Hello everyone. I am Dro, and I am looking for some new cool people to hang with. I don't want any handouts, just someone to hang out with and learn this awesome game.
Howdy Don! Welcome to Arkadia and EU. Have a great time looking around, exploring all you can. Be sure to chat up anyone you feel like. Lots of friendlies around.
Welcome aboard Don. You're welcome to get to know us all here, or have a look at the register to see who's on when you're on etc. The usual recommendation is to find a Mentor (many of us are willing / able to help with that) and gather some TPs, explore etc. Ask more Qs here, if your mentor gets stuck or is having a busy day Cly
Welcome Feel free to add me to your Friends list ingame (via Player Register ) so we can chat or google Calypso Settlers as we are always looking for like minded players. I can always give you a Planet tour if you play at night (ingame time) Have Fun Rowdoc
Hail and Well Met! I normally haunt the Quarry on Ark or Icarus on Caly plying my wares with occasional hunts or mining runs to break up things if I am not in space. Feel free to send me a friend request in game (Dwarf Simeron Steelhammer just like my handle here) and we can do lunch.