Non Arkadian related BP

Discussion in 'Crafting' started by Murkalael, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. Murkalael

    Murkalael Active Member

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    I already looked all over the internet and still haven't found any clue, so for those who already gone and have some experience on Next Island, could share where we get / loot NIPs and Demra bps?

    -The planet no longer gives the free UL NIP that was in first place the reason I gone there
    -These specific bps aren't on terminal for sale
    -Entropedia loot table does not show where they come from

    So, where's the secret?
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    If it's a NI bp you will need to craft on NI to have a chance to loot it. You need to click a bp of the same type that is within 3 levels of it.
  3. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    There is no secret.... NI was a planet that had a Dev team fail, they had breached the contract on many levels, and were not allowed to continue. The planet is under MA control so it works only in the current state it is in, no further development will happen. MA cannot do much else with it, until all other contracts time out. The Owner has stated that he does not want to sell the planet, and does not want to develop it at this time. It has been allowed to go fallow for a long time now. Basically.... they are living off of the players that were born there, and still play on other planets <Trust me if I could change the tattoo on my foot to say another planet I would>.

    NI is a waste of time, and not a good planet to visit and support.

    if you wish to read up on the subject and the posts from the owner "David Post" check out