Can you please stop turning "my" game into a WoW clone (soulbound nonsense)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Fallen, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    heheheheheh I thought I was being sarcastic enough :D hehehehehehe * ouch my tummy hurt from power giggles * :D
  2. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    See I look at the bonded items as a shield of honor or as a sense of accomplishment it is my choice to go for it or not. Think about this a MM diploma is worth what 2-3k ped to get in MM and what does it sell for in the AH??? That’s right 1 ped it has no value and that is because people who did not work to get it can still have it. I see these missions as I did with my military service a sense of accomplishment and honor. See when I was in you had to work to get a beret now they give them out to anyone. I spent over 2 years in training alone to acquire my berets and you had a progression to go through, you could not be special forces without first being Airborne (jumpingout of a plane) trained.

    See when I joined I wanted to be RAMBO because he was so cool a lean mean fighting machine, and that’s what I wanted to be. I did not know how much work it took to get to that level but I soon found out that it would take over 2 1/2 years and a lot of pain for me to get my Maroon beret(Airborne), my Black beret (Ranger), and my Green beret (Special Forces). It was an Honor to come home and everyone see my berets it gave me a sense of accomplishment, honor, and respect. Then after I left the military I seen they were giving the berets to anyone as a basic hat did that take away from the value of my berets? I personally felt it did and so did the many others who worked so hard to get theirs. People will judge you on what you look like or what you wear, the amount of respect you get when your wearing a beret showed the type of commitment that you had for your service. Not everyone was able to wear the berets or even get them for that matter.

    You had to complete a mission of training to get that beret and it was never an easy mission out of 1300 people in my Airborne class only 345 passed or made it through to get their jump wings. Out of 348 Rangers 120 made it through, out of 150 Special Forces candidates only 92 made it through. What this shows is not everyone will get to claim the ultimate prize whether it be from commitment or this is not for me. If the items become tradable then anyone who has money can get it for doing nothing more than paying an outrageous price for it. My berets (Maroon,Black, Green) are to me Priceless I could no more put a price on them, as I could for the knowledge I got while acquiring them. So I wear my berets with honor of a job well done and as a sense of accomplishment, unlike those who are freely given them just to cover their head or to look cool. Ask a person from the old military what his beret means to him and then ask the new military what his beret means to him. My guess you will get two very different stories one from a man who had to earn his by sweat, commitment, dedication and hard work. And the other will be I thought it looked cool. Two different perspectives one has a sense of accomplishment to it, the other has a sense of look what I got from the PX.

    So for me a bonded item that you have to work for is farmore valuable than one you just buy. Keep them bonded but ttable just in case someone wants to try to recoup a portion of their cost back (but why would they?). And more importantly make the missions doable by most players not necessarily the "hey I’ve been playing the EU for 2 days" but, also not just the uber/super uber player. This is just an “example” Like have it to where you have to be like lvl 10 in any laser/blp profession to start the first mission and as you progress through the 7 missions you will in effect become a well-seasonedand rounded player provided you make it to where they have to mine materials and craft items, like Cyrene has mine 6 blue crystals and bring it back to-----or whatever it was.

    See so not everyone will have the commitment to get the Special Armors that are to come out. But to those of us who do and wear them have a story to tell, a story of hard work, commitment, and loyalty. The satisfaction I personally will get from having it and knowing that anyone who owns it has had to endure the same trial and tribulations that I did just to get it. so to me that makes it priceless.
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  3. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    I feel the same way Anthony
  4. Kitten

    Kitten Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I love it I call my viceroy "Pride armor" :D
  5. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    Just going back to this point:

    When I was talking about an infinite supply, what I really meant was that the amount of Smuggler sets in the game will be determined by the players. There will be as many sets as there are people who are prepared to do whatever it takes to complete the required missions. Obviously without knowing the details of the mission I can't judge how many people that will be, but however many it is, this approach is radically different from the model we are used to, where MA (and/or planet partners since they've been around) can decide exactly how many of a particular item they want to exist.
  6. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    I can understand why they exist. The other ex Calypso players who've been around long enough can remember being able to loot armor and building are own sets. With the drop rates of items as they currently are it's difficult for newer players to build their own set of armour just by looting it. Other than people skilling who's making L armours in sufficient quantities to fulfil that need? This fills that niche.

    But what we have to remember is that to build an economy we need crafting so players being able to get armours in this way could slow it if they go beyond a certain level.

    Eventually it might not be needed any more.
  7. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yep balance is important. I craft armour for sale and I would be concerned if there was proliferation of all sorts of avatar bound armour. But what I am hearing on this forum from Arkadian devs is that it's not something they have any intention of making a huge part of their planet. Personally I am finding shop bugs and occasional difficulties in the supply chain to be a bigger problem for me.

    Here's what I think will happen. Viceroy was a proof of concept that also generated revenue from sponsers Skullcandy. It's appears to have had a good take up so that encourages PP to keep going with their plans. We've already seen a preview of smuggler armour. There are 3 main factions on Arkadia - Smugglers, IFN, archeologists (sorry I forget the acronym). So I expect there will be a mission chain for each faction, each rewarding with avatar bound gear. I struggle to see any other opportunities within the storyline to do more than the 3 faction mission chains and I don't think the PP Devs will implement outside the framework of the storyline. As to whether it will all be armour, I have no idea. Perhaps there will be an unl weapon included? If so that may have an impact on weapon sales. I'll just have to wait and see and be ready to adapt.

    It's gonna be awesome. I just hope I don't have to choose between them.
  8. Svarog

    Svarog Member

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    Unless it's like with Viceroy, where one can visit the planet for 5 minutes, grab a complete pack of materials from a reseller, get the armor and leave. Not much to be proud of. I once met a guy who wasn't even sure on which planet he got his Viceroy.
  9. anthonymorris

    anthonymorris Platinum Member Platinum Member Arkadia Adviser

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    well as david said it will be a mission set not a come get mats and boom your done, and that player will be one of the first players to tt his armor when he gets in a pinch. And i dont think the dev team is looking at just people gathering mats but rather tied into killing some mobs. gathering mats sure but i think the mats you should have to gather will come from the mobs you have to kill, we really do not know as it will not be out until next year so speculations are going to run rampid lol. and those who have paid for the mat to just run and pick up their armor well have helped the market buy raising the mu slightly on some items like the yellow paint.

    I personally have never ran into anyone who did not know where they got something from especially with it being a new armor set, even the new players know where it comes from lol. But hey people do stupid things and wasting ped has to be one of them, but im sure he was pulling your leg just to try to keep it as exlcusive as possible. It would not be the first time a player has lied about where they did or did not get something, just so others have less of a chance to get it.
  10. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    That Smuggler armor mission sound interesting. Is there a date when it will arive in the game?
  11. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    All I know is that I hope the (F) Smuggler armor's thigh guard comes in extra large or it won't fit my ava.

    You can bet my nub ava will be questing for that set.

    As far as it being bound, that is not going to impact the economy at all so I cannot see what the problem is.

    As far as it being similar to some other armor that is tradeable you can bet MA will sudenly find their loot button and those armors will mysteriously start dropping on Caly again.

    Ark used to have the best guns, look how that turned out...MA flooded Caly with crappy overkill guns and made Ark guns change stats.

  12. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    Simply put, if you don't see the problem and not doing it already throw MU out the window and just start selling all your items at TT value. As you pointed out, Mindark will take this on and we will see a lot more items like this since this is very much a Win/Win for them.
  13. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Simply put OZtwo... This is not for you
  14. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    You seem to have left out this quote:

    So I say, it's a Win/Win for Mindark and if we support it, lets just throw MU out the window and sale all items at TT value only.

    Edit: But if we did make this into a Pay to play only with only TT value and no option to withdraw, yes this could be a fun game and would give pirates a fighting change to have fun with us all since nothing in game would be worth maybe WoW clone isn't all that bad of an idea here.
  15. Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey

    Chuck Jarrdhead Wholrey Active Member

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    Oz, I am not going to fight with you on this... I have seen you posts, they all go the same way. I am not interested in pointless bickering.

    This is Arkadia not Calypso. The CEO and Dev's love to communicate with the players, and help how they can. If there is something constructive we can suggest, then I am sure they are all ears. However, taking a dump on something you have not seen, and has not even been implemented is the kind of behavior that exists on the Calypso forum. It is no wonder the Developers stay quiet there, the wolves would tear them up before knowing why.

    I love the fact we can talk with the heads of the game here, and that they take time to listen. That is one thing I hope never changes.

    What we need in this game is to encourage growth, and understanding of the systems at work with the new players. If we bicker about future releases we know nothing about, it does nobody any good, and is not a good promotional tool.
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  16. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    my 2 PEC to this topic:

    I don't like soul bound items for this game, but I understand the reason for their existence, I see the benefits, and I can live with them.

    What I don't like at all is the infinite supply. If the quests (another thing I strongly detest for this game, in the current form) would be time restricted, let's say 6 months or a year, the impact on the prices of "old items" would be much lower.
    Additionally, I'd wish the quests would be much more time consuming, not just a 5min visit, buying a "quest pack", getting the warez and leaving again ... This would add more personal value to the items (as I see this will be corrected with Smuggler).

    I'd love to see such soul bound items (if we cannot avoid them at all) available for a certain time only, and then replaced with another one. This would have the added benefit of a continuous stimulation of the "TT food items market" - participants might want to have the new item additionally?

    About the quest design: I think the quests should require roughly the amount of hard PED (in items) as the value of the comparable UL item (with MU). Plus a certain time requirement - related to the value. Yes to selling "mission packs", No to come, buy, grab and leave.

    About the item design: Such items might be designed after certain existent items, with just slightly better specs. Be it a few points more in protection (for armors), be it slightly better eco, in any case the difference should be minimal. The point of such items should be in the limited availability and, most important, the visual appearance, IMHO.

    My 2 PECs. I may be wrong, and your mileage may vary.

    Have a good time!
  17. AxeMurderer

    AxeMurderer Active Member Pro Users

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    So becouse you don't like bound items you want instead of 1 new to add many new bound items :)
  18. OZtwo

    OZtwo Active Member

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    You are so right here and mostly why I am sticking my head out knowing David is reading all of this. You seem to not understand that it has been implemented already with the release of the Viceroy Armour and is why I am making a 'dump' on it.
  19. Cly

    Cly Active Member

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    I need to say something here...

    Specifically about Viceroy, since this suit seemed to have bothered you with it's similarity to gremlin and you appear to feel that it has hurt the Markup on Gremlin....

    The truth is this:

    GREMLIN has never had any serious markup.
    It is, in fact, one of the armours I always recommend to my Disicples to get if they can afford to REPAIR it to full TT. Because Gremlin has huge TT value, but you could get a full set for less than TT+75 for Female avatars.

    Sure, there might have been a couple rarer pieces for Male avatars, but this was never the same sort of markup as Bear, Boar, etc.

    So to me, any argument which revolves around making an issue about "crashing the market for Gremlin" is just based on bogus fear.
    There never was a huge market for Gremlin (else markup would be more than +8 on say Arms, right?).

    Making certain types of low to medium-level armour available (and in future possibly a couple higher level sets like the Smuggler) WITHOUT having to rely on the availability of super-rare ores or enmatters which just never drop in enough supply to actually outfit each player in the game seems like a GREAT IDEA to me.

    Because that way, even if I never loot a full set of Tiger, or get enough materials for (insert favourite set here) I know that if I plug away at this one quest long enough, I might actually earn myself a permanent set of reasonably decent armour to assist me in my growing path. And I can do it by gathering things _at the same time_ as my usual hunting/questing activities.

    IE: as long as I can afford to stockpile the parts, I can make progress on acquiring the armour.

    So what if it's soul-bound? I have no interest in selling it anyway. If I'd wanted to re-sell my armour, I'd have bought Gremlin (of which I happen to have a set anyway).

    So anyway. I see many advantages here, if this concept is handled carefully. I have great faith that the Ark team will in fact handle this with care - they after all invented this idea and are pioneers of it - it is filling a niche for them they have carefully identified and understand. I do have some basic fear that Caly and other PPs will not understand / handle this quite as well though :)

    But again: basing your fear of future developments based on the market price of Gremlin armour is not a useful position as far as I can see.
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  20. aj502

    aj502 Active Member Pro Users

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    Holy double post, Batman!
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