Got a 3 and 1/2 min 17% skill increse bonus on the crafting machine tonight. It lagged so bad, I got about 4 clicks off in that 3.5 min, but the GOOD news is, crafters now get skill bonusus just like hunters, miners, teleporters, healers AND EVERYONE ELSE! yeay
You can get skill bonuses for everything except evade / dodge professions, I think. No idea about sweat pro bonus.
So far Id from my experience Id rather NOT get these bone us's. They usually only last for a few minutes and from what I see in that time without the bone us I get 5 to 10 random skill gains and normal claim rate. EVERY time I have gotten these ridicules bone us's I end up that entire time with either only one claim with no change in avg size or no claims and only a single skill gain. Nothing to be all excited about just more mindfart smoke and mirrors.