EFA Starfinder XIV -Services- (Warp, SlowBoat, Space Hunts, Tours, & Repair Training)

Discussion in 'Services' started by Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer

    Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer Member

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    Merchant Captain - "Fat Dwarf" Simeron Steelhammer



    All Warp flights will be conducted promptly and in a courteous manner. Please follow the Pilot/Captain's directions at all times.

    "Slow Boat" services are available also at discounted rates.

    Payment for Warp or Slow Boat service must be made prior to leaving the safe zone of the Space Station and confirmed by one of our crew.

    Our pricing model allows for FREE Repair Training Service for our passengers and crew. We also offer the same FREE Repair Training Service for anyone while docked with the understanding that those not hiring the EFA Starfinder XIV for Warp or Slow Boat service must disembark when the ship is so hired.

    We offer discounted rates for WARP flights for society CREW as well as FREE Slow Boat services at certain times. We hope this will encourage more exploration of space and planets.

    FORCE CHAT is mandatory for all communication while on board the EFA Starfinder XIV. (NO EXCEPTIONS)

    ~~~ Failure to comply with this is grounds for forced debarkation with forfeiture of all fees paid or for expulsion and spacing if in flight. ~~~

    EFA Starfinder XIV strives to deliver great service that is always both quick and safe.



    Non Crew Members:

    30 ped per warp jump for 1.
    15 ped each per warp jump for 2.
    10 ped each per warp jump for 3 or more.

    VIP Emergency WARP Service:

    60ped for an emergency warp flight per warp for all passengers.
    Ask about renting the EFA Starfinder XIV for your society or private party events!

    Or ask about becoming a CREW Member for discounted warp rates.

    -Hunting Space Mobs and/or Space Tours-


    ~ 70 ped ~

    Includes WARP to and from hunting location (as needed).
    Hunt and Tour Space for up to 90 minutes with our trained combat & space hunting crew.
    Your Pilot will coordinate the team and provide sufficient information so that you have a great time!
    It is strongly advised that read the below section when using our services.

    -Location of the ship-

    When not under hire, the EFA Starfinder XIV is normally docked at the Calypso or Arkadia Space Station for easy access. Once you are on the Guest List/Crew list, you can view the ships location on your space map. ("H" is where the ship is located.)

    -When using our services-


    Listen to the pilot. When on board, use the /force channel (yellow text). The pilot is charged with the responsibility to ensure that you are made aware when there are dangers. He/she will announce on the ship channel what actions to take and when. Actions could be to repair a specific section of the ship or to log off for safety.

    The EFA Starfinder XIV has a Mumble channel for voice communications on the EFA Mumble server for your convenience.

    -Repair Service-


    All are welcome to repair on the EFA Starfinder XIV while docked, in fact it is encouraged!

    All paying passengers for Slow Boat travel may also repair as they wish during the flight.

    Those not paying for Slow Boat travel who are NOT CREW MEMBERS must disembark once the ship is ready to leave docking with the SS.

    The EFA Starfinder XIV is always looking for crew members and is willing to TRAIN them in the ways of space through the Entropia Space Academy.

    For training services, RK-5s and Welding Wire are normally available at a price of 20 ped for 1 FULL TT RK-5 and 50,000 welding wire.

    "A well trained and prepared crew is a more effective deterrent to space pirates then a squadron of quads." - "Fat Dwarf" Simeron Steelhammer - Merchant Captain of the SF XIV


    Piracy is not tolerated (except when shooting known pirates) - Any pilot that allows or engages in piracy will be banned from the ship.
  2. Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer

    Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer Member

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    To become a crew member on the EFA Starfinder XIV all that is required is you join the Entropia Space Academy society and begin learning the ways of space.

    The reason behind this is the EFA Starfinder XIV is a fine ship that deserves a fine crew and this means that together, we keep our passengers safe be it from space mob or space pirate.

    RK-5 and welding wire are available on board should you run out while training also.

    And remember -

    "A well trained and prepared crew is a more effective deterrent to space pirates then a squadron of quads." - "Fat Dwarf" Simeron Steelhammer - Merchant Captain of the SF XIV
  3. Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer

    Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer Member

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    Updating -

    First, thanks for the sticky!


    Second - Congratulations to the regular crew of the EFA Starfinder XIV from your "Captain".

    Tonight we will hold a graduation ceremony for them with a special hunt starting for TWO, not just ONE, missions completed.

    1) We completed our 100th warp last night.

    TWO full warp drives have been consumed since the XIV put up the "Fat Dwarf" Flag. All this without a single PEC (not ped..PEC) being lost to pirates!!!

    And the XIV has only been sunk by pirates once and that was a hard fight!

    2) All regular crew are GRADUATING and being PROMOTED for completing their RK-20 training.

    As of last night, all regular crew of the EFA Starfinder XIV are FULLY MAXED OUT on the use of the RK-20.

    What this means to you, our customers, is that each member will carry with them at all times a RK-20 with 105k welding wire to ensure that we have the "Maximum survivability" needed to keep you safe when we transport you and your goods from planet to planet.

    I want to PERSONALLY thank the crew for their hard work and long days and nights of skilling almost non-stop to get to this point. They have not hunted, mined, or traded for litterally WEEKS at a time to get here as fast as possible.

    Myself included.

    They have invested their own ped into this endeavor.

    Their time. Their money. Their effort.

    I am very proud of each and every one of you. You have embodied the quote I put here a month ago...

    "A well trained and prepared crew is a more effective deterrent to space pirates then a squadron of quads." - "Fat Dwarf" Simeron Steelhammer - Merchant Captain of the SF XIV

  4. Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer

    Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer Member

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    With the death of 0.0 skilling repair, the free repair services are going to be modified out of necessity.

    Anyone that wants to "skill repair" on board the SF XIV will now need to ride with us into the space mob fields (or in search of pie rats that are nice enough to shoot at us now so we can repair skill).

    Please note this means the following...

    1) You will be considered a NON-paying rider.

    What this means is you are along for the repair run when we go out. You will be expected to follow ALL the rules of a paying customer or traveler on board while we are in space.

    2) If you have lootables, leave them planetside.

    As always with space, its a PvP 4 area and if we DO manage to get shot down, then anything you lose is lost to the pirate that kills you.

    Naturally we will be repairing so it should be harder for a kill to happen. But things happen.

    3) If we get a call to return to the station we are currently near for a ride (or any paying warp customer) we will return to the station we left from so you may disembark while we take on our VIP clients. You MAY, at the pilot's and/or captain's discretion, remain on board for the warp provided the VIP Client's do not also object.

    It is after all their PED and therefore, their warp.

    4) If you wish to hire the SF XIV to do repair skilling, the rates are the same as a space hunt.