Landing on Arkadia

Discussion in 'Ask an Adviser' started by MaraKyran, Dec 12, 2014.

  1. MaraKyran

    MaraKyran Member

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    Hello peoples of Arkadia,

    A few of you might have noticed with the new VU changes, we land in a different area when coming from space.

    Overall entering planet atmosphere feels buggy and glitchy in this new update.

    But i'd like to request a small change in the point of entry, simply hitting CTRL and waiting to hit the planet is no longer good. You will end up on the roof of Celeste Military HQ, which i feel is very unfortunate.

    Can we please have our point of entry reset to Celeste Harbour next to the TP as it was?
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  2. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    Best way to land:
    1. Exit Quad in air.
    2. Pick up Quad right after you exit.
    3. ????
    4. Profit, also die, but profit.
  3. MaraKyran

    MaraKyran Member

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    i have no problem landing my friend, if you read the post, you see it the location of point of entry.
    I has changed in the VU, not sure if intentional or not.
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  4. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    I agree that the entry appears very odd now, your quad seems to be buffeted by high winds and for a few moments at least appears uncontrollable. This may be intentional and adds some interest to re-entry.

    The landing area however seems wrong....
    If you do a straight vertical landing as described above you crash onto the roof.
    If you sky-dive and fail to pick-up quad successfully you revive indoors at the HQ and the quad is somewhere outside, probably stuck on the roof. No option other than recall to storage, then run and get it before you forget.
    I don't miss the pick-up often, but I do re-entry several times a day and it is already becoming a nuisance, I have taken to flying away from HQ and landing at .. you guessed it.. harbour

    I like the new HQ building (same as Dauntless FB) and feel it could become a nice trade centre, but unless people can land cleanly it is unlikely to become popular.

    I am sure the shop owners near the harbour would appreciate less lag (though I expect this is same server so the change may not help), but I am equally sure they are not impressed that they are no longer on view to new arrivals. Many of these shops have been reskinned (not a cheap option) and are imo a fine example of what Arkadia has to offer the visitors to planet, unfortunately most people will simply by-pass them as they use the indoor TP to take them to their preferred destination for hunting/mining etc

    This may all seem very picky, but it could make a bad first impression on visitors to Ark, and be detrimental to local trade rather than improving it.
    • Agree Agree x 5
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2014
  5. Teshik

    Teshik Member

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    There is a reason for coming in there. You are not supposed to jump out of quad ect.
    If you fly down there are some hangers just on the front side of the cliffs which are the landing places for space vehicles. These provide a clean landing site.
    From here you can teleport to the main HQ and from there to anywhere on Arkadia.
    This was all done as an effort to have a space port as has been asked for by a number of players.
  6. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    I like jumping out of a perfectly good plane.... when I hit the buildings and fly around like a "Rag Doll" I have to laugh... Its better than landing on Caly where you have to fly to the rooftop of the Mall, or get stuck nowhere near a TP. The spawn point inside the Military base is nice, and has anything an arriving person needs.

    What we should do is have an event to screenshot the best rag doll flop :hungover:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    i like it too. very much indeed!! best way to exit a plane :D
    is there an achievement like on caly, the asphalt pizza, you know?:hungover:
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