Better living thru Chemistry

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Stilton, May 29, 2011.

  1. Stilton

    Stilton Member

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    I have always felt that the medically skilled with a background in botany and genetics should be able to produce short term boosters/buffs in the form of combat drugs, which can be kept from being excessive within the game by having side- or after-effects but would allow temporary stat/skill boosts for varying amounts of time based on bonuses given and skill of chemist.

    Do people think that this might be feasible/desirable or is it a terrible idea?

    Your thoughts would be welcome,

  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well simply put.... do you truely believe that asking to have something added that you would want to give your avatar an advantage would not be severely perverted to be more of a detriment then it would gain by MA?

    I like you have many many ideas of what "Could" be done in EU. I stopped posting them or even thinking about them since the decline of what MA does to features since VU 10. The thought processes and changes they make are the exact same ones that EA Games made when they tanked Dark Age of Camelote many years ago. It almost makes me wonder who is actually in control of EU since the Cryengine is an EA thing and the real stupidity started when we swapped over to it.

    I think with all the changes and new planets we just stop adding things for a while because truthfully its all getting outta control now with so much trash aspects being added so quickly.

    BTW I do not dislike your idea or any other ideas I read about..its just too many dont fit into the sci fi aspect of EU and step too far into the magical realms of everyother MMO out there. We seem to have lost the path to what made EU as a game (leaving out the money aspect) so much different then everything else. That to me is what hooked me to play.
  3. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    Well this idea does fit the sci-fi idea... I mean SW:KOTOR used attribute-enhancing combat drugs, so why not us? That is also scifi :)
  4. Elford

    Elford Member

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  5. Nighthawk

    Nighthawk Member

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    The problem with these chips is that they require a ridiculus level compared to the small effect they give... and a matching implant (30, 50 or 55)
  6. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    Its scary. Not because of your post but because MA talked about already.
    They tallked about food to eat or drink. MA said that normal ava wil not be engatively affected if dont eat and food will be only optional.
    Anyone who is in EU enought and lived inplemetation of mining amps wich were declared "optional" know what that change cud mean .

    About buff chips - effect is realy too short and too small. So or ppl skillup a lot to be able to use them on themselfs every minit or MA introduce higher lvl chips with effect duration about hour or two and we get new proffession like buffer ( skilled enought to use them and to give buffs for smal fee)
    Best wud be that MA lower lvl requirement in mode all can use those chips.

    Both cases are "optional" and in both cases exsist risk of additional cost of play.