Twangin with the Borg

Discussion in 'Normandie Radio' started by Cyborg Bill, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Yup yup ya'll read that right.. The Borgs been kickin some Ideas around for new shows. I kicked the idea of a country show around the staff room and a few thought it was a good idea but no one stepped up so I tried a show a few weeks ago. No advertisement no announcements. It went over pretty good as I made it a dedication show to the people in Oklahoma after the tornados kicked them in the ass hard. Well Today were gonna do another country show and will probably do this everyu other Wednesday from here on. I wont be live in EU tonight as we have branched out into Second Life to fill the void there for Normandie radio with the loss of our friend and fellow DJ John Oxborough. There are some really nice people that he was associated with there and they have reached out to us and us to them to continue Johns path there. We even have our own Kick ass Studio there as well. Great work by Mel Bosshart on all the hard work he put in designing and putting all that together. Currently we do shows out of two clubs there one being St Tease where we have been given space for our offices and studio appropriately names Oxborough Tower and I will be live this evening at St Tease. The other is a club called Funky where you can catch DJ Isclay and Albi on occasion rock your world from there. Anyway hope to see you all tonight for some awesome country music.. Mostly newer stuff but Im not against some old school Country requests if you wish to hear some.
  2. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Ok its that time again this is the every other Wednesday that I said I will do the Twangin with the Borg country show. This show seems to be picking up a little momentum specially with the people over in Second life. Been getting good feed back and respectable listener counts that are bigger every country show I do. If you are into country music or wish to check some of it out tune in today 2100- 2400 on I tried to be logged in to both EU and second life at the same time to do the show and it has two drawbacks. First running 2 high resource game engines like Crytek and Firestorm it causes a lot of lag and I do not wish to stress my computer in the summer heat unnecessarily. Second I can not focus enough on the people hanging out where we do our shows from properly and that is not fair to people taking time from their lives to be where we are specifically. I have a more active participation from players in Second life with them hanging out in the club we play at for this and they are able interact more with us there. This in no way means I have abandoned Arkadia and our loyal followers here. Sadly doing a show from quarry has changed since the addition of the massive ad screen taking up our favorite spot to do our shows. This has greatly effected the live participation from people coming up to hang out with us along with the yet again lack of foresight from MA with them cutting the dance emotes off so quickly making it simply a royal pain in the ass to hang out and spend time with friends doing what we like to do.. Anyway all said and done I hope you enjoy the shows and I hope you tune in while you are busy doing what you like to do in Entropia. The request line is always up and the rules are still the same. I will play anything that goes along with the show format as well as some that don't if they seem relevant to the flow of the show. Hope to see / hear from you tonight to make the show that much better and interesting for all.