Invisible Wall at Bottom of Aakas 04

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Medeina, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    Ran an Aakas 04 today. Got to the bottom, just before the final boss room, and couldn't run across the pool like I've always done. Jumped over the invisible obstacle from the stairs, but then couldn't get out of the pool on the other side or anywhere else. Finally found a large rock I could jump onto and back onto the ledge. Was able to run around the pool to the other side. Along the way, I noticed a faint wall, a bit taller than I, along the perimeter of the ledge. Wasn't there yesterday, before the VU.

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  2. Chris | Arkadia

    Chris | Arkadia Arkadia Tech PAF Administrator Planet Arkadia Official

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    This is intentionally added to the instance, However its weird that the wall is visible at all.

    We have been receiving reports that players exploit the instance by drowning the boss chamber mobs in the water and as a result we have walled up the water.

    There are various new anti exploit systems built into the instance with the last update to ensure the instances is fair to all and does not get abused. Among these are new systems designed to detect players that bug themselves through the walls or finds some hole that allows them to step outside the instance corridors and bypass sections of the instance. If you find a hole please report to me ether in game or on the forum and if possible please take a screenshot of the location of such a hole so it can be fixed in a future update.

  3. Medeina

    Medeina Member

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    I'm surprised that it's possible to drown mobs in there, as the water is quite shallow (unless there's a deep hole I've always missed). Thanks for the answer, Chris! Will continue to keep an eye open for weird things.

    P.S. Would have been way cooler if you put in an anti-exploit kraken in the pool instead. :p
  4. Pretender

    Pretender Member

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    HA! make it have the hp of the combined drowned mobs. needs to be killed before finishing. could even be sort of easter egg/alternate ending.