I dont see it, help me understand please

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by pacmagic, May 25, 2011.

  1. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Well the new account thing got me going a bit so Ive canned that and gone back to my own account, found a nice budget hunt area, I think a lot more is being added so its worth giving a chance too.

    Will be nice when the new texture blueprints are in but up til then I will loot the mats I need.
  2. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    So, in reference to your initial post, do you see it now? ;)
  3. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Sorry no i dont, other than it being new i dont see the reason for the mass hype. I can only assume I will as time goes on, the test will be if i go back to calypso and collect all my stuff to move here.

    I am going to give it some time before making my final call though, I guess it will depend on how things evolve over the next month or so.
  4. DoubleZero

    DoubleZero Member

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    I was really looking forward to this planet and it didn't disappoint you can see it is well designed and the team have done a great job.

    I did find high decay and hp on most of the mobs I hunted yesterday not to mention my loot sucked big time :mad: I cycled over 2k ped and didn't even get a global and lost about 900 ped not sure if it was to do with all the big HOF's dropping, It felt like my avatar had a global bug can you please fix this for me today please David :surrender:

    Lets hope today is my day to HOF ;) right time to get back to Arkadia
  5. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    To the op...

    Did you crash a hundred times?
    Do all your tools and weapons function correctly ( to the standards that MA has nerfed them to presently at least)
    Can you explore and mine unhindered by ninja spawns and massive spawns of trash mobs.
    Can you viably hunt the mob you wish to hunt without 20 other useless ped draiing mobs mixed in with them?
    Can you walk up to a first day tt and by planet specific bp's to get a working economy started?
    Do you not notice higher frame rates from the experienced people making the effort with the textures to not over load your system?

    I could go on with a list of reasons to be here and not anywhere else within the platform. It sounds to me like you simply expected more loot to fall which has NOTHING to do with the Arkadia teams work but falls on MA. The Arkadian team have put everything we need to grow the economy here from day one and in under a week I would say it will be the most populated planet in the game if it isnt already after one day.
  6. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Some answers above.

    No I didnt expect better loot amounts but quality i.e. some items other than the normal animal leftovers, so far only had a couple of bits of wood. Loot 'colour' i.e how it looks has been bad on calypso since around vu6, copying that is a bad thing. I always liked to hunt berys as the loot was varied and colourful even if most of it was useless.

    I cant deny that hard work has gone into the landscape and there is so much of it, I look forward to other mob types and a more varied level range (and level 10 of one mob not having twice the health/damage or another type with the same level (although I suspect this is another MA cockup)). To some degree I think I should have waited before coming, this is my mistake not anyone elses.

    I suspect the population is already very large, people are fed up with SDS. I just dont understand the mega hype, I am currently at the conclusion that its just being away from SDS and the ever useless neverdie inc. and not really an in-game thing.

    To that end I have my answer. Thanks.
  7. darkshark

    darkshark Member

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    Any new venture is bound to be hyped especially this one which represents the first really serious alternative to the habitual Calypso some of us have populated and occupied for 8 years now.. but of course there are bound also to be overblown hopes...

    it IS an MA system world so one should not expect it to be anything really other than a glossy money machine designed to part you from as much IRL cash as u can or cannot afford.. but one always hopes to innovation and also new immersion and change, variety and that sense of a different experience. I am not there yet as I have been working but when I do explore I plan to 'sightsee' and take it all in without too many expectations first and savour the atmosphere and ambience and look at how the world is made. Like many a 'Gold Rush' territory it will not be the road to riches for all without massive effort, luck and a lot of IRL investment but it is NEW.. and at this stage that is most welcome as a breath of fresh 'new planet' air.
  8. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    MA is in charge of loot. Planet Partners do not have any control over it.
  9. kosmos

    kosmos Member

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    I agree with some of your opinions. I think this place has been over hyped. It probably was due to people being starved for a change. NI and Rock weren't it. Those places were incomplete at the start of their lives, and are still trying to find their place. However it appears that arkadia is a "complete" product (or close to it) on day 1. Thats a good thing. I do think most aren't being 100% objective to the cons of whats going on here though if thats what your hinting at by making this thread.
  10. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Thought I would update on my experience so far.

    I have to say its growing on me, if I was to now answer my own question the answer would be, to be part of something new from the ground up.

    Im at the point now that I need my blueprints and stuff from Calypso so since its gonna cost me 80 ped (outragious!) to get there and back I expect it will be done only once.
  11. mobydick

    mobydick Member

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    That stinks because if a partner could even out the loot a little, giving less gigantic ATH and more people steady loot I think it could be a great success.
  12. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    I think it's a big difference between old time players and new players.

    Experienced EU players knew pretty well the limitations and so we all are VERY happy with the stuff that was released on day one. All important things are working to get a smooth start on the planet, plus great graphics.

    If you don't know the Entropia PLATTFORM and don't know the problems MA has as a developer itself, then you might have expected a total different game... then I understand that you are unhappy.

    We (old players) didn't expect that, we just wanted a professional environment for a game we love... as a start. We believe that a good company can tell MA how to make the game a real success... so we all believe that this is just a first step... but this step was GREAT!
  13. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    This is exactly what players have been asking for for years from MA. :/
  14. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    ... and we assume, that a successful PP has some more influence to MAs decission than we, the paying clients, have (which is a shame).
  15. Migi

    Migi Member

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  16. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    Unfortunatly I doubt it, Ive been in PE/EU for some years now, MA makes its move and listens to noone ever. I doubt now that MA sees us as the customers anymore, they probably see the PP a the partner and we are now the PP's problem.

    Sad how anti MA Ive become over the years.
  17. Smoerble

    Smoerble Active Member Pro Users

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    Money talks. I personally think: the PP who generates the most income has some influence. Arkadia will attract so many players, that MA would be stupid not to listen. And no matter if you like them or not, MA is not stupid.
  18. pacmagic

    pacmagic Member

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    I hope you are proven right I really do.
  19. isclay

    isclay Active Member

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    Let's not forget: EU is "DYNAMIC"