The end of modified loot! :D or :(

Discussion in 'Mining' started by Neil, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    It's official, I now tentatively believe :p that Tuesday's mysterious server reset removed the infamous "modified loot" for mining on Arkadia. Since yesterday I've been wondering at the low returns at GMC, now down to typically 80% or so on normal runs, and the rate of globals has dramatically increased.

    So what does this mean for us? Unless we're just having a weird couple of days, I expect the chance of a very large loot (2k+ ped) while mining unamped from here on to be decreased, while you can expect to find loots between 20 ped and a couple hundred ped a lot more often. I also expect a little lower overall return, but not lower than, say 95%, long term TT return. IIRC, pre-January global rates were somewhere around 1-3 globals per 1000 ped (unamped) probes and a 1k stretch without globals was unusual, and I'm assuming this is what it will be like once again.

    It's been almost 6 months of modified loot... and for my own mining, I know I do prefer the old-style (which I think is back again now). Mining is not the most exciting profession and it's good to see more swirls. It's bad news though for those who have been mining on only a few hundred ped budget or less.
  2. SLD

    SLD Member

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    I do hope you are right! Haven't mined in months really, it's so boring with this "mod loot" system as you call it. I guess I'll have to wipe the dust off my finders and get out there and try it out. Cheers!
  3. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    My sample size isn't big enough yet to notice anything, but i hope you are wrong. Smaller swings are better for new players.
    (and it will give a lot less "ohh loot sucks, this game is a rip-off' complaints threads)
  4. Mordrell

    Mordrell Active Member Pro Users

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    Dunno, will need to test... prior to server reset I did 3 lvl 5 amps treasure hunting. Largest find was XII although 99% of my claims were IX.

    Will try to run a test later with same setup and see what results are.
  5. RexDameon

    RexDameon Active Member Pro Users

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    Modfied loot actually was clarified by Kim|Calypso that it means what i've been telling MA to do for a long time which is modify the loot tables on mobs that it made more sense. It hadn't reached Arkadia yet only Calypso and from what i understand you are supposed to get more specific things from one mob on cally now. So instead of comming back with 20 small stacks you come back with 5-10. Thats always been the big problem and i welcome the change to Arkadia also.
  6. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    In the original announcement from MA, modified loot was used to mean a temporary period of large hofs. At the same time they made this announcement we also saw the reduction of mining globals and more frequent big mining hofs. That's what I'm using it to mean. Only later did Kim use the term to refer to loot tables. I imagine that these loot table changes would remain even after the "extra" loot hofs would be removed.

    So whatever you choose to call it, stack size is not what I'm talking about as that does not appear to have changed at all (with respect to mining). In fact, we have more stacks than last year.
  7. raynopssgold

    raynopssgold Active Member

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    Think the only one thing didnt change for miners is... You need to drop the probes and find your global/hof/uber/tower/ATH lol
  8. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    I confirm, that mining system called by me "V-claim" was changed after reboot.
    Now i can find claims from II to IX, claims now very different... And in 600-ped run was one XIV...
  9. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    ``V-claim barrier``is very often with my mining as well. Ore-maximum is V, enmatter maximum is III. Had only 5 bigger claims. 2 VI Lidacon, 1 big kaz, i big ospra, 1 big quil in about 1500+ped cucled. And by big i don`t mean 100+ ped. Ospra was 35 ped, kaz 85 ped, quil some 20+.

    I hope some more indept info is posted about mining changes.

    By the way it looks, there are no more fixed outcomes, but more drastic ups and downs... Will do a run friday-saturday Neil, so we will see if new system gonna kill my earnings or not. I hope we get positive outcome. Skilling with GMC is great! 2k skills already, yaaaaay!
  10. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    2 Robinsilni,
    1500 PED cycled PED today? I cycled 600 today unamped, and find a difference with my previous runs (5-7 days ago).
  11. Larkin

    Larkin Platinum Member Staff Member PAF Senior Mod Platinum Member

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    Thanks for the info Neil, that means I need to get out there and run some more tests myself too :)
  12. harmony

    harmony Active Member Pro Users

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    Didn't notice anything different today.
  13. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Bottom line is nothing has really changed for us lowly players. The system STILL rewards the same people it always has.. it STILL benefits the exploiters and its still set up as a have money will succeed in game structure. No offense to Nadie but again another person coming to visit from Caly got rewarded with one of the best Arkadian items available while the people who been here grinding the planet since day one get stuck with paying for Calypso to survive. Its pretty bad when Arkadian miners can barely global and when certain Caly miners log on the can spam a hundred plus globals an hofs in a few short hours but no one seems to find this in anyway suspicious. and for all you who will cry out they spam high level amps well so do people here at Ark and don't get 1/10th that good of treatment.
  14. Gewitter

    Gewitter Active Member

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    Cyborg Bill, I think you're a little off topic, but I want to tell you that the loot system rewards not for pure grinding, and for the pure (not poor, lol) turnover. If you turn over the sum the same as Nadie, for as many years, I think you will be rewarded the same items ;)
  15. Robinsilni

    Robinsilni Member

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    I haven`t done 1500 ped run, but 10+runs for GMC in several weeks time, and have done only one 150 ped run since server change. Still waiting thorough into on what changed.
  16. duo maxwell

    duo maxwell Member

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    its also been hapennin to me. iv been runnin for gmc also but lost more runs than gain. so its somewhat discouraging but ppl in my soc and neil tells me to keep goin at it. so i listen.

    arkadiaforums seems much more colorful then calypsoforums
  17. Neil

    Neil Adviser Pro Users Arkadia Adviser

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    I like the name!

    If it's like it was a year ago, a normal run without globals can give you a 70-80% return. With a global a short run would typically be above 100%. A long run (500 ped) with a global might be around break even or small profit.
  18. SLD

    SLD Member

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    This sounds right on, though I could usually grab a global before 500ped of drops.

    The other thing that made the old system better, was that I could reliably use it to get back my loses from hunting. If I had terrible hunting returns I could stop and go mining to get my ped back. Typically in this scenario I could drop a few probes and get a global/hof roughly equal to the amount I had lost hunting. Under the 'mod loot' this seemed impossible. I could no longer just drop 2-3 probes and grab a quick break-even-global, instead it was all Vs.

    I did about 400 drops mining today and though its far from enough to say for sure, the claim sizes did seem to vary much more than 2 weeks ago. It was more fun too, though that could just be me being optimistic that the 'old' way had returned. lol

    Also, I found it odd in the OP that you stated that the chance of getting a nice hof (2k+) unamped would be decreased if the "old" system returned. I mean, when I look at the mining hof list and see 70pedders on there, I think it's pathetic... That is not a hof, that's a small global! Previously, you had to get 250ped or more to make it on the mining hof list... Under the old system I found 3 XXI's, unamped. With 'mod loot' I got the strong impression this was quite impossible, since the biggest hofs on the list were ~1.5k and for awhile none that even broke the 1k mark. And I'm sure those claims went to amped miners. This meant there was close to no chance for unamped miners to get any decent sized claims. Anyhow... I started as a low budget (unamped) miner, and I can say that the old system worked just fine. Back then I was able to mine for days or even a few weeks with a small amount of ped. This was because I could count on globals to come sooner than never. Mod loot means you are just watching your ped disappear slowly and with little chance to get a good claim to break even. At least that's my opinion, and the reason I stopped mining under those conditions. :)
  19. Spike Black

    Spike Black Active Member

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    Well hunting Halix I'm now getting fewer stacks nearer 10 but this has been happening for the last couple of weeks not just after the reset.
  20. Cyborg Bill

    Cyborg Bill Well-Known Member Pro Users

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    Well that pretty much confirms its a pyramidal set up and those who have the money to cycle like crazy will always get ahead and the illusion we all have access to the same loot or same treatment is officially dispelled. Thus if you cant spend 10k usd a week in here you have a better chance at becoming a nun then getting treated fairly in EU.;) Confirming what I have said in the statement earlier that nothing has changed thus pertaining to the original topic that mod loots are over..