Handyman/Trader/Fapper Services - Mentak Rickshaw Tem

Discussion in 'Services' started by Mentak Rickshaw Tem, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Mentak Rickshaw Tem

    Mentak Rickshaw Tem Member

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    Hi everyone, I am offering a few services. Hopefully one will appeal to you. You can leave me a comment here or message me here on the forum, but the fastest way would be to leave me some mail in game. Send it to Mentak Rickshaw Tem. I am online frequently at varying times so hopefully our schedules can converge.


    To begin with, I am offering myself as an Arkadian handyman. I will do any non-skill related job like being a crier. Prices depend on the job.


    Consignment Selling: I am available for consignment selling. I do understand consignment selling requires a lot of trust on your part. Feel free to talk to me and/or start very small. If you feel uncomfortable at any time, feel free to back out/take back items, no hard feelings.

    Buying agent: Feel free to talk to me about this. Keep in mind I'm a new trader and unable to facilitate large deals.

    Other: If you need any other trading service feel free to message me about the details and we can see if I can help you.


    Admittedly I am not much of a fapper, but I can boost your hunts eco with Fanoo or Herb Box heals. I work for decay and expect nothing more than that. Feel free to message me if you need a health boost that doesn't kill the wallet.

    Other Services:

    Here is a list of other services I can do. These apply to being a handyman really, but they are listed so you can go "OH! I COULD USE THAT!"

    Courier: I am not very quick, but I can get your items from one planet to the other for a modest fee. While I can take stackables for you, I do not advise it. (Especially on a Caly run) Being slow and defenseless, this service is meant more for guns/armour/tools/etc. I plan that I will likely die at least once.

    Taxi: Again, I'm slow, but I can get you there fairly cheap. I do not advise bringing stackables with you as I can't guarantee their safety and would call it a safe bet that they will get looted.

    Crier: A crier is someone who stands around yelling out things like "Shop at [insert store name here]" If you need someone to do this, message me, prices may vary. I will not spam a channel, please keep that in mind. If a channel is very active then I may post more frequently, but I won't flood it.
  2. Mentak Rickshaw Tem

    Mentak Rickshaw Tem Member

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  3. OooEeeOooAhAh

    OooEeeOooAhAh Member

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    free bump

    I wanted to just point out that you can logout when you are greater than 50% between one spacestaion to the next. You use the map and waypoints to figure that out. When you log back in you will be dead in the next space station or will die any second after login.

    Using this method you will have the fastest quad courier service in the system =P