Watch This Current Events

Discussion in 'Sanctuary Cove' started by Hawkwing, Nov 23, 2013.

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  1. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Greetings Arkadians and other visiting Entropians!

    Here you will find links to the threads of all the events currently running on Sanctuary Cove.
    Follow the links to find additional information on each event (such as times and rules etc).


    The IFN CHALLENGE BOUNTY - Reloaded is running right now and backdated to the day that IFN Challenge missions became available on Arkadia.

    The Huon MASSACRE - Reloaded and Kadra MASSACRE - Reloaded events will run each month from May 2015.

    ALSO! Don't forget that you can earn in the Huon/Kadra MASSACRE - Reloaded and the IFN CHALLENGE BOUNTY - Reloaded simultaneously!


    Stay tuned for more events to come!


    Sanctuary Cove Forum Footer.png
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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  2. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1. How do you define that IFN Challenge 12K was completed? A - When you complete the IFN Challenge Huon - Stage 5, you will receive an Achievement. You must have Achievements set to public so that your status can be confirmed when you meet with a representative of SC to claim your payment.
    2. I like my privacy, will I have to show my Achievements each time? A - No. The first time you meet an SC Rep, they will record your avatars full name so that you won't have to worry about it in the future.
    3. Can teams participate in this if they set a name to be recognised with EL ? A - Not at this stage. There certainly are plans for a team event, they are just a little harder to put into practise. There will be various other options along the way as we get each one developed, along with additional events as well in the months to come, so stay tuned! For the time being, these events are setup for individuals only.
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  3. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Greetings Arkadians and visiting Entropians!

    Today marks the start of the following events for the month of December, so get your gear out and start culling the herds!

    Huon Massacre Header.png
    Kadra Massacre Header.png
    IFN Challenge Bounty Header.png

    Times and dates will be published when prizes may be collected, this is likely to be in the first week of next month (January), at the Sanctuary Cove teleporter.

    Looking forward to seeing you all.


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    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 26, 2015
  4. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Greetings Arkadians and visiting Entropians!

    The following event has been added to the list of current and running events.

    For more information, please follow the link (by clicking the banner) to the events main thread.

    Got a Brain Header.png

    We look forward to seeing a brain soon.


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    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2015
  5. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    From May 2015, Hawkwing will be REDUCING the current rate of Hunting and Mining Tax on Sanctuary Cove.

    There will be a revamp of the existing events, under the name "Reloaded" as well as an expansion of the event series and random prizes given out during EwoK/Snape's radio show on Normandie Radio.

    For more information go to the Sanctuary Cove subforum on Arkadia Forum or listen in to Normandie Radio.​


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  6. Hawkwing

    Hawkwing Owner of Sanctuary Cove Platinum Member

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    Greetings Arkadians and visiting Entropians!

    The following events will begin on 1ST MAY 2015, so get your gear out and start culling the herds!

    Huon Massacre Reloaded Header.png

    Kadra Massacre Reloaded Header.png

    IFN Challenge Bounty Reloaded Header.png

    Prizes may be collected during Snape/EwoK's radio show or by arrange times with either Hawkwing or Snape/EwoK.

    Looking forward to seeing you all.


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