Competition Arkadian Colony Defence – Ongoing Attacks!

Discussion in 'Company Events' started by ArkadiaBot, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    IFN Intelligence: Advancing Oratan forces detected!

    View attachment 8900

    Thanks to a timely warning from the Commandos of Alpha Team, IFN Command now knows of an imminent attack heading for some of our positions. Whilst we are still yet to find the main Oratan staging areas, we at least seem to be narrowing down the search somewhat.

    As before, IFN Command Arkadia have deployed significant resources in order to ascertain how and where the main Oratan forces are being moved from in order for a coordinated strike to be executed. As a consequence, the majority of reserve forces are being used to reinforce vital assets whilst civilian militia augment the Firebases that have had their main combat forces stripped from them.

    The new attacks seem to be headed for Repulse and Courageous Firebases, who's defending forces are low due to force rotation. This seems to confirm that the Oratan seem to have almost real-time surveillance on our positions which is allowing them to react to our troop deployments.

    The IFN are calling on Arkadia's loyal colonists, to assist in plugging the gaps in our defensive lines and bolster the IFN combat forces. Colonists of all levels are encouraged to attend. This attack is liable to be a heavy and sustained attack for an extended period of time, so people from different time-zones are encouraged to join and leave in at their convenience.

    If you are able to lend support, please assemble at REPULSE FIREBASE (Coordinates 15015, 15047) or COURAGEOUS FIREBASE (Coordinates 15182, 25704).

    The attacks are estimated to hit around the following dates and times (MA/in-game time):

    • 14th February 2014 @ 19:00
    • 15th February 2014 @ 19:00

    Please Note: This attack is liable to be a heavy and sustained attack for an extended period of time, similar to previous attacks. We encourage people from different time-zones to join and leave in at their convenience.


    Due to issues arising from previous engagements, we once again ask colonists to please NOT shoot from the walls or from under the entrance of the base, as this causes the Oratan to become UNREACHABLE and spoils the event for other participants. We kindly ask that all players actually advance into the field and engage the enemy forces.


    The Oratan are, once again, likely to be throwing all they have at these bases including the largest and strongest warriors they can muster. As with previous engagements, IFN Command will make limited personnel available for Paramedical duties to assist colonial fighters.

    Please arrive early and ensure all equipment is clean and in good repair, and you have adequate supplies of ammunition.
  2. zume

    zume Active Member Pro Users

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    Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Better stick to Zaduls today then, after Huons chopping half my pedcard 2 nights ago..

    Just a friendly word of advice (which several of us tried to point out during last event :) ):

    Reduce the amount of "small mobs" that surround the bases.. Quite a lot of the lag occurring during these attacks comes from the big amount of mobs (combined with the high player numbers) - especially when dying alot where game has to reload the area all the time..

    Plz plz PLZ only spawn 1 boss mob at a time.. A lot of the issues with them going "unreachable", comes from the bossmobs "blocking" each other (ESPECIALLY an issue at Courageous).. There's simply just not physical room enough for more than 1 at a time.. It also increases kill effectiveness.. Win/Win

    Whenever possible (guess you cant get a tiny minipatch in before march update), it would be a wise idea (as mentioned by others i remember) to place a revive outside in the open air at the usual bases (Steadfast, Courageous, Repulse).. This will also reduce the players' indivual lag, as some of the lag build comes from the repetitive dying and reloading of "the outside" ..

    Just some thoughts.. :)
  3. KillerDawg

    KillerDawg Active Member Pro Users

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    :dribble: WOOHOO, guess it's time to visit my weapons dealer for some firepower......
  4. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    And i thought: Screw it i will never hunt bigger stuff again - now i have to Depo once more...
  5. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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  6. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    so how did this go?