Watch This Planet Arkadia Update 2014.1 (19 March)

Discussion in 'Planet Arkadia Release Notes & Updates' started by ArkadiaBot, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I love how the togolossi look, and can't help to feel that it's somehow similar to what the native Arkadians appeared.

    And all those luminescent rocks on the ceiling and walls of the main courtyard are great. They kind of look like stars.
  2. Puck

    Puck Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Congratulations to Dave and Arkadia Studios for seeing the next major phase in their planet developement finally come to fruition. May it be a resounding success for the participants and the Ateam!
  3. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback, the team have been working 6-7 days a week for 5 months to bring Arkadia Underground in on schedule. I'm personally extremely proud of my team for what they have achieved in such a short period of time.
    We have been working closely with Mindark to develop this new form of shared ownership, so my thanks to the team at MA for their efforts to also get this done on schedule.

    The Arkadian vaults are linked to the treasure maps, so as per the release notes they will become operational next week following the patch. For Medeina, don't worry about your map, more will become available after the patch.

    Just a note regarding the Vaults. The Vaults are great for the Land Area because the ensure a constant flow of participants visiting the Underground, however they are not taxed and therefore don't contribute directly to tax revenue.

    Regarding the release of the deeds, we will begin listing them on auction in batches today. We'll make every effort to ensure they are listed at different times of the day to ensure everyone has a chance to buy some.
  4. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    Thanks a bunch, Dave. Y'all did a fantastic job, and we all highly appreciate the effort and subsequent clarifications.
  5. Sir Valentin

    Sir Valentin Member

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    A good work from the team with the Caves and its lot of space there. :)
  6. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I just found a new NPC that definitely wasn't around before today. He doesn't seem to do anything right now, but I promised not to say where I found him.

    View attachment 9164
  7. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    The Bot 2000 is an anomaly and appears to be a smuggler modification. The IFN is investigating the origin of this Bot at the moment.
  8. billyjeanruby

    billyjeanruby Member

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    Even if I’m member of this forum since my very beginning I didn’t posted here much, since for me Arkadia were and still is a fully developed planet without any bugs or problems.
    Really guys,
    I thought that was common for Entropia and then I start wandering the universe :) and I started to realize that isn’t common at all. Bugs - problems - lag not working NPC's and many other strange things, all over the universe, except …. Ark lol
    But now, you made the BIG surprise.
    I didn’t expect anything like that.
    A huge and beautiful (almost planet) underground, new very good designed mobs (agree with medeina for togolossi by the way, they are truly Arkadian mobs) and still, treasure maps and.... DEED’s ???? OMG!!! you made me so happy.

    P.S. and a "small" ….”objection”!
    About the release of the deeds. What the “today” mean?
    Because “today” right now it is only for hawaiian’s :)
    I think for you it is one more day ahead, for us it is next day and mainland US going to next day already

  9. Inno

    Inno Member

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    Ever since the patch I haven't been able to get on at all... Keeps saying Timeout has occurred... Opened a ticket and haven't heard anything... I'm not using gold authen or anything either...

    Tried doing repair... Tried doing different options... Seems to be "account" oriented rather than the client

    As far as I know I'm at Firebase Valient...

    Anyone have any ideas I can try?

    EDIT: just tried on a completely different machine and same problem and my friends account works just fine on that machine as well... So definitely something wrong with my account?
  10. robotech master

    robotech master Member

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    I have this problem as well. Normally I have to log in about 10-20 times and often when I get into the loading phase I will load into a grey screen that will claim I was disconnected. Its been an on going issue that MA doesn't seem to care about.
  11. Inno

    Inno Member

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    Ya if I just sit there and spam it... it does that as well... Sometimes I even get the message that my avatar is already logged in lol...

    So this started happening with you too right after the patch?
  12. May

    May Active Member

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    Thanks for the great update: it's more than expected.
    Still have seen only a fraction of it, it is huge!

    The Togolossi did stop me in my tracks: eerie... Great job, it all looks marvelous.
    And not too many nick-knacks around, that normally would lag me. Enough landscape, without frame loss.

    I even made an extreme high jump from a cliff: was gliding down (for a looong time), and landed safely (turned out to be water down there). Good rush. :cool:

    And the fact that Arkadia Underground has it's own separate storage, was a lovely surprise.
    I didn't think of that, but the easy accessible extra storage space is certainly handy.

    Also thanks for holding back the deeds until the GC bug was fixed. Much appreciated.

    A small, and totally unimportant detail: at the Arkadia Underground TP, the Technical Terminals have 'Trade Terminal' as their name.
    Not worth the time, just mentioning it, in case you have a bored intern who's looking for something to do. ;)

    @ Inno and robotech, if you're still unable to log in: submit a support ticket, and ask to be moved to another location. That will most likely solve your issue.

    I've had this problem several times now, and for some reason it happens more often after a VU.
    Often caused by a CTD during a TP / revive. After support relocates me, log in is possible again.
    (Ofc beforehand I've tried all the usual solutions, and sometimes re-installing did the trick. But when even installing a new Windows version doesn't help, the problem doesn't seem to be from this side.)
  13. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Looks great so far guys. I'm very happy to get the item points for my booth 8)

    I think the best way to sell these deeds would not be on the AU. There are enough players that use "tools" to gain an advantage. I have screenshots of a player in MM getting a global, and at the same time placing a bid on the AU....

    The line that was formed on Calypso at Fort Ithica was the best route... Have a real life player sell the deeds two or 3 times a day, and this will allow everyone to get a piece of the pie. Otherwise since it is a small amount to be released, they will all go to the same players.
  14. Ardorj

    Ardorj Active Member Pro Users

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    I've only been able to see the Underground for like five minutes and I love it!
    The deeds are like a dream coming true! I can't wait to get my hands on some of 'em. I do however share the concern of Chuck Jarrdhead and others. Oh ... and a question: are the deeds later sellable to other avatars that will give it a markup[SUP]*[/SUP] or only back to official avatars?

    [SUP]*[/SUP] resellers/ auctionsharks/ 2[SUP]+[/SUP]-accounts will love that.

    Keep up the great work Arkadia Team! :cool::hail::cool:
  15. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I volunteer to go through the logs to see who the active players are that support Arkadia through active gameplay/ped-cycling and give them priority for purchasing deeds. :p

    Or hardcode it so that only people with at least three completed stage 5 IFN missions can buy more than 10 deeds within the first three months. :p

    I'm quite concerned about resellers too. But as Snape put it in another post, "placing them in at various times of the day so different timezones will get a fair shake of the stick. You can't get any fairer than that with the CURRENT systems in place."
  16. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    There's a little too much stressing going on here. There's lots of deeds going on sale. It's a level playing field in that we all will have an opportunity to buy either from auction or a broker. And if some position themselves to better take advantage of that opportunity then "Well played sir (or Ma'am)!"

    No doubt speculators will manage to acquire a significant portion but:
    - there's a million USD worth hitting the market and I don't think we will see speculators spending that much.
    - with half going through broker sales over some unspecified period there is little opportunity for speculators to turn a quick profit, since MU will be held in check by the broker sales.

    But when it comes down to it, if the only way for you to acquire deeds is from another player, then it doesn't really matter if they are turning a profit. The critical consideration is whether the deal on offer has good value for you. By then it should be clear what the likely returns are, so it should be easy for you to work out: "for x peds I am likely to get y pec per week back. Is that a good way to spend x peds?"

    And looking at the extreme upside, if all deeds sell reasonably quickly, that's up to 1 mil USD Dave and the team can plow back into the development or marketing effort. I think we will all benefit from that.
  17. Inno

    Inno Member

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    I've had a support ticket open a couple days now... I did get responses.. they tried several things like moving me around even to another planet... and still getting same error... so their response was they were going to forward the ticket to their "team"...

    why do I get the feeling I'm screwed until the next patch
  18. Inno

    Inno Member

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    I've had ticket open since the patch now that I haven't been able to log in... I did get responses back of them moving my character around even to another planet... But still getting the same problem... So he said they were going to forward the issue to their "team"

    Why do I get the feeling I won't be able to play until the next patch

    EDIT: I just tried creating a new account... and that new account is doing the same thing!
    However I can log into my friends account just fine... does this mean every new account being made can't log in?
  19. T79x

    T79x Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    nice idea but too late for it, anyway reservation of some deeds for such players in advance will be nice
    you can have 10+1 for each mision reserved to buy
    one time offer to take
    but such system must be done before
  20. HardWrath

    HardWrath Member

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    Will the deeds be released all at once or slowly over time?