Missions Something wrong with the Oratan?

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Manny, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Decided to go and hunt a few Oratan, but something rather unexpected happened

    After each kill I got the message "An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following mission:
    Code: 4

    You may try to repeat the action leading to this error at a later time or contact support for assistance. If contacting support, make sure to supply the information above."

    And none of the Oratan I killed gave any loot. Since I wasn't hunting small ones but Looters and Rogues, it definitely seems that the error message and the no loots are probably connected.

    Still half way on the 5k Oratan kills, all others till now - miners mostly - didn't seem to have problems although that was before the VU.

    Hunted them near Steadfast, so it's not Underground related.
  2. Manny

    Manny Member

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    Crisis averted.

    For some reason after getting the new underground missions the error disappeared and Oratan started giving me loot again.

    I just hope the lost peds went to the A-team and not at MA's pockets :D