Undergroud Mining

Discussion in 'Ask an Adviser' started by miteke, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. miteke

    miteke Member

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    I just tried some mining in the underground and found:
    1) The radius is much smaller. What's up with that?
    2) I got only one lousy energy hit in a half dozen attempts with a rookie finder. Do I need a deeper finder or was I just unlucky.
  2. ArchAngel

    ArchAngel Active Member

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    Hey Miteke. I can't comment on the radius, I'm sure somebody here with more mining experience in the underground can help you with that, but I can tell you that your sample size is far too small.

    I've dropped 20+ bombs in a row and received the dreaded NRF. It's possible that somebody else came through not long before you and the mats didn't have a chance to respawn. Even over 100 drops, due to variance, you can get radically different hit percentages on any given day.

    Tomorrow you could go 6 for 6 on drops, but you really need to see it through over a much larger number to get an accurate percentage.

    GL with your mining!
  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Underground, the radius is smaller and claims are less common. This results in a lower hit rate (5%-6% vs 30% above ground). The claims you get are also much larger, though you can sometimes find small claims as well. If you're just starting out mining, I recommend not mining underground. Plan on a run of like 500-1000 drops underground. Above ground, 200 drops is enough for a decent run.
  4. Vadio

    Vadio Member

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    Like Neil said

    Underground use Indoor Mining System same system as used in HELL and FOMA
    This System provide large claims but very fews hit rates

    Its around 2.5% up 7.5% compare 22,25% up 37,50% in Surface/Planet (or can call outdoor system mindark?)
    Over 1000 drop

    I only recomend mining underground

    1 - Heavy Large PEDS to you can do Around 1000 drop MINIMUN!
    2 - If you have LESS LESS TIME TO PLAY ( at end result going same 90-95% tt after thousands drops )
    3 - Want Skill Fast
    4 - Want Increase you Ped Cycle
    5 - Wish Gamble with Amp or tri drop amped
  5. miteke

    miteke Member

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    Thanks for the replies. This is what I expected. So I can continue using my itsie bitsie rookie finder, the claims will be larger, and the hits less frequent - but the return rate over the long range will still be about the same.

    I just wanted to make absolutely certain that the underground actually HAS minerals and treasures in the rookie range.
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    From our tests, claims actually have no depth until they're found (only x,y coordinates). The depth of your finder then determines what mineral the system is likely to give you. You'll probably find a lot of lyst and oil with the rookie in the underground.
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Realistically if you are just starting out and don't have a MASSIVE bank to support your game play the underground is probably not your smartest choice to get into mining. Like its been said the underground is set up like FOMA, Hell, the new asteroid or what ever it is. Its meant for the amp gamblers and high ped cycling players. Its not uncommon to go 50 to 100 drops nrf in these areas. I stopped mining FOMA back in the day after going 156 nrf before getting a crappy as level VI claim. The two trips before had 100+ nrf streaks but a hof r two to balance it all out.

    Im not saying you cant get something nice but the likely hood of that Id say you have a better chance at becoming a nun.

    Start planet side near the new player areas and start working your way out from them with what ever strategy you adopt to suit your needs.