CTD Working with storage cause repeated CTD

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by KikkiJikki, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Grrr. getting very frustrated with repeated ctd when I try to interact with storage. All I am trying to do is get my various animal oils together so I can sell some more on auction.
    I have way way more than 500 items in storage (for reasons I will discuss in a bit) so to find stuff I often have to transfer bulk amounts of items to inventory until U get under the 500 item limit. then I find what I want and transfer it all back
    This didnt used to be a problem but since yesterday I get CTD if I
    - try to a large number of items at once
    - drop the items into storage or inventory where there is overlap with existing items (previously it would just automatically put the items lower down).

    Some helpful people might suggest that I purge my storage or put everything in boxes or vehicles. The reason i need so many items in storage is because I craft a large variety of weapons and armour and faps and... so I need a large variety of stackables used as ingrediants. I also hunt and I save my loot until the stacks are big enough to sell. I do use boxes - for weapons and armour etc. But that doesnt really work for stackables since the weight would tend to exceed most boxes capacity. At best I would end up with 500 or so boxes.

    In any case, there wasn't a problem 2 days ago but there is. So really, MA have broken something which should be fixed. It's really frustrating, last night I logged off without achieving anything and spent my time doing other stuff. Starting to look Iike tonight might end up the same way.

    And of course none of these games would be necessary if MA would implement a list based storage UI so that I didn't need to work around the current display limits.
  2. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    buy some of the resettlement containers. Each has 100 item slots.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks for your feedback. Please see my response in my original post.
  4. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Temporary thought for you: are you already leveraging the rather lovely feature that Arkadia UG has it's own separate storage space?
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  5. Grizgal

    Grizgal Active Member

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    Very nice. Thanks for pointing this out. That in itself is enough reason for me to check it out.
  6. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I really need my stuff to be stored where I craft so I am not sure that putting half in UG is going to be effective.

    Further testing tonight is showing me that storage interaction is not the ultimate issue causing the ctds, though it is an action that allows me to reproduce the problem pretty much on demand. Tonight I had my avatar sit idle for 30 minutes with no issue. But then I started doing things in auction or reviewing the ped flow centre, I crashed fairly promptly. Havent yet been able to test hunting as I crashed too many times getting my gear organised.

    At this stage I am thinking network issues but I did some speed tests and the results are around what I might expect. In any case its going to be tough running the business until I get to the bottom of this issue.
  7. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Strange if your the creture of habit that I think you are then you are more than lickley at Sanc Cove and even when the was the server downgrade and things this server was still pretty reliable - I had a couple of disconnects lastnight chasing some of the oratan dylan kindly setup at one of the firebases. And noticed that there was a bit of lag on the trade terminal. havent logged in yet today but will check later when i am home.

    It Might be that the whole server estate is virtulised and they have borrowed some resources to test out the up comming vu as the arkadia one is looking like its going to be pretty big - if they have might be worth throwing in a support ticket to say it feels downgraded / laggy - I Personally think this as when the new servers came in there was deffinatly a bigger improvment than what we are currently getting and would make sense that they could then perform upgrades on the virtual estate on the fly and also throw resources at busy servers when events are operational and run.

    This is extreamly easy to do these days in both vmware and hyperv
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I have a large number of ingredients as well. Since I don't store up my hunting loot stacks too big, I can keep all extractors and looted components in containers. I have separate containers for crafted components, certain categories of mats etc. Twenty or so tall urns and I'm able to get below 500 items. My biggest problem is blueprints... I hate sorting them so I throw looted ones underground, over 1k of them atm need to be sorted.

    Not sure if your problem is related to storage, but I've experienced problems with CTDs and overloaded storage, mainly when trying to transfer large amounts of items from storage to inventory or vice versa. I think it's a memory issue. The more items you have in inventory, the more memory it takes up (maybe graphics on safe mode before starting the game would help this). Similar to when we had the mission crafting bug that brought up 1000 windows during your crafting run, it would eat up a lot of memory. Which is probably the reason they limit the storage display to 500.

    Other than that... since it only started recently perhaps you added something to your storage/inventory that is causing problems. Not sure how that would relate to the ped flow center or auction house though. Anyway it wouldn't hurt to try repairing, clear shader cache, safe mode, etc if you haven't done that yet.
  9. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    I think it might be a memory issue of some kind too...
    I believe the lower-res images would use less - are you willing to try dropping your display resolution to Low or Safe mode and see if that improves your situation?

    If it does you'd have a pretty clear indication we have some sort of issue with graphics memory. Reducing your Draw Distance temporarily would also reduce number of objects it is trying to hold in memory.

    If none of those make a difference though, then you either have some item in your inventory which has some sort of bug on it (as in, outsized memory usage), or you have a connection speed issue - not sure what speed you connect at but I have mine set at 384 kbit which seems stable for my location.
  10. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks, I'm thinking graphics settings is the next thing to try also. I went hunting tonight, crashed a few times but not as often as yesterday. I have 32GB of RAM and I am not seeing that go anywhere near full utilisation but then there is the graphics card memory and I wouldn't know how to check usage of that resource. So tomorrow its down to safe mode to see what happens. Also there is the connection setting in the client loader to check.

    Its a bit frustrating though. I'm playing on Alienware M18X with good cpu, memory, & card so it should shouldn't have any resource issues, and of course I had no problems prior to a few days ago.
  11. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I think I have found a stable configuration. Graphics settings arent the issue. I went down to safe mode with no change in behaviour so have put them back to medium settings for now (I usually run at very high). But if I drop the connection speed all the way down to 128Kbit then system does not crash (so far). I was running at 1Mbit.

    Once i have caught up with some of my crafting I'll start pushing the speed back up to see if I can establish the break point.
  12. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Just wondering if you have the nvidea cards or nvidea duel sli in your alienware there has recently been an updated driver pushed out and sometimes this can cause an issue with EU - i have had this before and reported to nvidea and crytek and they get a fix out pretty quick.

    Also hit f2 on the startup and go in to the bios if you are risk adverse slap on the overclocking feture to the first level if you want safe or max it if you accept the risk then go to the max setting - this seems to have improved for me by going to the max. setup but be ware the fans will start up. nothing too seriose and depends on your warranty agreemeent.

    I know i can max and burn mine and it will get replaced under warranty.

    also if your on wireless look at getting ethernet over power plugs and try this connection method i have far less lag disconnects through these than i do when using the internal wifi. also try and ditch the killer network manager if you can then look to prioratiese EU traffic its relitivly small amounts but you might find EU tracker / AV solutions are using more then you think.

    home plugs killer network manager will post a result on wifi for me it fails big style

    also if steem is installed remove it takes a lot of bandwidth up if your not using as constantly looking for updates and offers to push out to you.

    also go to http://www.speedtest.net and check conectivity to the EU london or germany

    hope this helps if its the base image from alienware a lot can be clensed out especially later models issued from dell and not the origenal alienware ;(
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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  13. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Thanks Sal. As I said I don't think its a graphics issue based on tests performed. Card is Radeon 7970M. With 2 quad core i7 cpu's I shouldn't need to overclock. dl speed test is returning expected results (I have adsl+ and get 3-4 meg owing to distance from exchange. You don't like Killer Network Manager? It has EU prioritised high.

    I have Steam installed (is needed for some other games) but it doesn't run by default.

    Last edited: Dec 6, 2014
  14. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Wasn't there an issue with the ocean cable to australia recently? Maybe it's affecting your ability to connect with your normal speed to europe's servers.
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  16. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Now that I think about it, one of my miners who lives in australia (i only have 1) was having big problems with CTDs this week too....
  17. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Get him to try dropping the connection speed to a ridiculously low level as detailed in my post above.
  18. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Note on your Alienware, BTW: I have an M17RX3 myself, and Killer Network works okay for me as well. RAM would only have been an issue if you had 4 or less, but 32 on the Alienware will never get touched as you say... Your OS is 64 bit, yes?

    So I would likely decide what level of graphics I wanted, and the draw distance, and set those, then slowly scale your Connect speed up until you see it failing.