Looking for S.I. HEART FAPPERs

Discussion in 'Services' started by MsPudding, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. MsPudding

    MsPudding Member

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    I'm looking for some good standby Fappers to have on my friends list when I go out to hunt. If you're interested in being one of them and building free skills you may apply. Being on my list doesn't guarantee you a spot or work, I will message you and contact you when I need the healing service. So if you are added to my list please don't spam my chat daily with questions about whether or not I need the healing -- I will contact you.

    I'm looking for people who are interested in building free skills.

    I pay 100% decay so that you earn skills for free. If I profit on the run I will usually tip. I do not tip unless I profit, please do not expect a tip every time you FAP me, I'm sorry but I don't ever tip the repair terminal, so you shouldn't expect one every time we go out. I've been known to have 10+ hunts of pure losses :p Just be warned.

    Required to Apply:

    • Level 15 paramedic minimum (I will skill scan and verify) - Entropedia has the Heart maxed @ 15.2, so 15+ please
    • 2 S.I. H.E.A.R.T. Faps (I do not provide these for you)
    • Transportation (Vehicle/TP Chip)
    • Speak/Understand English

    Obviously this is a service job so when I need you I will message you and ask you if you want to work -- if you can't that's no problem at all, I will go down the list and continue asking those that are qualified if they can until I find one for the evening or however long I am hunting. If you don't like the job later on just ask to be removed from my list, no problems, I'm not expecting anyone to just drop everything they're doing and come FAP me, that's why I would like to have multiple available avatars so that if one can't go out and heal, perhaps one of the others can.

    Warning: I like to do long hunts. I like to go out with around 2k PED ammo and hunt for a good 3 hours-ish before returning to do repairs. A regular hunt for me is 1k PED ammo and takes an hour and a half. A lot of times I am online and will do multiple hunts in a day (sometimes 8+ hours of straight hunting) This could mean serious skill gains for you, and maybe tired hands? :p Weak of heart need not apply.

    Please apply by either posting on this thread or sending me a private message.

    **Currently on Arkadia, Yes I am looking for a S.I. H.E.A.R.T. Fapper interested in working up on Ark**

    95% of my time is spent around Calypso.


    -MsP :girl:
  2. Angel O2 Mercer

    Angel O2 Mercer Member

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    I'm not in arkadia but I've got you on my friend list. Feel free to call me when you need. Currently on Caly for migration.

    GL with the hunts =)
  3. stefanbond

    stefanbond Member

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    hello, I am on arkadia and i am offering healing services whenever i am on, feel free to give me a mesage whenever u need healing, in game name: Stefan Bond Moldovan, I got SI heart, Flying vehicle and tp chip ... and if u search for healing services on this forum i got a list of recomendations :D
  4. MsPudding

    MsPudding Member

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    Getting good feedback, keep the MSG's /PM's and responses coming :D
  5. MsPudding

    MsPudding Member

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    Need a couple more :)