Calhuda - Bay of Colors

Discussion in 'Wishlist' started by unicorn, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    Hiya =)

    Calhuda - Bay of Colors

    Its a beach place south of celeste harbour where a unique natural phenomenom developed over the past years noone can really tell how it moved into a place like it is.

    The Legend tells that there was a ancient arkadian ranger who strived through space in the search for other existing planets and one day dissapeared for over one year. When he arrived back on arkadia people believe that small creatures from another planet made their way into the freight room of his ship and left the ship after arrival on arkadia.

    All around the bay you find small crab like creatures which seem to absorb a type of secretion with a harmless but yet beautiful natural effect which effect all the water inside the bay.

    In dependency of the rotation of the sun the water changes its colors all during the day as the secretion gets triggered by different angles the ultra violet beams of the sunlight shines onto the water.

    Its yellow, its green, its red, its purple, its blue, its orange, its turqoise, its pink and so popular that this place turned into attraction to chill out at the beach.

    The ACA could never find the ingredients to reproduce the secretion for civilised usage and still is present at the beach to research. "Yeah we are still at it and could argue the IFN to finally get a Puny IRON Mission in".

    Inside the bay huge fish creatures got lured by the secretion over the years and once a year its breed time there where hunters are called to reverse the chaotic situation all around celeste habour.

    Since the fish are a delicious specialty among arkadians Oratans try to get into the bay from time to time and created a camp which is marked red on the map (Oratan wave spawn)

    In the east there was a weird entrance found not yet known what is iniside there its just marked green.

    Over the time there might be more, IFN and ACA got plenty to do.

  2. Jenny ferr

    Jenny ferr Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Nice idea, as long as the Oratans wont "invade" Celeste Harbour

    but what happened to Sentosa to throw Celeste Harbour away like that? Are my apartment and our shop still intact?!?!
  3. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    ah yes =)

    moved celeste harbour to the other side of the bay as i thought not to have the bay too far off from celeste quarry and needed space enough for hunters and miners to move around. then needed to build the new bridge inside the bay to not cut off people which are running in the new player experience and let all drive into water otherwise :D
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    interesting idea......
  5. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    On the beach there is a old fisher house.

    Its made of red bricks, time and rain made it look more rose colored than really red nowadays.

    Its the house of the Yangwaeh Family which still live on the first floor of the house while they had a huge shop for fishers back in time.

    Nowadays the old wooden garage build to the side of the house is the fisher shop and all the gound floor of the house is a fish restaurant today. Wooden tables, chairs, an old bar with a cash register and all old things on the wall. Baits and tackles, pictures of the family catching fish, trophy heads of their hunting pride, pictures of celeste, certificates of victory in arkadian fishing contests, sculptures they made out of corrals and other beach items, cozy light. Everything looks warm and old, you can see the signs of time on the tables. The family has not done anything with the restaurant for centuries but they keept the place in order.

    From inside the restaurant you can directly walk into the garage and have a look at all the fisher tools the family still produces by their hands. It has become popular to eat for lunch or dinner there and after get a tool as souvenir to take back home.

    The Family looks back of hundreds of years tradition and their fish speciality is what they fish out of the bay. Zangra Fisch, which is rather hostile to any human because of its sharp sword like nose, crabs, jori, and sometimes they have Tuhanlaut the strongest and biggest fish of arkadia. Its the giant of the see, a fish so huge it can only be catched when it looses control of its surrounging and gets to close to the shores. This one breathes air and push it all out what makes the colorful water spray in the air. It only appears sometimes inside the bay what makes all arkadians on the beach get astonished of this nature play.
    When that happens the Family pulls out a huge grill and many arkadians visit them to celebrate in the backyard of the house.

    Yeotah , the grandfather of the family still remembers the stories of when the bay got its colorful waters and often sits on his chair on the wooden ground infront the garage smoking his pipe. "It was almost too late for the small crabs being without water in the brownish woods where today celeste quarry is at. So my great grandfather put them in the basket of his wife and released them into the bay. Fortune came to celeste! It was no coincidence that they went to pick mushrooms that day!"

    Yeotahs face is worn out, working over 60 years on the bay, the house, the restaurant, for the family, like every pride man of this family does. "See Silvie I drinks abit! Noone before me catched Tuhanlaut, who manages to catch him again I will give these secret plans of my families most ancient tool. But watch out, these plans are breakable!"
