[Stream] Mining Arkadia

Discussion in 'General Media Discussion' started by Caillend Ceres, Feb 6, 2014.

  1. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    Hello Arkadians,

    maybe some know me from a long time ago, maybe some won't or some won't care.

    I took a long break from EU and just recently joined again and got catched by EU and especially Arkadia again and now I'm streaming my mining runs since a few days.

    I currently "work" for Neil and his Greenleaf Mining Company and stream those runs and do some chatting with viewers etc.

    So now i know livestreams are not that "interesting" for EU, but i still enjoy it when i get like 10 viewers (14 was max and Iicouldn't believe it!) and this thread is just here to announcce that i am streaming and i try to update this thread as soon as i go live (if that's allowed).

    You can always ask questions in chat, maybe i'm able to answer that or maybe someone else watching CAN answer that question.

    My long term "goal" is to be able to do some minor giveaways on stream aimed for newer players like Rookie Gear giveaways or plain PED's in a low amount.

    And yes, it's intended that you will see my LBML map while i'm mining since i have no secrets and the data is shared on mininglog aswell, so i don't want a discussion about it :)

    TL;DR: Here is the link to my stream, i hope you enjoy it http://www.twitch.tv/caillend
  2. BB Global

    BB Global Member

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    Thank you for Streaming!

    Watched this stream yesterday and it was pretty entertaining, plus seeing how Greenleaf Mining Company works was insightful, Kudos to Neil Stockton for his efforts!

    --- Caillend's English is definitely commendable, my German is much much worse, infact probably 2 words instead of a conversation, he's a cool guy!
  3. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    Haha, thanks - i know my english is not the best, but i try to pronounce everything right.

    Btw. i will start my stream between 15 and 16 MA time today, but without cam since i just saw that the program that i use to get my iPhone as cam takes up to 40% of my CPU and that's why my game was lagging yesterday....
  4. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    Stream will start somewhere between 15 and 16 MA time today again - not sure how long, but i think it's liek yesterday
  5. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    ive been wondering long time what could be less boring than watch someone stream mining in entropia.. i cant really think anything more boring ofc it would be little different if someone would be blasting lvl13 amps but still would be boring :D
  6. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    it really depends, had a lot of people watching the stream - i always try to get some talking going...most players don't want to and just watch and i dunno why so i end up with 10-16 people in the stream without a single word fromt hem for ours and me talking to my cam x)
  7. Caillend Ceres

    Caillend Ceres Member

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    I wasn't streaming much, since i was a bit sick and ESO beta was on and due to NDA i was not able to stream it.
    Will be back to Streaming on tuesday maybe and maybe i will do a minor giveaway - dunno