[video=youtube;5SwFjqMVTVA]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5SwFjqMVTVA&feature=youtu.be[/video] Enjooooy --- If you cannot see the video due to violation of music rights go to www.hidemyass.com, that proxy website will help you view the video. You will however most likely not be able to change the resolution, so the quality will be crappy
Always good to see you guys STILL aren't bright enough to edit out the times you get kills using cryengine exploits. But hey good video production anyway.
omg brbrbrbbrbbr speis peeveepee requires skilz.. i think u said that in calyforums.. and i laughed my ass off... what skills u need whem camping in safe zone till someone enters the pvp area then attacking from behind with spaceshit u cant miss a single shot if ur not completely retard.. and the time it would take the other player to turn is enuf to quarantee u a win... mad skillz bro.. space pvp is the least skill requiring pvp form ive ever seen in any game but maybe good for ur kinda slow ppl
Very cool & stylish video indeed! If u smart u won't mess up the initial good impression by lowering yourself to a petty forum fight over insignificant details, like on PFC. Sometimes the smartest thing to say is not to say anything... and also the hardest! I know u don't like it Stagger, but gonna say it anyway - creating the imago of your soc is a very specific PR stuff with it's own rules. It wouldn't hurt to learn a thing or two form the real (PR) pro's, like Daisy.
just to tell u all space pirates..i put everyones names on a notepad and their societys.. and i find out everyone on those societys and NEVER buy anything from anyone from that society.. and also try to get everyone from my friendlist to do so.. dunno if the nebula virus is full "pvp" shit but i would expect there to be even few who do something else in this game also.. to u... good luck