Mentor in Brazil: Sir Murkalael Arbinger - Hunting, Crafting, Tailoring

Discussion in 'GMT -4 to GMT -2' started by Murkalael, Sep 16, 2014.

  1. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    [IMGRT][/IMGRT]Avatar Name: Sir Murkalael Arbinger
    Player Since: 2012
    Society: A.N.G.E.L.S.

    Time Zone: GMT-3
    Country: Brazil

    Main Professions: Hunting, Crafting, Tailoring

    Days Usually Online: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
    Time Usually Online: Evening
    Usual Hangout Location: Several Locations

    How to Contact Me: Arkadia Forum, Private Message, In-Game

    Additional Information: I can go any planet and provide starter assistance regarding game mechanics and economics, guide through common mistakes new players are used to do.

    Spoken languages: English, Portuguese and a little of Spanish.

    Obs: Field started playing doesn't reach 2014 but I have started in 2014 and just became a mentor.