Mob stats and levels

Discussion in 'Creatures' started by warpath, Apr 28, 2011.

  1. warpath

    warpath Member

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    Hey guys, just a quick question to Ozi or Cyrus, or anyone who can answer;

    I was wondering if you guys had considered officially releasing the health levels, damage levels and damage types of the Arkadia mobs? I know it has always been done by the community in the past, but I have always thought it would be cool for MA to have released official info about them, like a info page somewhere on the web site.

    Not sure if it is something that PP's can decide to do or not do, or if it is a MA level decision that this info is not officially released.

    Cheers Guys

    Locked and loaded awaiting deployment to Arkadia :)
  2. David | Arkadia

    David | Arkadia Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    Good question Warpath. No we won't be releasing stats of the mobs, it's part of the adventure to try the different mobs and learn what is working.

    I do understand your thinking though, so in other areas we have worked hard to ensure more information is provided. An example is you might have noticed on the latest video of the CAP-303 Desert (L) that we state the previous and next models in the range and also the suggested amplifier for the weapon. That should make life much easier for new players to follow a progression as they develop more skills. All that information will reside on the information tab for the item in the game. That kind of information will be seen on most of the items at launch. When you work out how many items are in at launch you'll get a grasp of just how much work has gone into the info tabs :)
  3. warpath

    warpath Member

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    yeah Ozi, that was actually what got me thinking, I really liked the detail on the video. And I agree with what u said about discovering them being part of the adventure. I'm just getting itchy feet and am trying to sneek any little bit I can about the place ;)
  4. Telgard

    Telgard Member

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    You say it is part of the adventure of trying different mobs and learning what works. Is there any chance that in the future when we scan stuff with a LifeScanner we will acquire that data to look at later in an in-game log book? or form some type of codex of items we have seen?
  5. remontoire

    remontoire Member

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    Mob damage testing is not that hard and can be quite fun. It also IMHO fits very nicely with the scientific part of the back story.
  6. Migi

    Migi Member

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    OMG I just discoverd that info tab with.... USEFUL INFO!!! YOU GUYS ROCK! (as in no pun intended or subliminal jokes, i mean literally rock!)
    Really really.....

    PS: Any chance u might reach your magic touch faar far into Europe map and slap the loot manager and whoever's in charge of the mining bugs over at MA/SDS/whoever, plz David?
  7. John Maxim Mclane

    John Maxim Mclane New Member

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    Info Tabs Rock!

    I am very appreciative of the time and effort put into those info tabs. Thanks!