Competition Arkadian Colony Defence - Oratan Marathon Attack!

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    IFN Intelligence: More Oratan forces detected!

    View attachment 9308


    The IFN are calling on Arkadia's loyal colonists, to assist in plugging the gaps in our defensive lines and bolster the IFN combat forces. Colonists of all levels are encouraged to attend. This attack is liable to be a heavy and sustained attack for an extended period of time, so people from different time-zones are encouraged to join and leave in at their convenience.

    If you are able to lend support, please assemble at REPULSE FIREBASE (Coordinates 15015, 15047) or COURAGEOUS FIREBASE (Coordinates 15182, 25704).

    The attacks are estimated to hit on Friday the 25th April 2014 @ 19:00 and expected to end on Sunday the 27th April 2014 @ 19:00


    Due to issues arising from previous engagements, we once again ask colonists to please NOT shoot from the walls or from under the entrance of the base, as this causes the Oratan to become UNREACHABLE and spoils the event for other participants. We kindly ask that all players actually advance into the field and engage the enemy forces.


    The Oratan are, once again, likely to be throwing all they have at these bases including the largest and strongest warriors they can muster. As with previous engagements, IFN Command will be deploying Commandos from Alpha Team to assist colonial fighters with paramedical duties.

    Please arrive early and ensure all equipment is clean and in good repair, and you have adequate supplies of ammunition.

    View attachment 9309
  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Something big hmm, maybe that lance to me :D

    I promise I will be strong enough to use it!
    (and not use it in Quarry ;))
  3. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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  4. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Bring it on!
  5. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    We will stand our ground.
  6. Lighterthief

    Lighterthief Member

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    The "Arkadian Support Services" are standing by!!!!

    but they need a new acronym!!!! lol

    Edit: and love the pic of John Jones :D
  7. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    It was a great event that u don't wanna miss, and has become a nice tradition.

    I would hate this to change, therefore, may i propose the "free heal services" part will be either discontinued (with public message clearly saying that) or if it's to be kept it should follow some logic.

    Let me explain what i mean. There's moments when the even organizers want to get rid of afkers, and add some variety. So then they say now the heal chips won't work, your on your own. Fair enough, and indeed brings a variety to the event.

    Completely different story however, when there's only one person left and has to do everything - summon mobs, chat with ppl and heal.
    Obviously there will be moments when he will simply forget a heal or two.
    This means, if u shooting something, you can't rely on external heals any more. OK, so you heal yourself. But this means the whole healing services thing becomes pointless.

    With healing Unreliable = Useless.

    Gotta make a decision here. Either healing is ON or it's OFF. Can't have it both ways, this is worse than nothing at all.

    This is just one little aspect of the otherwise great event. Regardless of healing (and it's future), imo it's still the best event in EU.
  8. Manny

    Manny Member

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    I actually don't mind the inconsistency of healing which is rather more rare than people seem to realize.

    It keeps you on the edge, making this a bit more exciting than just autoshooting without the need to pay any real attention. Add in the mix the Axes, that are annoying as hell but force everyone to actually do some teamwork in order to kill and you have the reason that Ark's events are so much better than Caly's.
  9. May

    May Active Member

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    "With healing Unreliable = Useless" is an opinion, which not everybody shares.
    At least for me, having a little hiccup in the healing stream, does not render the whole healing service 'pointless'.
    (I'm) viewing the assisting healings as a very nice extra (and not a guarantee); the few times when you do have to heal yourself, then become just small changes of pace.
    And those times are actually very few, considering it's a tree day continuous event.

    Anyway, personally I also like the inconsistency.
    Just like the 'summoning' circles instead of having an automatic conveyer-belt spawn/heal.
    There are already enough events where you just do everything on autopilot all the time.
    These Ark events at least have some more character.
    With human involvement, instead of just turning on the 'event' button, and then leave it to run it's course.
    I gladly take the little human traits that come with that. ;)
  10. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    For me, the events lost most of their appeal when they became boss grinds. All I see anymore is people standing at the front gates, killing boss after boss after boss, hoping for a big loot, only killing the smaller oratan if they aggro. The first attacks in December were great. Most of the attackers were regular oratan, slashers, miners and lancers. Only a handful of lancers at a time, but they had a regular presence. We'd rush out of the front gates, clearing those, then break up into groups to take out the remaining attackers. Lancers were a big deal. Sub-bosses would spawn once in a while in a random location, often in a spot where there were only a few colonists, and the rest of us would rush over to help. Bosses weren't so frequent either. It made them more special.

    The attacking force composition made sense. There weren't 1,000 bosses to command 500 troops. And while I don't recall the back-story going into detail about it, there was mention that the native Arkadians were up against unlimited numbers of oratan. I don't imagine that a large proportion of them would have been the huge mobs we see. But then, who really knows?

    Maybe the current format works for some. It doesn't work for me. Sometimes I'll still go out for an hour or so to check them out, but can't be bothered to do more than that. If at all.
  11. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Arkadian Colony Defence 28-04-2014


    Now, about that free healing service:
    First of all, it's an ingenious idea and it's great to have it at those events.
    Even if it's not that reliable at times, this only affects very few ppl.
    I believe ppl who shoot with low dmg weapon, together with many others can see no big difference if there's any healing for a while or not. You can see how little it matters for most ppl from the fact that the majority didn't even realize that all night (when there was just one guy from A-Team) there was no heals every single time new mobs were spawned. As soon as more ppl arrived the healing became reliable again.

    However, i can describe how it looks like from a tanker's perspective. You are shooting at a lvl 50-70 mob with a big gun. This means the mob keeps hitting only you. Unless u have very high evade, you will get hit almost every attack cycle. That's a totally different situation than safely shooting from the side. In that situation all's simple - if you don't get the next heal you dead.

    Anyway, it's up to the event organizers how they want to play it. With heals, without heals; with reliable healing, or without. Just wanted to give feedback from a player who's tanking the mobs often.
  12. Berentain

    Berentain Member

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    That was a great event and I hope there will be more to come. The free healing is an awesome service and it doesn't matter if its in consistence or not. Stop being lazy and pay attention then heal yourself during those stop period then :)
    1 thing to note tho.. The axe man is way too small to target and he run too fast. Each time one of them is spawned, the death rate is within 2 sec making a lot of deaths. I dont mind the deaths but having to run back hundreds of time just to die again instantly from those axe man is not fun.
  13. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    First i like to say TY to A-Team for there hard effort in this awesome ewent:D
    Sure there was some server issues and the healing did fail a bit at times but whatewaa hehe it keep us alert dont it ;)
    Considering it is a around 76 hour nonstop ewent it was very SMOTH imo :)

    And i agree with the below.
  14. Kosh

    Kosh Member

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    Great event, thanks Ark team :)
  15. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    - If u attacked by a mob that can one-hit kill u then it's a lottery.
    If lucky, you'll live the other, er.. minute :)
    If u die u die.
    Either way there's nothing you can do about it.

    - If the mob takes your HP down with several smaller hits (3 or more) you will have enough time. You can see that the heals have stopped and use your own fap. Only have to be alert enough to do that in time. Good exercise, keeps ppl alert, i agree.

    - If only one missing heal means insta death there's absolutely nothing u can do about it:

    You have 220 HP
    Mob hits you with 130 dmg
    220 - 130 = 90 HP

    U can pay all the attention in the world, in this situation it doesn't matter: either you heal yourself or next hit you dead.
    Only problem is, u have to be able to see the future to know when to use your own fap...

    O well. A few more events like that and i'm an expert precog, maybe. Or maybe not. :D
  16. toecutter

    toecutter Active Member

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    Overall awesome event & agrees with ppl whom think the healing service provided was ace! Only downside for me was that I crashed alot, but that might have been coz of the popularity of the event itself, radar was filled with green dots! anyways great job overall devs! :)
  17. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Another great event overall, and kudos to the A-team for making people keep their spirits up despite the server crashes towards the end.

    Highlights? Well, since I wasn't in any of the fat HOFs - and one ATH, let's not forget that - it would have to be the rituals to spawn the big Bosses and the Air strike that looked so amazing up close even if my settings didn't let me enjoy the first wave since I was rather far from the base.

    Nothing could beat meeting the IFN guys at Moonshine Bar after the event was over, drinking beers and chatting with the equally exhausted colonists.

    Keep up the good work guys!
  18. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    I have an idea! Add some (breakdown?) sound to these official uber healing chips.
    This way everyone would know - that was the last heal, now your on your own.

    Might require using it always with auto-use function. Then, switching auto-use off would have this sound effect.
    Wouldn't help with all possible human errors ofc, but nothing's perfect (and doesn't have to be).

    Like, once at midnight we noticed this pink pulsating glow far away in the desert. It made us curious, so we run over there to see what's going on? There was nothing, an empty desert and the pink healing glow of the uber healing chip in the middle of nowhere. It was at least 200 m away from the healer (yes, those uber chips have that much range!) Apparently the guy was busy with something else and didn't notice. :)