Improved GYRO to bug abuser

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Killahbee, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Killahbee

    Killahbee Member

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    Since there is no thread on this forum yet, but there is on PCF I decided to make one about it..

    This was done for over 5 hours, and AFTER Ark had made many clear and concise statements banning this behavior on the forum and in game. And he was asked dozens of times by the players to move.

    View attachment 8714

    This was causing mobs to go both unreachable, and to fly 100s of meters into the air.
    He had many unreachable under him the whole time. He clearly wasn't getting hit.

    What actions are you going to take against this? Are you going to let a bug abuser run away with a 80k ped item?

  2. Sunsout Gunsout

    Sunsout Gunsout Member

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  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    ......................... :)
  4. ruskea

    ruskea Member

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    cheaters/exploiters always get rewarded in this game
  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Just going to move it to the appropriate section where the devs will see it. Valid question for sure.


    I can help with that, 1 minute.

    EDIT 2: Seems Killahbee has uploaded said picture to the opening post. Cheers.
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I guess this is the anti-gratz thread. It made me sick to hear that an exploiter looted something so rare while I was running back and forth almost nonstop from the revive.
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  7. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    I was there during the time he was camped up there.

    I wish the Arkadia Officials who were there healing could have told him explicitly to get down or be considered in violation of EULA / rules which state that you cannot be a detriment to other players.

    There was another player, who was camped up there as well. He was a relative newbie and made the excuse that if a higher skilled player can do it, so can he.

    If nothing is done, we are setting a bad example, and showing that cheating / abusing is profitable and nothing is done against it.
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  8. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    I missed this even but have to agree with Neil. To bad I missed his name a PM would be sweet anyone? :)

    Anyways ive said it before il say it again. Ateam shoud NOT be so nice with Airstrikes. Bomb the bastards to hell imo
  9. Killahbee

    Killahbee Member

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    Thanks for moving this to the correct section, I think it's not allowed to post names here but i've pmd you the name.
  10. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    No problem.

    Unfortunately Rule 2f forbids naming the person responsible. However it's very easy to find out who it is as EntropiaLife records all Discoveries.
  11. Sunsout Gunsout

    Sunsout Gunsout Member

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    Ty for getting the pic, even though this layout is similar to the other forums, I can't for the life of me, find out where I upload screenies.

    I admit, even though I read all the forums all the time, I don't do much posting on most because of time restraints and the fact that I can never remember my user names and pw's on them :)
  12. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Have a read of the tutorials in the Learning Centre about uploading pics to posts.

    Gallery got disabled as it broke with the last update and I'm yet to get a new one to replace it as other ideas are in the works.
  13. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    just posting what I posted there as well

    No, They are not too talk, The matter is that they cant hit people inside the base or on top or between the turrets. It immediately sends them flying miles into the air and yes we have actually had some that never returned. peds just gone... He would have died. and would have spent around +4000 ped in armor decay like I did or more yes you read that right, I did almost 40 hours in that event right in the middle in t3 shadow. repairing for 100ped almost hourly. and at 243 hp I died pretty frequent too.
    And he actually did this in both places between the turret inside the base and from the roof. And was explained to why we cant do that. His response was Fuck you, Im not moving. If im not mistaken. I could check my chat logs....

    Due to issues arising from previous engagements, we ask colonists to please not shoot Oratan from the walls or under the entrance of the base (as this causes the Oratan to become UNREACHABLE) but to actually advance into the field to engage the enemy forces.
    on 1 , 2, 3,
    Due to issues arising from previous engagements, we ask colonists to please not shoot Oratan from the walls or under the entrance of the base (as this causes the Oratan to become UNREACHABLE) but to actually advance into the field to engage the enemy forces.
    It was already explained that the spawn locations are preset at the moment and cant be changed until next vu. So Dev team and players kept telling people not to be in those places.
    the bold part. I don't think u can imagine how many god damned times the dev team and players told this player and other exactly why they needed to be outside the base, not on the walls or between the turrets.
    He and they simply didn't care. They just wanted to abuse this weakness within the system.
    It prevents thousands of peds in armor decay that would have happened otherwise in his armor he was showing off o so well, had he actually been hunting as the event was designed and intended. So yes it was an exploit.
    He heard clearly and so nicely said Fuck you, Im not moving
    And was explained to him why by multiple people.
  14. Killahbee

    Killahbee Member

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    Thanks for your post raven, really interested to hear what the arkdevs will have to say about this
  15. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    you know at the risk of sounding like a whiner or unappreciative etc. Ill say like this

    Its really a shame that some people can exploit the system and be rewarded while others of us spent thousands of peds on armor decay and end up without what we were trying for.

    It may sound like I am whining cause I didn't loot the fap. and some of you will say but you looted a crossbow and I looted nothing. I understand some looted nothing but I also understand I shot for 20hr straight. over 40hr shot in total if im not mistaken cycled over 50k ped in ammo and 4kped in armor decay, (+450 dmg enh broken) I chose the armor to try to keep myself alive to give me the best possible chanse of looting a superfap or scanthi. I instead still died because I followed the rules and got something that helped cover losses but was definitely not what I needed.

    If something isn't don't to fix this there is nothing preventing every other person from doing exactly the same thing next time. I don't wanna say, I will or wont do it next time, but why is it that for all of us who choose to do things the right way are screwed over so big style. It seems the system is set to promote cheating at the expense of the rest of us.

    I know I can easy save 4k ped next time if I do what he did, and I wouldn't die also. Should I do that? Morally I shouldn't, but Morally also just cost me and many others who were as deserving if not more than me, the proper chanse at that fap.

  16. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    </sarcasm on>

    Rules for organizing events in EU:
    1. Make sure you never visit the actual area ingame before u set up the event.
    2. Make sure there's not a single person in your team who actually plays the game and therefore could tell you instantly what will be the problems - where ppl will try to cheat and how.
    3. If you somehow didn't manage to keep yourself in the dark and noticed the event is going horribly wrong, make sure there's nobody from the dev team present who could actually do something about the problems.

    </sarcasm off>

    There's a very simple and reliable solution:
    One guy from dev team stands inside the fort with 5000-point-dmg rifle.
    One warning, one-shot kill, peace on earth n everybody's happy.
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  17. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    The level of ignorance all across the board in EU is rising with the influx of so many people from the other games where ignorance and cheating are the standard. I ran into it just a few mins ago. Decided to hunt Oratan to finish the stage I am on. Depo'd to do so. Spent 3 hours grinding without so much as a mini.

    While there I noticed the oratan young now hit +15 damage more then they used to. the matures are up nearly 25 avg per hit. They hit twice as many times now even after chipping in two full levels of evade just last week. I also found that the gun I have been using for YEARS has been fiddle fucked with by the brainchildren at Ma where now it decays faster then my beast amp I use on it.

    But the thing that burns my ass most is the ignorant uber that came up to the spawn ( Master blp sniper so he KNOWS how this all works), doesn't even say Hello and starts shooting. When he got cocky about it being free to hunt I asked if it was common for him to walk into an area and buddy fuck someone. He played stupid like he doesn't know exactly what he is doing so I told him there was a good chance he could take the catch up hof I was waiting for. As SOON as I said that he got the 407 ped hof on his 4th mob after I was there for 3 fucking hours. All he did was laugh. (sadly cant name the asshole but I can pass word around to upper level players with some honor and let them
    come up with a way to deal with him that hurts his wallet)

    Between the growing level of ignorance and the way MA is letting all this go on as well as the thievery to keep that glass ceiling in tact I think its time this game sinks to the bottom personally.

    If the Devs and MA don't stand up and start policing this shit I may have to get serious and get some legal action rolling to investigate this whole cluster fuck on behalf of all the not rich people getting screwed to pay for these idiots to walk away with everything ALL of the time.
  18. slither

    slither Active Member

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    People aren't allowed to hunt near you? There's such a thing as a 'catch up hof' that anyone can loot. Some of us don't have superstitions and just hunt, and those of us who do are arseholes 'cause we don't believe in your loot theory lol
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  19. Raven Lunchbox

    Raven Lunchbox Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    I see both sides of this side discussion that should be brought to another thread. Cyborg Bill, Create a thread for this discussion and im sure we can all discuss it there, make it under either Hunting Section or Loot Theory section.

    Slither, While yes we may not all agree with one another's theories or superstitions if possible to respect them I think we should.

    I do have my own theories on loot and part is similar to this. I have no proof that I am right other than my own experience of it happening to me over and over more than coincidence can excuse.

    I wont go into great detail on it all in this thread but, trying to respect another's wishes can go along way.
  20. Guarana123

    Guarana123 New Member

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    aLEsti his

    Zero respond from Ark Dev about this?

    First this is a HUGE blow to Ark dev as it seems they have zero controll over players. Seems they have to contact MA to get them to get the item back or player temp ban.

    If non actions are taken against the player. This opens up for everyone else to do the exact same thing. Next event means zero people will stand outside of the base. And everyone will tell the Officials to "Fuck off".

    For people not understanding what it means to be "unreachable" by mobs.

    I stand outside the event and I get killed. This gives me a 10 sec death timer and the time to run back to event which is about 5 second. With a average 65 dps you can just calculate yourself how much damage I will miss out on.

    So for 15 whole seconds I can't damage the mob. BUT if I stand on the wall I can shoot as long as I want and max my dmg which will give me more loot back. If the mob goes unreachable, no one else can damage it. So all I have to do Is wait for the mob to change agro and get reachable again. Hence I get 100 % damage on the mob without any penalty.

    Hope we c a Oraton Event again soon. Will be fun to c how many people will just stand inside base since it's zero consequence for doing this, beside being told hundreds of times to move away from the walls!!!