Greetings from Canada

Discussion in 'Greetings' started by Rufwon, Jul 19, 2014.

  1. Rufwon

    Rufwon Member

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    Hey everyone.
    Name is Keith. Been an EU player for 7 years, but only cpl months on arkadia.
    Learning alot and been having a blast on Arkadia.
    Been through it all. Owned shops, appt, kiosks even a large Land Area in Amethera.
    loved the smuggler event, even getting my hands on a looted item from one last night.
    Hope to meet more avatars in game, the ones so far i have met, and advisors have been great and very helpfull and welcoming.
    thank u for that, and good luck against smuggie tonight, i wont be able to participate due to RL commitments.
    Kill the boss and a cpl shots for me in leu.
    • Welcome! Welcome! x 1
  2. Mathias | Arkadia

    Mathias | Arkadia The Chief Whip Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Glad to see you here Rufwon, and good work on those smugglers too :)
  3. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    Welcome, fellow Canadian!
  4. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Always glad to see more neighbors from the north giving Arkadia a spin!

    best of luck!
  5. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Welcome If you havent already make sure you join #arkadia as a chat channel

    Lots and lots of smuggler reports and goings on come up on there too.

    I might not be on due to the time differences but look out for the pink hair bird ;D
  6. Rufwon

    Rufwon Member

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    Thanks guys... Appreciate the welcome.
    I joined the arkadia channel almost immediately upon arrival. One of the advisors met up as soon as i came to the new arrival station. I.M.O. Thats one of the best places for these advisors to be. I have, in the past, come across new players that eventually quit cause of lack of initial introduction or explination. As a matter of fact, one of my bro's even tried a couple days when i first started, but quit within 2/3 days due to lack of understanding. quote 'why do i want to run around, constantly dying to *sweat* animals. Hehe
    given this was 7 years ago, when things were much more simple, i couldnt imagine coming into the universe as a new player now-a-days. What an overload of info.
    to keep any thing going, we all understand that there needs to be a constant population growth. This i see as one of the major hurdles today.
    good job keeping things interesting and interactive Ark!
    hope to see more of you in game, and i will keep my eye open for the PINK HAIR BIRD, as i play usually from 10pm - 3am (when my 3 kids go to bed haha)
    PS- in game, im Pedro Rufwon Martinez, and also keep an eye out for my bro, Juan Balberith Martinez. I brought him in game about a month after I started, and by far, hes alot more skilled than I. A great guy with huge stats.