RSS Feed Entropia Universe 14.4.2 Release Notes

Discussion in 'Entropia Release Notes' started by ArkadiaBot, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. ArkadiaBot

    ArkadiaBot Bringer of News PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    • Auto-loot pills are now available in trade terminals. These pills will enable you to loot creatures automatically within a certain radius for a set amount of time and the effect will persist after you log out. Auto-loot pills have a minimum skill requirement of five in paramedic and are considered luxury items.
    • Wave spawn events will now reset without restart delay time if the first wave is not completed and/or the area is clear of players.
    MindArk and the Planet Partners strive to ensure a smooth and problem-free Version Update. Nevertheless, even after extensive testing some issues may arise after release. Such issues are often addressed via mini-patches directly after a release and in subsequent patches. If you feel that the possibility of encountering minor issues or bugs directly after a Version Update affects your gameplay to an extent that Entropia Universe is not enjoyable, please wait until the mini-patches have been released and any last minute issues have been resolved.

    Originally posted here...
  2. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Pay to loot? Bhahahahahaha
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Pay to loot, brought out just in time for Mayhem. That's where it will be used to allow more shooting time. Outside of events like that I don't really see the point.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    I think I pulled a muscle from laughing. :rolleyes:

    Can't wait to see the cost of this and the time/uses.....
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Check the TT next time u are on...
  6. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I actually really like this one. 50 pec for an hour it sure makes flame-thrower on gallards fun :D
  7. May

    May Active Member

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    Though it very well could have gone exactly like is stated in the other announcement; somehow the resulting impression it gives me is "???". (Like the Nano bots) it seems parts are changed, after which a paid solution is offered. Or am I missing the big picture here?

    The product itself has of course a use for certain players/situations, but it seems a pity that they are in the TT, instead of being craftable. Wouldn't it have been a nice way to make (lower level) players use up sweat in crafting? (And yes, that is totally seen from my perspective.)

    Meh, guess it's just another decision that I don't understand the reasoning for; like how (according to support) the pills being non-tradable is intended behavior. :huh:

    Anyway, an unimportant question I wanted to ask: does the pill also work on killed Avatars in lootable PvP? Or only on mobs?

    Oh, and Snape, in case you haven't been to a TT yet, these are the specs:
    1 pill = 0.50 ped, duration = 3600 sec and auto loots in 20 meters radius. (non lootable / tradable)
  8. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Not the first time support said something that wasn't completely accurate, so I expect this to change just wait a bit.

    in lootable pvp it was or is auto loot when you kill another player already (at least it used to be)
  9. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Nothing about looting mobs has changed from before VU 14.4, except that a hologram of the mob remains in place for a few seconds after it's dead. Since the recent patch/fix, the carcass doesn't affect hunting at all except in cases where you can't "see" past it to your next target (generally only big mobs). You can, however, target and shoot through it. In any case, the pill doesn't make the carcass disappear faster, just faster/easier to loot.

    The only benefit of these pills is that you don't have to click/select the mob to loot it. This is a big benefit in space and on planet when hunting many small mobs (or many big mobs!) at once. It will also be great for mobs that are difficult to loot because of their size (some on other planets are small or thin and difficult to click on) or fall through the floor enough to make it hard to get them.
  10. May

    May Active Member

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    Yes, officially nothing changed except the visual of a dead mob remaining for 30 seconds. But in daily practice quite a bit changed, and thankfully most of those issues have been fixed in the recent patches.
    However, for me personally there still is a big difference between the pre 14.4 hunting and now. So in my perception something did change.

    To clarify: basically my avatar does an unwanted 20 to 25 second song and dance.
    I kill a mob, loot it, then click next target and auto shoot. Instead of doing this, after the looting my ava starts to act dumb.
    Stumbling to the already looted mob, and when she's right on top of it, starts to poke the corpse with her gun, as if to check if it has been looted or not. Then starts looking around a bit and do some aimless turning around, in slow motion.
    Suddenly the camera swings to the next target, and the ava finally start to stumble to the next target.
    Around that time the dead mob disappears, so all in all that takes about 25 seconds every time.

    However, when I don't press the loot button, there is no problem, and she will run straight to the next mob as per instruction. But not looting your mobs seems a bit on the un-eco side, and is therefore not really an option.
    So I was hoping that it would have been fixed after the second update, but unfortunately it wasn't. And then I read that a solution could be bought in TT. That gave me the "how convenient..." impression that prompted my previous post.

    I know it can be a handy product for people, and that it will probably be extensively used in the MM, so that's great for everyone involved.
    But for me personally, I just wanted to be able to hunt normally again.
    It may just have been an unlucky turn of events, and perhaps it's just me who has this issue.
    It could very well be something technical, or maybe I'm just doing it wrong; the cause remains a mystery so far.
    Though since yesterday I'm thinking some weird lag/delay could possibly have something to do with it also.
    The Oratans I killed and looted didn't drop dead, but remained standing in front of me, waving their weapon at me in an undead greeting for quite a while. (Which was hysterically freaky: trying to (re)shoot a waving zombie Oratan.)
    But that could also be totally unrelated.
    The only thing I know for sure, is that unlike now, hunting was working fine for me before the 14.4 update. :shrug:

    @ Jenny Fer
    Thanks for the answer, I didn't know it was already automatic, since I avoid PvP because it's not my cup of tea.
    I asked because Space is not avoidable, and I was just wondering if it made any difference there.
    Sorry, it wasn't a very clear question from my part. :eek:
  11. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    Oh I see. That's not an issue with "looting" per se, but a new bug relating to auto-move to target mode. Yes they must have tweaked something in auto-target mode because I have seen it too. The avatar has trouble reaching the target and does a wiggle dance for a while trying to get close enough. I'm 100% positive this is a bug, not an intended behavior.

    However, I have only been seeing it like 5% of the time I try to loot a mob in auto mode (or less). Does yours really do it every time? I'm not sure why your avatar would do it every time and mine wouldn't, maybe it's the particular mob you're hunting or the height of your avatar, or maybe the weapon you're using.

    Until they fix it, there are a couple ways around it. Basically, you want to interrupt the auto targeting process, so that would be by moving your avatar forward before hitting the loot button, or by equipping a different weapon or jumping or something like that. It may be an imperfection in the ground is preventing you from moving to the mob. I did not notice this bug until yesterday since I had done all my (auto) hunting using a tagger and when I switch weapons, it does something that prevents the wiggle dance. I'm not sure which work-around will work for your avatar, so just experiment. Of course, you can switch to manual (turn off "move to target"), 1st person mode as well. And the pill is also an ideal solution for the time being, if you don't mind the 5 pec per hour extra.

    And don't forget to send a support case.

    They've always done this. It's not lag, they're just hard to kill.
  12. Ridan

    Ridan Active Member

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    Even more anoying is to Hunt flying Mobs now. Btw auto loot Will be my choise for the next puny wave event
  13. May

    May Active Member

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    A new bug? It's kinda hard to keep score. ;)
    Is this a different bug from the hitbox issue? Because for me it started only after 14.4, and I thought the hitbox thing was from the VU.
    Anyway, human minds are quick to connect events, and because the only solution was 'not looting'; cause and effect brought me to the pills.
    But yeah, an auto-move/target bug would fit the bill just fine.

    I guess it would seem logical for you to see this less, since I'm using neither tagger nor finisher. And they are small mobs in both level and size.
    Though what my ava's height has to do with it is unclear to me. (Yes I know, being the max height is not the best choice, but that's the recommendation I received)

    I'll try the weapons exchange, it's not something I usually do. As I'm using a gamepad, because exclusive use of keyboard / mouse leads to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome for me. And there are a limited amount of buttons on a pad (at least on mine).

    The purchase of pills is something that would solve it too, but somehow I find it hard to swallow(!) to have to buy something in order to obtain 'normal intended' gameplay.
    If with normal gameplay I would choose to buy them for convenience, or to speed things up, it would be a different case altogether.
    Yes stubborn perhaps, but no matter how cerebral: you can't change the way you feel.
    So if the 'workarounds' you posted don't work, I'll just refrain from long hunting sessions until it is fixed. There are more things to do in EU.
    Thanks for the feedback, possible solutions are certainly the more pleasant option. :)

    Oh, and about the Oratan: guess it doesn't have anything to do with this.
    But I've hunted them before, and yes, they are hard to kill. But I haven't had it previously that after both the kill and the loot have been registered, they are still standing around waving cheerfully for more than 6 seconds. But maybe that's also an improved death-throws animation?