New taming stables

Discussion in 'Taming' started by anthonymorris, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    All I just read this and about died they are going to be releasing stables? For the new pet thing what do you think about this idea? Here is a link to it.

    I have concerns that the pet deed owners will get duped in the process. Anyone else have any ideas? And they are asking 20K ped as a start bid who in their right mind would pay that on an idea of yeah this is what we are planning on doing.
    We have heard for years about them bringing back taming and well……. like I said years, I feel a hanger issue here to where they want to do this but then poof no more and the owner gets stuck with a useless piece of real-estate like the hangers being an overpriced shop/apartment. Anyway what are your ideas on it?
  2. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    It is very interesting. But I think its the fact that as a Stable owner you will be able to charge players and collect taxes, so it may be profitable! The issue is, how much will they sell for. At 20000Ped each one will have a SB immediately. Its more what they will be worth. 50k, 100k????
  3. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    Hi Anthony.

    Yes, you appear to have read correctly : they are going to be releasing stables.

    Also: welcome to Entropia. Available options for purchase in the past have been:
    - Treasure Island
    - Club Neverdie / the Asteroid
    - Land Areas
    - Banks
    - Planet Partnerships
    - Calypso Land Deeds
    - the Moon Monria

    While I appreciate your fear about being shafted, investment in this game is entirely up to you, or perhaps more specifically to specifically insightful and dedicated entrepreneurs who have a vision or plan for how to work with the opportunity offered.

    Sure, hangars may have had some issues (but I personally still wish I'd been able to acquire one a long time back) but we cannot help save you from your own fears. If you don't see value in the investment then it's clearly not for you.

    Good luck out there,
  4. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    Fears are that what you think it was?? Lol and investment, I have invested in the game quite a bit if you must know I own 2 shops and run them with great success. What concerns me and apparently does not you is, rather the possibility of side stepping the players who have spent countless ped skills taming and acquired all the necessary equipment to do taming such as whips, brushes, pet deeds, taming/whips skills.

    This is my concern so please don’t try to patronize me with saying “I’m fearful of this and that” I would instead like feedback on the issue not your personal misconceptions of what you think I’m fearful off.:huh: ;)

    And ty for the reply
  5. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Well if i was certain i could get one for 20k, i would deposit that today. I am afraid that prices will end up considerably higher though.
    Most big investments (with the exception of banks) have been quite profitable for the initial investor. Even for the hangar owners.

    My concern is that taming will become quite expensive, since the stable owners want to make ped, MA wants to make ped, and the to be released battle arena deed holders will want to make ped. So i am having my doubts about the taming profession, not about these deeds, they can probably be resold for a profit before the release of the stables themselves.

    One thing that isn't mentioned is when additional deeds will enter the game. What if cyrene will get it's hard launch and gets the same amount of players then arkadia? Will it get 2 additional stables as well, and what will that do the markup of the stables?
  6. coz1969

    coz1969 Member

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    If I had the peds, I would probably consider investing in one of the stables. Frankly, I think we will have to see what the "specialized training" will consist of. It could be that the specialized training would be something of great interest/value to other players.

    Here is my concern, though... pre VU 10.0, in order to spawn our pets, and do the basic tricks, we had to be at a stable. This was free. Once the pet was spawned, you could have them follow you all over the continent if you wanted to. Will there still be free locations in which to spawn pets, and teach them the basic commands until the pet reaches level 3, as before, or will we now have to pay a fee to a stable owner for the right to even see our pets? (I mean, looking at a deed in inventory is NOT seeing your pet) If the spawning of pets, and training them to level 3 is no longer free (aside from the cost of nutrio bars), it could go two ways: either a lot of pets will never see the light of day, or those stable owners will be pulling in a fair few peds.

    Frankly, I would prefer the free to level 3 option... and then have some cool tricks and abilities for pets after level 3.
  7. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    I agree I think it will be more expensive than it will be worth, but what about those who have skilled in the old system and have gotten stuff from the old system? It just seems to circumvent them; kind-of like a kick in the gut for those who have spent years and years skilling in hopes that they could do taming again.

    And when it comes back even the most skilled tamer will have to go to these stables to get more stuff done. What a sham that is and what about our pet deeds what will become of them?
  8. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    I'm not being very social with this but:

    Why are we making a fuss about 10 people that skilled alot in the past and are still actively playing. They'll have more skills then the new people and they will be able to do more difficult taming.
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Also keep in mind that the stables, i don't think they have anything to do with taming a mob, but with the maintenance of your pet or development of its abilities. So you'd still have to be a high level animal tamer to tame a high level mob.
  10. May

    May Active Member

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    I never saw the oldskool taming, so I'm not really sure what to expect. :huh:

    To me personally the pets seem nice. Though the PvP aspect doesn't appeal to me at all.
    So not voting yet. Atm it's painting a pretty picture; as all investment announcements would ofc.

    But it seems you won't be able to do much with your pet, without paid services from a stable?

    Stables will be:
    - the hub for future Pet Battle Arenas and Controlled Creature Battle Octagons
    - have the ability to be upgraded with shopping booths, additional stalls, teleporters, terminals, visual additions and other unique features.

    Providing paid services:
    - selling, trading and specialised training of pets
    - renting stalls to other avatars for their pets, and by providing specialised training only available at the stables.
    - provide housing and maintenance for stabled avatar pets, including food and energy.
    Better care provided by the stables will result in faster pet progress and better performance in competitions.

    So I wonder if all those fruits/whips/pet deeds/taming skills will be used again; or if it all will become useless, and everything will be replaced by sparkly new ones.

    Btw, the line that made me View attachment 9701 is:
    I thought no new content was to be added to NI anymore?
    Will anyone be willing to invest 2000 $ on a dead planet?
  11. Dibbler

    Dibbler Member

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    "Next island - 1 stable"

    I wonder who will buy it.
  12. Dan59

    Dan59 Active Member

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    We dont know almost nothing about.
    Investment will pay back as any other by players if not with fun then with force - MA will take care to happen, maybe like space and motherships - MA supplied ROI to owners by forcing lotable pvp space.
    Investment will continue to pay even after web arena launch because there will be always ppl willing to make EU account and try things also here in EU.

    It look like MA is preparing to develop new separated and not rce web game and on us is to finance development and test pre web realse versions here in EU.
    And we still dont know much.
    Will developers slow down already slow EU development to focus on other things?
    Will MA pay or build up new data center with new server park for that new game or it will be glued to EU server park eating server power and bandwith?

    As a player i think like this - if i cant tame it and lvl it up solo without stable and use it for non PVP things as helper or funy companion then is not my game, but that is individual and personal opinion.
  13. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Until the battle arena concept gets fleshed out I could go to any or all four of the options.

    If the pets die at the end of a battle then I will imagine that many will leave it alone after first attempts leaving the owners with a nice building they can spend vast amount of ped on you upgrade to give it a use.

    If the pets don't die and can be skilled up indefinitely then I see the same situation we have now with the players. The higher skilled ones will win all the time and people will become bored and all the owner has is a nice building with little use other than as another building to hold shops.

    The bigger problem that MA has is if people start betting on the matches ;)
  14. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I vote none of the above as I don't have any real concerns but I am not planning to sink money into an aspect of the game I am not particularly interested in. (Also I find the whole pet fight concept quite distasteful)

    The reality is a purchase at this stage is a purely speculative investment as there really isn't enough info to make informed decisions. So take a punt with 20k+ or don't. If you are serious about making peds in game there are more reliable methods available right now.

    For the tamers and pet owners, well once again there isn't really info to make any informed judgement of the impact on them. The one thing we know is the new taming will not be the same as the old taming, else they would have re-introduced it already. There will of course be winners and losers as there is with any changed system. But they can't be worse of than they are now with developed skills worthless and useless.

    Tamers have been waiting a long time for this. Hopefully it will bring them something more to enjoy in the game.

  15. Wauspaus

    Wauspaus Active Member

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    I personally think they are releasing this too early. From a players perspective it would be better to release the pet system itself first....
    Tweek it so it works ingame, with that it will create the need for these estates and with people familiar with how pets work they will be able
    to see its value. Right now, that need isnt there yet.
  16. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    As I posted in the Caly forum :

    A few things I note here :

    1) Looks like taming just got more expensive, since stables were free previously.
    2) They normally release things for sale at end of year (like the malls / banks / moon / new LAs, etc), so why now? What's the hurry, especially since it will be developer only at later in 2014 according to them (assume year end again),
    3) Assuming that the number of stables per planet follows according to the number of active players per planet, Arkadia is about half the size of Caly, and Rock has lost it's early mover advantage to Ark.
  17. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    Let's put it this way... perhaps next year's big investment will be an 'ammo supply factory' and the tt will be made to not exist any longer so every time you shoot your gun you will have to pay markup... more than the explosives are costing now... i.e. skills are being made more and more worthless by the day.