How 'Most Vote' Events Work

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Medeina, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    They're completely random and totally social, is what they are! My error in leaving an event set on Most Votes turned into a super fun social experiment.

    I originally thought that giving rep counted for one vote. This is incorrect. Everyone, including the promoter, has one vote. One goes into Participants from the event window, right clicks on a player and votes. Votes can be changed or canceled at any time. Rep works normally.

    The event was chaotic the first 15 minutes. Most people thought it was standard HSL. Some left because it wasn't. When the dust settled, a goodly amount of players remained and began vying for votes. Lot of laughs were to be had. Chat was non-stop and sometimes hard to follow for the entire hour. Three winners eventually emerged, with one coming out of absolutely nowhere. A trivia contest was started to give away my 10 rep, primarily Ark-related and some random questions requiring creativity. Mostly basic stuff: What's the IFN stand for? Who does the statue in Celeste Harbour commemorate? Who owns Sanctuary Cove? How many Aakas instances are there? (Lot of people said 10 before someone remembered about the Golden Door). Props to Yuki for getting most of the answers and holding back a bit to give others a chance.

    Favorite answer went along the lines of:

    Q: How much would could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?
    A: As much wood as a wood chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood.

    I've hosted and partook in a number of HSL events before, and none were near this social. Thanks all for the memorable times!
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    That's some really interesting feedback, great to hear it worked out well. Would be interesting to see how it goes with an event if promoted with that rule set.
  3. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I was among the ones that left. When I signed up and advised my soc friends to join, there were nothing written about voting event, otherwise none of us would waste ammo on caraboks and gallard (as was described on hunting event). My soc mates were even saying cheers because most of the time I was among the 3 top. and all of sudden, no more ranking on my screen, tried to ask what happened, but just chatting about things I was not aware of, so I decided to leave. Not complaining about how anyone handled the event, just that was supposed to be a single loot as was described and turned out on a chat contest.
  4. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    You should always check the rules of any event before joining, just like you should check the loot rules when joining a team.
  5. May

    May Active Member

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    Only the top 10 was given, so if you fell below that, you would see no rank for yourself.

    Even though the title of the event had HSL in it: in the registration window, it did say that the winner was determined by most votes.
    There also was the tread in this forum warning about the mistake.
    And it was explained a couple of times at the start of the event, that there had been a mistake with the settings, and it would not be a hunting event.

    It still created some confusion, which is understandable.
    But I think that for the circumstances, there were enough warnings. Especially since we are talking about a free-to-enter event.
    And with a bit flexibility, mistakes can lead to fun too. View attachment 9586
    The ultimate outcome was unexpectedly entertaining.

    I thought there was going to be one voting round at the end.
    But the voting was continually ongoing, and because you can change your vote at any time, as many times as you want; it became very dynamic.
    Because there were a limited amount of players, 1 vote could change the whole ranking, so names were bouncing all over the place.
    For instance: the final score had the opposite ranking than it had 1 second before the event ended.
    Kinda like musical chairs.

    Very entertaining indeed. Usually everyone is concentrated on hunting, and finding mobs.
    Most are working on their own, which makes the interaction limited. This time there was a never ending stream of talking.
    So for the people who wish EU has more social activities, like in the PE days: this might be a nice thing to try.

    If the event clearly states beforehand that it is based on votes, it could become a funny way to interact (and meet) with people.
    A quiz like the one used this time for the rep, could also be used as a base for the voting: you vote for the person who gives the best, most funny or entertaining answers.
    Or maybe vote for 'the best dressed hunter', 'best dancer', or 'best joke teller'.

    It was definitely the most wacky event I've been in, and I enjoyed it. View attachment 9587

    ps. Lol, my Ark trivia nerdness was exposed: I blame the excellent back story! View attachment 9588
  6. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    Thanks for answering Murkalael's post for me, Yuki. There's nothing left for me to add except my apologies.

    I'd also be interested to see how an event designed around Most Votes would work out. But that requires a promoter with a great deal more people skills that I.

    And, yes, the back story is most excellent.
  7. mastermesh

    mastermesh Active Member

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    How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans? A canner can can as many cans as a canner can if a canner can can cans. Can't he?
  8. SallyBridges

    SallyBridges Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I Just want to say this was probably the most social event i have entered and was really good fun.

    beets teh highest single loot all the time and adds a bit of variety.

    Might be an idea for there to be an event area in towns to hold a social event ?
  9. May

    May Active Member

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    Yeah, that would be a great idea. View attachment 9604
    Since the Event Areas are tailored for hunting, and a voting style event might be more at home in another setting.
    Like the 'stage' in Quarry, those round 'stadiums' at new firebases, or any other area with clear boundaries, that offers more than just grass.

    (More social interaction possibilities would be awesome: e.g. being able to sit around together (or even lie down), would be so much more relaxed, than just all standing around, like you're waiting for the bus.
    But well, that's MA's call. In the mean time, it would be nice if social events like these could be held at places where people have the option to take a seat.)

    There could be all kinds of social events that grow from there. View attachment 9601
    Soc meetings, dance parties, radio station events, fashion/talent show, a hunters team after party, meetings of groups with the same profession/interest like MS crew/miners/traders/fappers/sweaters etc. Or even all the people who joined a certain chat channel.
    With a specific reason to vote: who do you think is the best/funniest/most original/helpful etc.
    This last event had no set reason for the voting, but it still was the driving engine behind the continuous interaction.

    I don't know if there is a way to limit the tickets to only invited persons, or if that's only possible with paid tickets. But if that can be done with free invites, then you could make regular meetings. For instance for your Society, where only soc members can join the event for free. And you could use the vote system for either voting on a soc issue. Or use it for fun; to vote for something like a 'soc member of the month'. With perhaps a very distinctly colored & textured item as the prize/gold medal. So it becomes a recognizable prestigious 'title' to hold.
    View attachment 9603

    Nvm me: just tossing ideas around. But there is a nice potential here to enhance the social interaction.
    Now that we have Universal chat, there is even less reason to actually meet up in person.
    I have to admit that there are some people on my friend-list, who I never met face to face.
    Wouldn't it be nice to have a reason to dust off your wardrobe, and dress up for a social meeting?
    And show off your groovy hair style, that hardcore armor you bought, or that awesome dance routine that took you days to perfect?
    Maybe this voting system can give social events a kick start? View attachment 9600
  10. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    When creating the event you can specify a number of reserved tickets, anywhere between 0 and the maximum number of participants. These tickets go into your inventory and you can trade them with other avatars. The tickets have a TT of 1 PED, which the ticket holder will get back when they register their place in the event (note you have to register as usual, with the ticket in your inventory).

    If you want to you can choose to combine tickets and the normal registered places, so for example you could set a ticket price of 5 PED with 100 participants max, but reserve 50 tickets. In this case up to 50 people can register using the normal process and pay the 5 PED, and you can trade the 50 tickets with other people for free or whatever price you choose.
  11. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    Me thinks the folks over at Radio Arkadia or Normandie Radio would be greate candidates for hosting social events (hint hint). They got people with the skills to pull it off and a great medium for more immersive social experiences (plus they'd get more listeners). Player-sponsors might provide the prizes in exchange for a little advertising during the event.
  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for the clarification Oleg: I clearly don't have any experiences with an invitation (only) event. View attachment 9606

    So if I understand it correctly, they are technically free for the invited players, because they get that PED refunded at sign up.
    But since they are 1 PED TT, I assume the organizer has to front that value, when creating the event (on top of the 10 PED fee)?

    And if you are unable to make it to the event for some reason; can the ticket be sold to the TT terminal for it's TT value?
  13. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Yes, the organiser pays 1 PED per reserved ticket at the time of event creation, and can TT any unused tickets to get the 1 PED back. When I've done ticket events in the past I've usually charged 1 PED per ticket, to cover that cost, and as I said before the participant gets that 1 PED back when they register, so ultimately neither I nor the participant pay anything for the ticket.