So I am newer to the game and got 300 ped. I want to mine, was wondering if I find a good skill chip what kind should I look for? Geology? Say I get geology, would other skills level up too? I am looking to get the best bang for my buck
Skill doesn't mean much in mining, yes deeper depth let you have access to more various of minerals, but you need to know where to find the good markup ones first. There are many minerals has good markup which can be found with low level finders, so don't really need to chip in skills.
Exact , take this 300 ped and learn mining with rookie And say very clear to everyone , very possible and easy do profit with any finder your wish
What do you suggest I have rookie terra master , should I just search for EM? That's 1 probe or do EM with Ore? That's 3 probe a drop
The claim size is depends on the cost per drop, the claim size is bigger if your cost is more. So I would suggest you mining with TM 1 as long as you know how to tell how far is 110m apart, but it's alright if you don't, just use Little Mining log then everything is fine. I would suggest you doing ores only since it has better average markup, nothing too high but nothing too low either. Some enmatter has awesome markup which is very tempted, but mostly surrounded by low markup stuff or hard to sell on Arkadia. So I think drop Ores only is better for you.