Estates Missing messages from the Shop

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Gewitter, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    After implementing of a new message center i got a issue with messages from my Shop (Celeste North 8, Arkadia).
    In the new message center, I do not get messages about selling stuff in my Shop. Before implementing of new center there was a missing messages sometimes, but atm I almost did not get them.
    Every time I have to open the PED Flow Center and try to understand what was bought. I have put up for sale more than 400 items, so it is quite a difficult task.
    In the Ped Flow Center there is no information about items been sold. There is only the name of the Shop, the amount of PED and balance.
    So I ask you to fix incoming messages from Shop or/and make available information on the sold item in the PED flow center.
    Furthermore, in cases where i get the message, after pressing ok, they disappear and I can not see it again (in previous message center they not disappear up to my log off. This issue also needs to be fixed (but placing information about item name sold in the Ped Flow Center can make this task unnecessary)
    I ask you to fix it, managing the Shop since the introduction of the new message center has become more difficult.


    This problem occurs on three different computers, so it's not the my side problem.

    PPS Similar thread was posted on PCF
  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    This is a huge issue for me also. I think that generally sale messages are being posted but then there are periods where no shop sale messages make it to my message centre. Last night I had around 1k ped of sales in the ped flow centre that I had no details for. I got so pissed off that I logged out.

    The notifications are also unreliable also. I think there is always an audible notification but if I am out of the room and come back then the message centre may or may not have changed colour, may or may not have some numeral indicating the number of new messages. I can't make sense of when the system decides to put a numeral on the icon as the count never matches the number of new messages.

    I depend heavily on messages for managing my shop stock levels. When I get a sale message I know I need to replace the item. And if a customer contacts me about the availability of an item I need to know that my records are accurate. The last thing I want to do is direct someone to a shop only to find out that the item they want is sold out. And of course if I want to track my bottom line and sales trends I need accurate sales data. Right now it looks like I am going to have to do regular stocktakes, visually checking each shop for sold items. That's going to be a real pain in the arse and unless I do it daily, is going to screw with my ability to provide good customer service.

    I ask that Ark devs follow this issue up with MA as a high priority.
  3. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    I think I got some messages from the shop in the new message system, but it was hard to find them. That was before the last patch I think.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Yep, I concur with what Gewitter and Kikki have said. In addition to this, one of the advantages of the old system was that I could get all the messages up on the screen and then sort them as was my want. Now, I have these silly tutorial messages that I can't delete clogging up the message center unnecessarily and I have to be very careful about scrolling with my mouse as otherwise I miss messages and I can't get them back to double check if I have already clicked OK.

    We should be able to move the messages out into a window of their own like we can do with PMs. We need to be able to get rid of the tutorial messages (its a bit of a farse considering I have been an Entropian for 9 years....I think I know what I'm doing by now! ;)
  5. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    shop sales need a special handling for sure especially when you have multiple shops on multi worlds its hard to handle o_O
  6. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    similar frustration with auction sales, sure it's easier to check what/if something sold but the system for trading needs big improvements.
    Still can't understand what was wrong with the basic message system/center we had...
  7. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    I must say, that SC created 2014-04-02 05:30:49 and is still without answer.
    From time to time i recieve messages from Shop, but almost not. With ~20 sales per day, this is hard!
  8. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    I don't have any problem what, I know of at least, with receiving messages from the shop, but the Icon don't always show I have new ones.
  9. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    five sales over night. no related messages found. ffs.
  10. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    8 sales (20:00 yesterday - 6:00 today)

    0 messages. No reply on SC

  11. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    In contrast, we don't seem to have had an issue so far. We get all of our messages from SCS and CQS and also from PAM and TPM on Caly..... Would be interesting to note where your shops are located that are NOT giving you messages? I wonder if it is location based?
  12. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I don't think location is relevant. I had 9 sales overnight, all without messages. Related shops were SC5, CN1, CQ2. Two of these are quite close to yours.

    Edit to add: If I am logged in at the time of a sale I get a related message. There is also an audible notification. There is sometimes a change in colour in the message icon but usually not.
  13. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    hmmm, ah well that buggered my theory then.

    Just out of curiosity, how are you finding out that things have sold? Is it by visual or by checking the PED flow centre? I use the flow centre as a cross reference so that I have recorded our sales properly and come to the right balance. It does give limited info about where an item has sold from and how much it was but not what the item is. Dunno whether that helps or not though...?
  14. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    I am also missing the message that items have sold from my Quarry booth. If I am online I see the message, If I am offline I only have the record of the amounts at the ped flow center. I get those Audible notifications a lot with nothing new, nothing sold, no LA change....

    I miss chat often, the chat window will choose to update when it wants. I have a tab for each type, and all open in main, but main decides what it wants to show. I have had it to where i hear that I am getting PM'd from a player, and see the name, but cannot see any text, or cannot see what I have typed back.

    ---Side Note--- Have you two Youts had time to work on that signage? hehe ;)

    ok bad My Cousin Vinny Ref.....
  15. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    So these days:
    1. check messages just in case it started working. Record any results.
    2. check ped flow and note sales since last login (I always transfer loot to my ped card once i have all data recorded so I know what I have dealt with)
    3.I use the location and sale amount to check my shop inventory spreadsheet and match against specific items if possible. Often there are several possibilities so I go and visually inspect those items in the relevant shop to determine which item has sold. Record the results. For efficiency's sake I usually deal with all the missed sales in each shop at a time.

    Step 3 is an utter waste of my available time but just imagine if I had shops across several planets. I wouldn't know what items to replace until I visited the remote shop, then I would need to go back to the original planet to craft the items and then go back to the shop. Alternatively I would need to keep a complete set of spare shop stock in storage on the remote planet tying up an additional 30-35k ped. That's just not viable. I've decided to put off my plans to buy a caly shop until we get this issue resolved.

    TBH, going through this process is sapping my desire to play. This morning, after reconciling my sales, I did some laundry and spent a few hours catching up on my reading instead of doing the crafting to restock shops. I guess I will get to this afternoon.
  16. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    LOL nope....I saw the Opto sign the other day and was wondering why I had it...hahahah I will get round to it.
  17. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Half done. Had to dl and learn how to use Corel as Paint just isn't up to the job.
    Will finish after dinner.
  18. billairboy

    billairboy Member

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    Strange that just some have the problem. This morning when I logged in I got messages from the my sells. Are you sure you have not unclicked any filters or something? Maybe it some kind of bug with message overflow if you get many.

    Yeah, I hope the add some kind of message archive for already read messages, at least for a week and the option to save some messages a longer time. It also would prefer I the made shop messages a bit smaller so more of them the can be seen in "one view", it a bit difficult to scroll between messages when they are so big.
  19. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    I'm sure its totally fucked. If I am logged in I mostly get the message. If I am logged out a don't have a message waiting for me when I next log in.

    If there is an issue with message overflows they should stop telling me I put something on auction or that I bid on something. Who needs to know that?
  20. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    My current observations: when im offline, all sales all the time is without messages. When online - some messages come, but sometimes not (yes, maybe depending from my location). Fortunately I have one shop atm (PA Shop was sold before last update), but this issue is a terrible waste of time!

    And also there is no filter can be enabled (all filters, except globals are disabled in my Message Center). If someone does not receive messages because there are no sales, believe me, I have a lot of sales (now about 20+ per day), and it's annoying me.