Gratz to all for the latest event

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous Discussion' started by Neil, Jan 19, 2014.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Just wanted to say thanks to the Ark community (and healers!) for the great event this time. There were a couple troublemakers but I'm not going to let them tarnish the event. Everyone (else) was courteous and I saw less flying mobs this time, thanks to everyone for this. It was well organized and more balanced this time between the two locations. If it continues to grow we might need a third one soon!

    Some of us came for the chance to loot some big mobs, others to find special items. I'm in it for the items and unfortunately I didn't find any this time but I know they're still out there. Maybe next time! And gratz to all those who looted a special item or got included in one of the big loots. ;)

    As of a few minutes ago when I logged out, it's still going strong at both bases, 22 hours or 50 hours into the event depending on how you count! Save some loot for next time, guys! ;)
  2. Lazz

    Lazz Active Member

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    Yea thx to A-team and specialy the healers that made a great job :D
    The flying mobs was a bit disturbing but the caracas is worse imo, such a stupid implementation it was long ago i seen tbh pretty pls MA let the mobs dissapear after they are dead!
    No items to me but i keep trying i supose hehe ;)
  3. Dav

    Dav Member

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    Yup, ty for another nice event! More ppl attending again now that MM is over and at times it was quite crowded but no lag (for me anyway) so the more the merrier. Only cons are the airborne mobs, the idiotic dead mobs lying around for no good reason whatsoever and the fact that the imp gyro went to a gamedestroying bloody moron of gigantic proportions. Hopefully MA will ban his ass...

    Next time...I'll loot the Ark equivalent to the Imk2 :p
  4. slither

    slither Active Member

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    May have been a well run event (I don't know, didn't bother with it) but I personally hate the way all these rare items are thrown out by shared loot mobs. Hopefully they'll create an event for players rather than gamblers next time.
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  5. Dav

    Dav Member

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    I don't think they're any less gamblers participating in Calys events. Perhaps even the opposite as "regular" players (ie ordinary ppl that doesn't own a business or have a massive income irl) will have a chance to loot one of the rare items here on Ark (albeit a much smaller chance than a highskilled player with a better weapon which is as it should be) whereas many of these same persons would perhaps not even take part in a Caly-styled high-stakes gambling event.

    Me myself, I stopped taking part in Caly-events several years back since it was always the same...a glorified Opalo with golden screws to the low level event winner, and a land area plus a set of unique uberarmor/weaponry/etc to the top level guy who's already so rich and well equipped that he will sell anything he gets. No thanks, if thats the alternative it's still better that a cheater got the rare item. Here on Ark at least I got a chance. Which is more like EU was way back, when you could kill an Atrax old and loot something really nice. I really like it!
  6. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    I had a go at this one for a while just because I was on Arkadia anyway. I wouldn't have bothered travelling especially for it, because I hate Shared Loot and the way that all the best items drop from them nowadays. Doing too much of this type of event is the biggest mistake that Calypso have made in the last couple of years, and I'm extremely disappointed to see Arkadia following the same path when previous Arkadia events were well balanced, fair, demonstrated more creativity than just spawning huge mobs over and over again for hours/days, and avoided the relentless economy destruction apparently favoured by Kim.

    Adding to that the problems with trapped and flying mobs, I can only say that I enjoyed it even less than I expected to.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because there were a lot of people there (and actually in comparison to the whole EU population there were very few people there), it was a popular event. People went for loot, not because it was a good event. To repeat an analogy I made elsewhere, it's like throwing a chunk of meat into a pit full of starving dogs.

    Please go back to the way you used to do things.
  7. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    No other event on Arkadia has ever created this much activity, and it's activity that pays the bills for the A-team. Take a look at what we did this weekend:

    View attachment 8717

    Merry Mayhem ended on 12th. Remember that there are probably around at least 10x more people on Calypso than ark. The graph is from entropialife, so this data here only shows planet-specific mob globals (so feffox would show for caly, an exarosaur global on caly wouldn't count because the mob can be found on other planets, and all Ark mob globals should count since we have all unique mobs here). So it's not an absolute comparison of activity between planets, but it does show a massive increase for ark during the event. I haven't counted but I'm pretty sure there are a lot more caly-specific mobs than ark mobs, so I think this graph probably does show that Ark decay overtook Caly decay (probably the first time ever).
  8. the-unknown

    the-unknown Member

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    It was a fun event, cycled some peds, and even made a profit out of it! :huh:

  9. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    I really enjoyed the event. Taking down large mobs I never would be able to alone, having a chance at looting an item I never would if I was participating in a skill based event, and having healers doing 150+ heals as soon as I'm stepping out the door of revive; all in all, it was great and I had a fantastic time. Great work A-Team!

    Of course there are always a few hiccups and things to improve upon, but I think they're already aware of them and working hard to fix it for next time.
  10. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Barring all the things that need fixing I think they are over done already. Once a month after a while will get old and tired. Having them every few days is ridicules. Its nice a few people are getting nice toys for the effort but the problem is already trickling back to every day play here getting gimped so Mindfart* can keep their "Balance". * (Fuck their feelings they don't give two shits about ours)

    Normal Oratan are already hitting harder and more frequently and looting less on avg. Not sure if this is an ATeam thing or a Mindark thing but either way its ASS. Things like this will continue to rip EU's rep deeper and deeper into oblivion as more people come to see how badly they get taken advantage of to pay for the same people to have fun.