Amazing Launch. Thank You

Discussion in 'Radio Arkadia' started by Fishface, Nov 1, 2013.

  1. Fishface

    Fishface Adviser Arkadia Adviser

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    Radio Arkadia's launch at Archman's haunted apartment is over, but not forgotten.
    We kicked it off without a whole lot of issues. The stream seemed to work (for most people :/ for those who had issues, workarounds were soon found...thanks for the technical help guys). The crowd was fantastic. There were some familiar faces there, some I havent seen for years, and some who i was pleased to meet.

    We did the broadcast "hot potato" style. That is, each DJ would go on for a half hour to an hour or so, then hand off to the next DJ. (we beta tested on you, MA style :p)

    There were some prizes handed out (Thank you to the people who donated) and as far as I've heard, there were no arrests. I did see a pile of skulls, but I thought it best not to ask.

    The big news, however, was that the Arkadian Smugglers chose to reveal themselves right in the middle of our launch party. One of our listeners was streaming at the time, and managed to capture it all on video, but don't tell the IFN, please. I'm still not sure what to make of them.

    Looking ahead, we still havent made a proper schedule on the website, and I think that's the first priority. Some of the DJ's are out (1 is sick, 1 is having exams, etc) and they will be added in as we are able. We hope to greatly expand the station as time goes by. We have a lot in the works. So thanks a lot to all the listeners for your patience.
  2. RavenJade

    RavenJade Active Member

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    It was amazing that the smugglers chose to reveal themselves at our launch party. We had an 11 hour launch party, and I'm still a bit tired today. It was just so awesome... Everyone was totally cool.

    A very special thanks to Archman for lletting us crash his haunted place. I will never forget it. :)

    We're just getting started. This is an adventure that I'm happy to be on and share with anyone that wants to come along. :)
  3. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    Sounds like it was a blast guys...and I missed the whole thing!

    Very interesting about the Smugglers too....
  4. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    yes right up to the point where I was reading the armor they wore was all bound gear.....

    As for the party Archman and the Villains always do a great job of that. I wasn't home Halloween or I prolly woulda come and hung out a bit. Gratz on the launch guys