Suggestion Improving the newbie experience

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Sub-Zero, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    It would be nice if the arkadia team makes weapons lootable from current punies and suitable for punies, similar in stats like the ones lootable from calypso punies.

    EWE EP-1 Neutron (L)
    Skildek Lancehead (L)

    Also drops an amp
    Omegaton B101 (L)

    So if the arkadia team could add maybe new punies or add similar in stats weapons in their loot, I believe that would be great for newbies.

    Maybe even a new mission say similar to Calypso Bone Samples (with 10k you can get 1 point in agility), only it would be Arkadia Bone Samples/whatever name ya want. Then you could get 1 point in whatever attribute ya decide.

    This would give more motivation for newbies to grind and it would give them extra MU on their loot.
  2. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I voted yes but I think they should be craftable instead. They should be craftable from puny-derived materials (maybe muscle oil, carabok leg fur, or the gallard animal part (I don't think there is one yet). You want them to use oil residue as residue since punies drop a lot of that. A CAP-Mini that does 2 max damage plus a Hotfoot Mini that does +1 damage would be a good addition for the newbies and really for anyone else wanting to reduce overkill on small mobs.

    Or another fun idea--which I actually like better--is to have the weapon be a pick axe crafted from parts looted from the oratan prospectors (oratan axe head, oratan axe handle, muscle oil, corria timber). Since we can use melee amps now you could have the amp be an attachment that presumably increases the damage and durability of the weapon, like a "sharpened axe head" or something like that.

    UL BPs could be given out as a newbie mission reward.

    Regarding the skildek, Arkadia doesn't actually have any explosive weapons, though if they do introduce them, a newbie version would be good too.
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Pick axe is a nice idea but no one is going to craft L melee until the melee amps are integrated into the ark melee weapons design. It just isn't viable for a crafter to produce at a price that is both profitable for the crafter and eco for the hunter.
  4. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero Member

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    Bump for the poll. Vote or if you have better idea, feel free to suggest.
  5. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    Maybe do it a bit different than Caly and do this with a melee wep to drop and maybe a really small melee amp?

    I mean there has to be a difference and i really think everyone should skill melee, it gives HP and increases your weigh limit.

    It could also be a "fun" weapon, like a simple stick that drops from Caraboks and Gallards that you can use to kill them, this would theoretically explain the low tt value and the "high" decay on it.
  6. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    1. I think the TT weapons are brilliant for the price, therefore I'd only really agree to local amps / melee / melee amps dropping from the punies.

    2. The blueprint idea would be a brilliant outcome of having more melee in game.

    -- Laser/BLP Amps would be the number one choice to have as a product dropping from punies.

    Halix Young drop melee blades, it would make more sense to have melee amps and parts on Halix as a second stage safety net to keep the newb experience running for a longer period of time.

    Lootius knows that the Carabok market has helped many a new player.

    That said, there are no scopes / sights for melee for obvious reasons and this has traditionally held melee back.

    Training Leoi shock dagger through SIB, the loss to MISS was ~90pec per full 110tt knife (averaged throughout SIB)

    After SIB? Not gained a full level in over 848PED.

    Scopes and Sights do help with skilling SIB-maxxed weapons, short of a Borg-eye there is no real way to add this feature to melee....... ....or.....
  7. May

    May Active Member

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    Great suggestion!
    As a starter there is a gap between the time you finish the freebees and the time you can afford to buy an eco melee weapon.
    I've seen a lot of newbies using the S.I. Combat Knife for the punies, at least if they have access to them via a mentor or friend.
    For those that haven't, it has to wait until they either make enough ped to be able to buy one, or are able/willing to deposit.

    Even though I was born on Arkadia, and really prefer the Caraboks over any other planet's puny: I still wound up on Caly to hunt those punies for their drops there. Like the Rubio and the weapons and amp mentioned in the OP.
    Maybe they were not better than the TT weapons here, but, it is a big thrill and motivator for a starter to loot a weapon.
    Even if this is a (L) for a few pec: it is immediately useable, and it is so much more fun than just oils in your window.

    Being able to use a melee weapon you looted, when you don't have any ammo left, (which is a common occurrence for starters) is a nice way to be able to play through that gap until your first deposit (instead of getting discouraged, which I've seen happen too).
    And as mentioned above, a melee weapon is useful for HP/strength, without carbon copying other planets.

    Having a mission item drop would be nice, but copying a mission from Caly is perhaps not the most elegant solution.

    Small question-mark about craft-able ingredients dropping from punies: wouldn't they either become a common commodity, which would be the same as all the oils? Meaning, you need a big stack to be able to sell them, which for a starter is the same as all the rest of the loot.
    Or, if they would drop rarely: wouldn't they need to have a high enough TT value, so it could be sold in very small amounts? But then it would probably be uninteresting for crafters to buy.
    Though I wouldn't know about that: I can only speak from my own experience, which is "newbie".

    Meh, nothing lost if it remains unchanged, but this suggestion might help the player experience for starters/newbies.
    So I voted a big yes. View attachment 9012
  8. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    There are solutions to this problem, if L melee were considered a priority. Since it's not, might as well just make the pick axe UL. You can make the recipe a bit more complicated in that case.
  9. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Well I've not had a halix young - alpha drop a blade for a very long time and I can't remember the last time one did but it's several months to a year.
  10. Manny

    Manny Member

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    David commented on his last interview that they'll wait till the melee amp system is finalized before making any more melee weapons and I can't argue with that. Last thing they'd want is to make a weapon obsolete a couple of months after it comes out.

    Since for now we don't have any real Melee amps from Caly - the test planet for new systems, ahem - I guess we'll have to wait our turn.

    And obviously voted yes.
  11. Colbey Kal

    Colbey Kal Member

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    Instead of simply adding more weapon drops to loot I'd suggest adding easily available weapon (L) BPs. One of the barriers to entry for the crafting profession is getting BPs with high QR - that isn't an issue with (L)s. With the goal being to expose new players to a range of activities and giving them a sense of accomplishment these shouldn't exclusively come from more experienced players' crafting, so they'd have to come from the Technician, hunting loot, or (repeatable?) Quests . Ideally these would also be maxed at level 0, but I don't know if that is possible.

    If the weapons' BPs used materials that newbies can easily get on their own like sweat, carrabok loot, and common rookie level mining finds, they could gather all the materials on their own and make their own weapon 'from scratch' - something I'm guessing 99% of the current player-base has never done. I'm guessing this would give people a huge sense of accomplishment and pride.