Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The Quadwing Equus - Special edition Quadwing Interceptors


    Entropia Universe will be auctioning off 25 high-performance spacecraft. The new two-seater luxury vessels feature a warp drive for rapid interplanetary travel, along with unrivaled handling and top speed, critical when operating in potentially hostile regions.

    The Quad-wing Interceptor is a medium fighter capable of space and atmospheric flight. Its 4-wing configuration is commonly seen patrolling space stations and mother ships to fend off pirate attacks. This fast and agile ship is the bread and butter interceptor for most private armies, although it’s also a favorite among privateers due to its weapons load out and speed.

    Auctions for the fiery-red Quadwing Equus ships will begin on December 9th, 2014, with opening bids of 50,000 PED (5,000 USD). Bidding competition is expected to be fierce. End times for the 25 auction listings will be staggered at various hours of the day, and over a period of three weeks, so that interested parties from all time zones can participate.

    To see all info regarding the Quadwing Equus and take part in the auctions, login to Entropia Universe using the full 3D PC-client and contact any auctioneer. You can also use the Android app Virtual Tycoon to access the auction.

    If you need to create a new or update your existing Entropia Universe account see

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  2. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    I really dont like the unfair advantage that these provide, great way for MA to make money, but also a great way to screw up the balance of space.
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  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Agreed. Its bad enough now that some Pirates use hacks and exploits in space. This is just handing them an advantage on a silver plate.

    A more important question though is, if MA are releasing more vehicles like this, does that mean our long awaited IFN dropship isn't far away?
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  4. fredzepp

    fredzepp Active Member

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    Interesting livery, can't wait for Ferrari to take a look at it and start throwing lawsuits about :banhammer1:
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  5. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    I think, given the name Equus and the colouring, that they might actually be the sponsor for that ship.
    If they are not though, I agree that would be kinda inviting a brand-use lawsuit.
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  6. sinkillerj

    sinkillerj Active Member

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    The emblem seams like a parody to me, parts of it resemble Porsche, and parts Ferrari. Also seams to me if it was a licensed deal they would have made that clear in the post, good publicity.
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  7. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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  8. Granny Rowan

    Granny Rowan Active Member

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    Quote ' .... commonly seen patrolling space stations and mother ships to fend off pirate attacks. This fast and agile ship is the bread and butter interceptor for most private armies, although it’s also a favorite among privateers due to its weapons load out and speed.'

    One thing is for sure if MA think that these are only going to end up in the hands of the anti-pirate squads they are going to be deeply disappointed.

    It will be interesting to see the split of people that buy these and the use they are put to :
    Pirates.. Quad VIP taxi service...Look at me I have a Ferrari...smuggler... anti-pirate squad
    Only then will we see just how this affects the balance of space or to what extent it could damage the trade of the privateers.

    What it does do is put another layer of ships into space that already has many ships sitting idle.
    Hopefully one day MA will realise that to make space more exciting and active it is not ships or transport that we need but activities.
    Mining, events, migrations, mission chains, decent loot returns, if players can see the chance of a profit then they will come to space, and the pirates will increase accordingly...then let the games begin !!
  9. Hideo

    Hideo Active Member

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    no, it´s not! inverted horse, small changes to outline and no italian flag ontop of the shield.

    but 50k??:eek: omg!! i hope them are unlimited :wink:
  10. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    It would probably say Ferrari on it as well.

    I guess they've run out of ideas for other over Xmas sales to generate cash so they've started with the ships, with warp capability I guess it's a kick to the nuts for all those who said travel between planets should only be for the big ships but also opens the doors for smaller transports but they should have been doing this from the start rather than having all the MS.

    It doesn't have to be an outright copy just something that's supposed to look like it. The fact it's a red ship with a yellow shield with a prancing horse on it is enough to encourage the association. It was discussed in QI on the bbc and, although it's unlikely to cause confusion. If this were a free mod made by an individual I think they'd get away with it but at selling them at minimum $5000 I don't think they will.
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
  11. cattsscann

    cattsscann Member

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    Good Golly Miss Molly.....

    We used to be able to out run a Pirate with a little bit of brains.. and planning, and some skill acquired over time. But now??

    No average player can get one of these. In the hands of Micjack or other un-named unmentionable.. We (the average player) don't stand a chance in space. What good is my Captains level against something that will simply run me down before I even get started???
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  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Meh, I'm still flabbergasted that it was real?! [​IMG]
    I couldn't imagine that another site would be able to publish something that important before
    So I kinda assumed/hoped it was a fake. Amazingly it was not.
    SB 1.25 million dollar for MA, and an even more unbalanced space for the players.
    Didn't the MS have a 40k SB? Apparently these are more valuable?

    In the 'guessing' threads, the majority couldn't imagine it could be warp capable spacecrafts.
    Because it would royally mess with the big investors in space: MS and privateer owners.
    If the log-out will indeed be canceled (like was alluded to in a dev note) then the one advantage of MS and privateers over the new warp quads is gone.
    (Plus they are able to land on a planet, something that MS/Privateer (still) can't do.)

    But not only do they turn out to be warp capable, they'll have UNL warp:
    At least they don't mention that the SI can be upgraded. Though honestly, by now that wouldn't even surprise me anymore.
    Oh well; we'll have to wait and see what these specs will do to space.[​IMG]

    But concerning the look: a counterfeit Ferrari? It could fit in the RT style, but in space it seems a bit out of place.
    If it was really in collaboration/with permission of Ferrari, they would have shouted that fact from the roofs.
    Now it feels more like a big boy's toy, with the originality level of fake Gucci bags.

    One advantage is that a cheating pirate wont need to use speed hacks anymore: this toy can do it legally now.
    And it might be even be more satisfying now, if you have heavy dung on you when looted: >100kg total carried weight degrades the speed, and >150kg total carried weight disables the warp capability.
    So time to stack that dung! [​IMG]
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  13. HaKuRa

    HaKuRa Active Member

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    To be sincer, this is total BS. Bye bye quadwing in space is now useless.
  14. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    The speed, weapon, and armor capabilities would have to be far superior... otherwise this is a worthless ship.

    The weight nerf destroys any use by crafters, or anyone carrying much of anything.... maybe 2 naked people in a cockpit? eeewwwwww :puke:
    Its just a ship for pirate activity, thats about it....

    "The Quad-Wing Equus luxury spacecraft sacrifices cargo space in exchange for rapid transport capability, and thus has lower cargo capacity than other Quad-Wing ships (10 items / 40kg). Also, the top speed of the Equus degrades if the total carried weight (cargo + cockpit) exceeds 100kg, while warp capability becomes disabled once the total carried weight exceeds 150kg."

    dunno.... the details released are minimal, space is still all messed up as an engine, the physics are horrible.... this just leaves me shouting NEXT!!!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    wait a second. they let us use the trunk on vehicles in space again?
  16. MrDoc

    MrDoc Member

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    after reading different posts about this toy ... leaving aside the fact that the 5k price is ridiculous .... its useless to pirates because of the speed reduction after collecting any sorts of weigh leaving it exposed to counters ( my opinion ) ... it will pretty much decimate the MS business ( my opinion again ) ... and about the ferari knockoff it may be even some kind of sponsorship from ferari for some cheap publicity having the fact that EU is a world wide game with lots of people in it
  17. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    tbh the weight thing should have been part of space to begin with and there's no guarantee they won't add it to the other ships currently available.

    Does Ferrari really need Mindark to promote them? I'd have thought it would be the other way around as most people have never heard of EU there's nothing on their facebook page to suggest a link up.
  18. Jod

    Jod Well-Known Member

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    Certainly not and if it was an official cross promotion MA would have had to pay for the privilege.
  19. May

    May Active Member

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    Perhaps the weight restriction is done on purpose, to restrict it to a specific use as an interceptor?
    As an addition to MS and Privateer crews, to help defend against/attack pirates. [​IMG]
    And one that is able to warp with them, so they can be there for the entire trip.
    (Atm that's not possible, and you would need to have a Quad before the warp, and have one waiting for you after the jump.)

    In that (specific) scenario the specs make sense.
    If you are a dedicated 'warp guard'/interceptor, then you don't need to carry anything with you, except loads of ammo (and perhaps some warp mines)?

    Though I still can't make sense of the price and the 'counterfeit look'. [​IMG]