Suggestion Love the "Public" Event Areas, but...

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by Erastothenes, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    The introduction of "public" event areas is brilliant! Anyone can now set up an event, being it for new Arkadians or more experienced players, the 4 areas offers mobs from Puny to hard. Events are fun, and hopefully this system will see to it that Ark gets more of them going.

    One thing tho. For whomever setting an event up, getting the ticket fee's might not be enough. Not that I'm experienced, I just tried to make a few lo-cost puny events for fun. The first one went bad, I had hit 1,5 hours (meant really to hit 1 hour - which still would have been too long for punies). People lost money on that one, to my shame. Second was 30 mins, much better, and the third is tomorrow (from this time of writing). But ticket money, if thats the only return, may not be enough to inspire people to make events.

    For one, and I think this is important, there's no variables in it, no hope for example that if a contestant hits a serious HoF - the Event Organiser gets a bonus through tax.

    I have participated in a good many events, as in based on privately owned Land Areas. Here, the LA owner gets revenue from Tax - typically LA tax is set at 3-5%.

    How about introducing a Tax revenue share with anyone who sets up an event using the "public" event system?

    If it is at all possible, make it so that whomever sets up an event can set the Tax Rate for the event. Prizes would have to be good enough to make up for any Tax taken, to motivate people to join. A balance eventmakers would have to sort.
    Or, a set value, say, standard 3% tax in events where 50% of taxes goes to the eventmaker.

    This would for sure making / investing in Events make it way more interesting for potential event-makers.

    my 2 pec's :)

  2. Oleg

    Oleg Active Member

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    I disagree. One of the best things about the Arkadia event areas is that they are untaxed which makes them more attractive to participants.

    Set-up fees are way lower than on Calypso which makes things much better for independent event promoters. On Calypso it's pretty much impossible to make any money without sponsorship or fee payment from a landowner, on Arkadia it should be much easier for a good promoter.

    If the promoter gained from tax then profiting would be much more about luck than about being a good promoter. Plus if the system was implemented as you describe, it would be more or less like owning a land area without having to make any investment, which would be very bad for the economy overall.
  3. Erastothenes

    Erastothenes Member

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    Interesting from Oleg, good points there. Having never made an event on Calypso, I lack the knowledge of costs etc there - but Oleg being one of the most experienced event organisers in EU does for sure. I especially note the thing about "like being a LA owner but without the investment" - would be unfair yes to LA owners who have invested top PED's and loads of time.

    I'l see if I can, in time, find a balance between Prizes / Event setup cost and Ticket prizes, that will possibly make some modest revenue. Not sure if I'm cut out to be a successful promoter - only one way to find out ;-)

    Best of luck with your events Oleg, I did a few of yours myself over time (even won one or two) and they are always very well organised and fun!