far.

    Thanks again guys, what I got will help a lot already listing the positive and the negative things related to idea. Keep it up you smart(er than me) people!
  10. Lizzy

    Lizzy Deactivated User

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    Thank you all for your help guys, all answers are 'approved' so to say (and the good news is I won't have to translate everything for my teacher) I will now award the 5 responses with 5 forum points each as a thank you for your time.