Post in limbo: pictures to blame?

Discussion in 'About Arkadia Forums' started by May, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. May

    May Active Member

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    Yesterday I did post a reply on a thread, but after a day it still doesn't show up posted.
    As far as I understood, my 3 previous posts were enough to not have my posts held up for approval.
    So maybe it's because I did include 2 small pictures? (no, they were not of questionable nature ;-] )
    Although they showed up fine in the preview. And in the learning center I couldn't find see any reason that would cause this delay.
    Might there be a rule that new members are not allowed to post pictures? Or did I somehow manage to do something wrong?
    I don't really want to post it again if that's going to result in double posting.
    Any ideas / tips?

    ps. While I'm on the forum subject: what are the prerequisites to be able to give rep?
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  2. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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  3. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    There is a minimum amount of posts required by the forum before you're allowed to post links (due to trouble in the past with spam bots). Now for the life of me I can't remember what the minimum amount is (maybe 5?). Anyway after you post enough the temporary limitations of your account should lift.

    KJ already has linked you an answer about your rep question. Thanks KJ!
  4. May

    May Active Member

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    I'm aware there is a war with spambots, and that there is minimum amount of posts required. But I did have a link in my first post on this forum, and that was posted in a few hours after approval.
    The one I wrote yesterday doesn't have a link (unless pictures count as links), and I didn't receive the message I got the first time - your post needs to be approved my moderators -. Because if that post wasn't allowed because of links / pictures, then how come my first one was?
    So I'm just wondering if there is some specific rule about pictures, or if I did / something went wrong.

    Thank you for the responses and the answer about the rep: I'm sorry, I should have found that one myself when I was looking for the forum rules.
  5. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Good question. Pictures count as links I know, but not sure why you didn't get an automatic warning about it when you posted. I've looked back at your posting history and approved that post (didn't see it until now!). I'm guessing the settings for the auto-moderation are a bit wonky. No one manually moderated your posts based on a forum rule ;)
  6. May

    May Active Member

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    Phew! Glad it was just some wonkeyness of the system: I was starting to doubt myself (there is no spoon...).
    Thank you for fixing this so fast. And since this is my sixth post, this hopefully will pass now:[​IMG]
    (And if not, I know now it will pop up eventually.)