Do skills matter?

Discussion in 'Treasure Hunting' started by slither, May 31, 2012.

  1. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Skills will clearly have an impact on finding the treasure parts but as the items appear in a SOOTO does that mean skills have no value in finding the good items?
  2. Xandra

    Xandra Active Member Pro Users

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    is it confirmed that the old "You found something out of the ordinary" still exists? I'm mining quite a lot, but haven't seen such since ages ...
    Or does "sooto" now just describe a rare hit, just like an item in hunting loot?

    For normal treasure hunting I assume it'll be the same as in mining - the better stuff hidden in greater depths. And I could imagine it'd be similar with the "cool items" - the "real cool items" would require the use of an advanced finder, with maybe some few juicy things scattered all over the depths.

    Speculation, for sure. Now I'll continue my run, chasing the 400m ASD and my first TH global ;-)))

    Good luck, have a nice day!
  3. slither

    slither Active Member

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    Soc mate just told me it wasn't a sooto but it did just appear in inv without digging it up.
  4. MrJoey

    MrJoey Member

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    Didnt a guy found a unl. 105er Amp on Treasure Island with a 101er TT Finder? ...

    you dont need skills for the TT finder :D
    you dont need a good tool
    you need some luck :)

    Now gl all :)
  5. Lee DeLioncourt

    Lee DeLioncourt Arkadian Outrider Platinum Member

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    SOOTOs still exist, and are a part of TH for some items, but not all of course. Can't swear on it but yes, I always understood those could be found by anyone with any mining tool/skills etc.
  6. XeroX

    XeroX Active Member Pro Users

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    In the interview it sounded like the current treasures can be found pretty easily so nope you probably don't need your super duper skills for that. However later on new treasures will be added that can only be found deeper in the ground. However whether or not the really deep stuff aka 1500m+ will ever be used was kind of a *no comment* reply. So my personal guess would be no not in a long time. xDD
  7. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    What I got out of teh interview.. the craftable treasures will be found with the finders.. the weapons armor and special items like that will be what comes in the sooto system. Skills now only determine what piece of crap L gear you can spend ped on. The sooto system is set up for anyone but I have DEEP suspicions that is tied to depos/ ped cycled. oed cycled etermines when it pops up.. depo totals unlock different tables that item will come from.
  8. DragonxWolf

    DragonxWolf New User

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    @ Cyborg Bill, I have to agree with you on the more that you pay the better is your chance of getting the good stuff, I do not think that your skill mean that much in the long run I am a hunter in the long run and have some nice skills in my rifle ans such + I have 2 defiant scopes as well but I miss and they evade way to much if my skills where when not up to the lvl that they are.
    the same goes for my mining it is not getting me any where as well my skill lvl dose not matter for that as well I know I have lvl'ed up to 5 and I still cannot find any thing worth much so I do not think that the so called skill system works it is some thing MA put in just to make us think we are getting some where...

  9. IrishSailor

    IrishSailor New Member

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    Thanks for input. I wanted to try this more and mining but so far probes are just to much for the little I got out of it. I was trying mining and treasure hunting but that is a lot of wasted probing. Any good tips as to where I should try out treasure hunting or is it just really reandom
  10. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    I just want to point out to some of the newer players that SKILLS DO MATTER with things like hunting. Don't believe me go on a hunt with me shoot the same amount of ammo with the same gun and put team loot on dmg decideds I WILL come back with more loot then you just about every time.

    The problem is people tend to always challenge themselves and be at there limit instead of being overskilled.

    Mining as discussed mostly here is really a completely different thing i would say skills do matter but the activity itself takes a whole different amount of real life skills (i.e. keep track of locations of things you find and mininig with the right finders for the right materials) It's hard for anyone to do the exact same thing as you can in hunting (i.e. kill x amount of creatures) to notice a difference.

    So i think skills matter in mining but it's harder to prove.
  11. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I don't think skill matters in either hunting or mining when it comes to return-wise, but it is in TH section so we let alone the hunting just talk about mining. TH just like ores and enmatter that your long term hitrate is about 25%(most likely to be higher to about 28%), so now you know what does it mean, you need to drop more probes per mining run to yield a reasonable return. Skills in mining only be able to let you max bigger finder BUT it doesn't mean you will get a better average return or hitrate. It only mean you have the chance to get more rare minerals than newbies with TT finder. Your claim size or hitrate would be about the same as me or any uber miners in the long run(excluded lucky hit of course).

    At the current boring mining system it is basically impossible to lose after markup in the long run. But I would suggest to go try some more Ores or Enmatter because the current markup of Treasure are next to nothing basically.
  12. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    Mining is stuffed at the moment. Yes higher skills let you use the higher spec finders, but at the end of the day the skills make no difference to finds. A level 13 Amp will help and that's about it. I hope MA does a major overhaul of mining soon. Every probe should have a loot mixed with a certain amount of globals like hunting. Currently I can drop a 1000 probes and get 1000 no resources found. I would rather hunt and see that I get at least 90% back.
  13. strangelove

    strangelove Member

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    I completely disagree.

    What evidence do you have that skills play no part? Have you tracked your returns at lvl 5 prosp, lvl 15 prosp, lvl 25 prosp, etc to see what your average tt and mu returns are for that level? And I mean totals from 5.00 to 5.99, totals from 25.00 to 25.99, not just random runs.

    I would rather have fewer, but larger finds, rather than having to run back after every drop to drill. What an utter waste of time that would be. It would also really drop ppls ability to cycle ped.

  14. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    As with anything in EU what you get back beyond the avg 90%ish is determined by how much ped you cycle in predetermined periods of time. This of course is a function of how much funds you have avaialable so I am a bajillion percent positive the loot tables you are allowed to sit at are tied to deposits. I have respectable skills in mining, hold an insanely stable rate of return but get jack shit in the way of extras because I do not feed the monster to do my daily playing. I will depo to have fun or buy special gear I want but I refuse to pay to do my daily job in EU. That being said MA will NEVER (thats N. E. V. E. R. with largest font capitol letters available) reward you for being poor or cheep. Learn that and adjust your thinking and EU may become fun again.
  15. Few Scars

    Few Scars Administrator Staff Member PAF Administrator Arkadia Adviser

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    I don't think mining skills make any difference to finds or SOOTOs. All they do is all u to use certain tools effectively. What are the chances of a level 5 miner getting the same number of hits as a level 30 miner.... The same IMO
  16. Fifth

    Fifth Member

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    Not a miner so can't comment on mining skills. For a hunter certain skills have a huge importance.

    Deposits influencing loot (i.e. let u find better loot) is a myth thou.
    Only thing that matters is turnover. More tickets bought more chances for jackpot, that's it.
    System can't care less about where or how u got the peds u are circulating.
    Might seem unfair and maybe it is... Then again, maybe not, kinda learned to appreciate this over time.
  17. Pretender

    Pretender Member

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    as with any profession, money is in the markup. how and where you get it, i won't tell ya.