
Discussion in 'Ask an Adviser' started by miteke, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. miteke

    miteke Member

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    Is there a way to send and receive messages in the game outside of chat? All I can see is chat and it would be nice to be able to drop off a message.
  2. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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  3. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    In EU there are several ways to communicate with friends outside of traditional chat. A discreet method of communication is the auction house. You can arrange a simple code, for instance, listing 100 Carabok Hide at 230% could mean meet me at Celeste Harbor at 02:30. Of course, the auction house has a drawback: given the number of other auctions (secret messages??) your friend may not see your message. So, if you have an urgent message, you might consider utilizing the Global system instead. An example of this might be a Key 8 global followed by a Riptor Stalker global and a Scoria Dominant global, which in your pre-arranged code could mean "I'm broke, could I plz borrow 500 peds?" Remember that to communicate to a friend on another planet using this method, your globals will need to be above the HOF threshold.
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  4. miteke

    miteke Member

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    nikko, doesn't that require the other person to be playing at the time? Same with globalling, though perhaps there is a record you could look at. Even so, I surely am not capable of globalling like that - globalling is an event for rejoicing for me. Besides the question came up because I received a mysterious message about someone being interested in me joining a SOC but could find no way to view any messages of that sort. It's about time I joined a SoC but I have no idea how to pick one, but that's a different topic for a different forum thread. It seems odd that there is no way in game for leaving messages for other players and figure it MUST be available but hidden. I'm beginning to suspect it is just not part of the game.
  5. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    There is a message center (right click on screen choose "messages and tutorials" then "message center") but this only gives you a log of the notifications that appeared as little icons in your local chat window. It does not record soc invites or team invites.

    It's not hidden; there is no ingame "email". It's one of the long-time feature requests that has yet to be added to the game.
  6. Nikto

    Nikto Active Member

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    I guess, "nikko" is me? *confused*

    If so, you didn't asked about offline messages in your initial message. Or I just misunderstood you. I was thinking what you was looking to way how to chat privately, outside of chat.

    Yep, Entropia still don't have any offline messaging system. I use Entropia forums PM systems, regular e-mail and XMPP (aka Jabber) for that.