Newbie Hunter tippage!

Discussion in 'New Player Discussions' started by Sethos, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Sethos

    Sethos New User

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    Hi Everyone,

    I've been on Ark for a while now mining, but have decided to give hunting a whirl in my downtime for a bit of RnR and learning experience. I have been swunting Caraboks and wearing out all my free newbie weapons and fap. I have completed the first Carabok challenge. I currently have an Opalo (all tiers 100+) and a H110 that i have collected so far. But these seem like theres going to be alot of overkill.

    So i have some questions on what to do next.

    1) What would be the most eco way to hunt from the start for me now i've worn my freebies out? This applies to all weapon types and skills as i am only level 1 in laser weapons etc so not to far in to switch!

    2) Which Mobs may give me the best returns or drop higher MU loot?

    3) Is there a path to follow through the Challenges? the free skillage you get is very attractive and may compensate somewhere for returns?

    4) Is avoiding use of faps and armour viable also? as the extra decay at my level i feel may cripple my returns.

    5) Is there a specific mob that is good for Evade gains as i understand evade plays a key part in becomign an eco hunter?

    Any help or tips on any of the above or that you feel is relevant is absolutely welcome!


  2. Sethos

    Sethos New User

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    No one knows? :rolleyes:
  3. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Stick with TT weapons until u hit around lvl 10. For eco play you really need to be using weapons u have maxed anyway and that's at least lvl 9 - 11 for the commonly available, low level, non-tt arkadian weapons. There are a few alternatives available from other planets also. Entropedia is your friend. Once you are on mobs with more than 10 hps, then adding an amp also boosts your eco (though increased damage per pec) depending on your amp choice. But for little mobs you risk overkill.

    Carabok hides MU is generally pretty good so thats a good start mob for u.

    Suggest u do carabok and gallard missions to start with and then go in order of increase in hp.

    Initially, try to avoid use of armour unless u are dying. At low levels you shouldnt need it and it may indicate you are hunting above your level. Try to avoid fapping during combat. Between mobs is ok. Eventually you want to preference armour over faps cos the cost is less.

    To skill evade, get hit a lot.
  4. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    3) Carabok/Gallard, Ostelok, Halix, Jori, Feran, Oro...
    is an ok path if you need to do what the terminal told you to hunt

    5) Carabok is great as it hits you a lot of times as KJ wrote above, and also does a maximum of 3dmg.
    But as so many others thought you can't get several Carabok and stand there for hours getting hit and gaining evade skills, as the skill gains will stop after a few minutes with this "technique".

    Rest of the points I think KJ answered already