Too much weapon choice blocking the economy?

Discussion in 'General Economy Discussion' started by unicorn, Jun 9, 2013.

  1. unicorn

    unicorn Active Member Pro Users

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    Hiya =)

    i was currently browsing the weapons and bps and saw many new weapon types where introduced.

    I always had impression that ark guns where quiet popular and people liked to use them so that crafters where able to constaly craft them off. The types that existed gave a good variety to choose from as every weapon existed in 3 types and 5 different levels, which is good bandwith.

    What is it now after the changes? Alot times miners say its difficult to sell ores now. Are crafters effected with having it too hard now to estimate the demand and rather not craft through on stock?

    too much choice for the customers can harm a market as its not supply and demand alone, choice affects that in a big way.

    I not craft weapons but i just guess sales are lower now and the new bandwith of choice stagnate the resource chains?

    What say miners currently? I was mining and could sell it off before riptors arrived on my best mining spots which made me quit mining.

    Have we seen 2 changes which brought harder times here?
  2. cute781217

    cute781217 Active Member Pro Users

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    I think the demand of Arkadia weapons dropped to ground since the change of SIB requirement, what make it worse is the newly looted weapons on Calypso has way better economy than Herman series even at higher markup since the low decay of them. Unless Arkadia team (allow to) change the decay of existing Herman series to inline with the newly looted weapons on Calypso or I don't think the demand of Arkadia weapons would be as much as it was.
  3. SLD

    SLD Member

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    There are certainly too many different guns, but most of these are Caly guns so I don't bother trying to remember all the names.
    I for one am a loyal Ark weapon user. I must say though that I think there is bit of a lack of guns available for my current level, both Ark and Caly types. Currently I'm at L36 Laser pistol, getting close to maxed on CAP-32, a gun that I was already maxed on before the bs rebalance (but thats another story). Anyhow this means that I am forced to use the CAP-20's series, and there are never enough on auction. What I find really odd, is that most of them get posted on Caly auction, so at least once a week I have to fly to Caly to buy an Arkadian gun...

    One day I got tired of paying the high MU on Ark guns, and thought with all these new Caly weapons there must be a few that I am maxed on that will offer a bit more dmg to me, until I'm maxed on the CAP-30's. So I go on Entropedia and sort the guns and find 4 that fit this purpose. Isis HL8, Omegaton Igni L1010, Geotrek H26 and H25. Ok good, lets go buy one... Oh but wait - none can be found on auction? WTF? Where are all the guns, are people looting them and just using them instead of selling it, or are they just not dropping at all? I love how MA fixes a problem by making 2 more. :D

    Luckily the CAP-30's series seem to actually be crafted and for sale regularly, so I look forward to consuming them soon.
  4. Snape

    Snape Master of the BanHammer Staff Member PAF Administrator

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    You need to go see KikkiJikki mate, he's got a pretty broad range available on Ark and is a very active member of the forum here. I'm sure he will be along very soon to confirm if he has them available or not.

    The reason why there are so many now is that the SIB requirements were changed by MA. This meant that the A-Team had to change all the existing weapons and when they did they found it created rather large gaps in the SIB progression. So they made the extra effort to plug the gaps and give people a clear progression once again from low to high. Problems with droprates on required materials notwithstanding, they have done a pretty good job to provide people with plenty of choice on Arkadia. If people choose to use off world weapons then that is up to them.
  5. KikkiJikki

    KikkiJikki Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    My sales are continuing to trend upwards with a high point of over 32k Ped sold in March and just under 20K sold in May. That's based on all sales, not just weapons but they do form the bulk of my stock and sales. In the last 6 months, Cap 12 and Cap 25 have become very popular, as have Law13, Cap7D, Ark23j,Law46j,Law5d.

    In my view, based on shop turnover, the economy continues to grow and the future on Arkadia looks bright.

    If you are having trouble finding the weapon you want on auction, please do take a few minutes to check out one of my weapon shops. I try to stock a wide range of Herman series weapons. If I can craft it, it's in the shop.

    Next month will see an increase in the variety of weapons available from my Quarry booth as I am expanding the capacity there. If Ark devs fix up the problems with supply of currently rare animal parts and mined materials, I will also be adding a number of the new weapons, attachments, plates as I have quite a few bps sitting in storage just waiting for the materials to become available at a reasonable MU.

  6. svena

    svena Active Member Pro Users

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    I have also experienced better sales recently here on ark. My ASI-44 Arctics are almost selling faster than I can make them with me pretty much only listing them on ark auction.

    On the issue of eco/profession level compared to caly, when they first made the change my heart sunk. I though for sure we would never recover. However things have changed. Looted caly weapons have become appropriately rare, no longer 110-120% for crazy eco weapons. In addition, the new crafted line of caly weapons do not share the same great eco/low decay as the looted weapons. They are quite comparable to ark weapons.

    I really like the selection of weapons, and once the new generic component loot is balanced out properly, ark will be in a very good position.
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