Planet Arkadia welcomes BIG Industries

Discussion in 'About Planet Arkadia' started by ArkadiaBot, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Greetings Arkadians!

    After many lengthy discussions, and the development of new infrastructure, it is my pleasure to announce the expansion of BIG Industries programs and events to your home planet.
    BIG industries has been a large scale event promoter, and supporter of the beginner community on Planet Calypso for years. With the development of the new PLA (Partner Land Area) program, we are now able to include Arkadia Land Area 6 and all regions of the 8 Coins lands in our regularly scheduled events on as well as the BIG Rewards program. Best of all, BIG programs and events are all FREE to enter!

    SSI (Sweating Support Initiative)
    In addition to rewards and larger scale events we will be launching our daily Sweating Support Initiative on the 8 coins land area beginning August 1st. This event is designed specifically for beginners, or those wishing to just come and socialize. BIG will purchase a set amount of sweat from event participants for well above market value at the end of this event, while also providing healing services and the occasional gear give away. Stay tuned to the events section on Arkadia Forum for the upcoming daily schedule and location specific information.

    BIG Rewards Program
    Whenever you global hunting or mining on 8 coins or Ark LA 6 you will receive BIG Reward Points. These points can be redeemed for in game gear and PEDs as well as real world cash and prizes. To participate in this program you will need to have an account on and activate the BIG Rewards plugin. Once activated, your globals on all BIG LAs and BIG PLAs will be tracked so you may claim points on them to redeem for your Rewards. You can also hunt in teams and claim rewards by using your unique BIG ID# shown at the top of the plugin!

    Monthly Progressive
    Just by activating the BIG Rewards Plugin on you will be automatically entered in the BIG Monthly Progressive event. Every global on every BIG LA and PLA will add 50 pec to the monthly prize pool. At the end of each month the top five highest single hunting or mining loots will claim a percentage of this prize pool. You can view the live and growing prize pool on the progressive scoreboard on

    View attachment 9843
    Overcharged Weekly Grinder
    Every week over 1500 BIG Reward Points are given out in this most globals Hunting competition. This event is designed for the heavy hunters, grind away and double, triple or even quadruple your prize by hitting new global count tiers. Beginning every Sunday and coming to close every Saturday, be sure to opt into this event through the event page!
    Keep an eye out for additional in game and EntropiaLife based events and bonuses on various Arkadian PLAs. Our regular programs are designed to be constantly available to you, however new bonus events will show up intermittently to give Arkadians extra incentives!

    BIG Staffing & Contacts
    Chriss Ruben Nomad and Tarcoula Stormdancer Uluru will be working to put together a large team to staff daily events and support BIG programs on Planet Arkadia. If you have questions on the day to day activities, or are interested in working with BIG please add them to your friends list and contact for inquiries. Feel free to contact me directly on if you have any questions or concerns with anything related to BIG Industries.
    We look forward to adding a little something extra to your experience on Planet Arkadia!

    Best Regards
    Blastoise Meculus
  2. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Ohhh what a cool use for the 8coins area
  3. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Cool good to see them expanding to Arkadia to do player run events for all level of players not just for crazy ped cycling rich players.

    Good to see you growing Meculus good luck here on Arkadia bud.
  4. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    Nice, might have to check out this Reward Program of yours.
    Gratz on the purchage of LA-6 and 8 Coins!
  5. atomicstorm

    atomicstorm Platinum Member Platinum Member

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    they didnt purchase either of them.. it is just expanded to the LA owners on Arkadia and additional LAs on Calypso as a larger event structure :)
  6. Meculus

    Meculus Active Member

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    Nice to hear all the positive feedback here, looking forward to more fun on Arkadia :)
  7. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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  8. May

    May Active Member

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    Awesome: daily SSI! :anticipation:
    It elicited a lot of yay's from the people I passed on the news to.

    Nice to have BIG (on) Ark.